Monthly baby development calendar

  • 1 month

In the first week of life, the newborn loses up to 8% of body weight at birth, then its weight begins to grow. Approximately on the 7th day, the umbilical cord residue disappears. Until the 3rd week, the baby perceives only loud sounds, since the ears are covered with embryonic fluid. Until the end of the month, his skin gradually brightens and takes on a natural color. The muscles in the baby are in a tone called physiological by pediatricians, so the arms and legs are bent all the time, and the palms are clamped into fists. The child can see objects at a distance of 30 cm, turns his head to the light. During this period, most often there are colic and regurgitation. The child needs to be laid on the tummy, while he lifts the head and holds for several seconds. In the first month of life, a weekly visit to the baby by a pediatrician is mandatory. To inform parents about their needs, the baby cries and calms down when he is picked up. At a time, eats 80-120 ml of breast milk or its substitute - a mixture. Frequency of feedings is approximately every 2 hours. The average increase in weight is 1 kg, in height - 2 cm. ... read more ...

  • 2 month

The kid is already making distinguishable sounds, purrs, and aguket. The tone of his voice is changing. At the sight of his parents he smiles, begins to distinguish voices, listens to conversations. During this period, he smiles for the first time, albeit unconsciously. To keep the baby confidently holding his head, you need to often lay it on the tummy. The same exercise will strengthen the abdominal muscles and help get rid of colic. Holds the rattle in a pen, shakes it, carefully watches the toys. He turns to the barrel and sleeps on it. Lying on his back, straightens the arms and legs. Pulls pens in the mouth, while saliva liberates abundantly. During crying, tears appear. It's time for the development of visual skills to attach a mobile to the crib. For a child’s health, daily walks in the fresh air are very important, and attention should also be paid to developing a sleep and wake regimen. In the second month of life, the child gains about 800 g and stretches a couple of centimeters. ... read more ...

  • 3 month

The kid is already able to sense the environment, sees more and more objects. He likes to be worn in a column to take a closer look at the surroundings. Studying palms, fingers. He turns his head in different directions in search of a sound source, clearly distinguishes the faces of those around him. It starts to distinguish smells. Starting this month, parents need to closely monitor the baby, because he begins to roll over from the back to the tummy. Another achievement - he already confidently holds the head, being in an upright position on his hands or lying on his stomach. Now the kid will like a bright developing mat, a motion sickness center. If you put a colorful toy in front of him, he will try to reach it and grab it by himself. Pulls rattles into his mouth. The average weight gain is 800 g and height is 2 cm.... read more ...

  • 4 month

The period of colic gradually passes, now the baby can sleep a little longer and wake up for feeding less often. Lying on his tummy, he tries to rise, leaning on his hands. He recognizes mom among other people, smiles at her, talks. Listens to music. Of particular interest is its reflection in the mirror. It can focus on objects or some process longer. Turns over from the back to one side and onto the stomach. Tries to roll over. He reaches for the toys, takes the toy with two handles. It is repelled by legs and handles from the support. Lying on the back, raises his head and presses his chin to his chest. If you pull it by the handles, trying to crouch. He takes the toy and shakes it with one hand, happily reacts to the music that he likes. He actively tries to participate in the conversation, babbles individual syllables with different strengths. Weight gain - 700-800 g, in height - 1-2 cm.... read more ...

  • 5 month

The kid can easily flip over to the side, from the abdomen to the back and vice versa. Lying on his back, raises his head to see more. He rests his legs on the bed and tries to get on the "bridge". Lying on his stomach, stretches straight arms and legs, holds a toy with one handle. More and more surrounding objects cause interest in the baby, especially colored ones. Shifts toys from one handle to another. Watching a toy falling to the floor. Now he not only grabs them and throws them, but also tries to pull them into his mouth. This may indicate the imminent appearance of teeth. The baby cries much less often, smiles more and laughs; He is interesting and funny. The appearance of a stranger can cause a negative reaction and even cry. Looks from one present interlocutor to another. For a month, a child on average adds 700 g and 1-2 cm in weight.... read more ...

  • 6 month

The kid learned to sit confidently without support, although he himself has not yet sat down. Some children still make attempts to sit on their own. Lying on his stomach, leans on elongated arms and lifts. With support, he leans on his legs and tries to stand. Makes attempts to rise on all fours. Reaches to distant objects. Chooses a favorite toy from several offered to choose from. Examines pens, fingers. At this time, it is time to introduce the first lure. Most often, it starts with steamed vegetables. The quality of the stool is changing, breastfeeding is becoming less common. Gustatory preferences are developed. Drinks from a non-spill cup. It turns when it is called by name. He begins to pronounce the syllables "ma", "ba", "yes." Sleeps 2-3 times during the day. During this period, teeth begin to erupt. This may be accompanied by pain, fever, increased salivation, and anxiety. Weight gain - 650 g, in height - 1-2 cm.... read more ...

  • 7 month

The kid likes to spend most of his time lying on his tummy. It begins to crawl, independently takes a sitting position and maintains balance. Some children at this age are already confidently sitting down. The kid pulls his hands to mom, asks to be picked up. He addresses others, calls them. The child no longer falls asleep after eating, he spends more time playing games. He sits with a straight back, while feeding, spins in different directions, trying to dodge. He babbles a lot, tries to imitate the sounds made by adults. He takes a rattle and knocks it on the surface. Holds a bottle. You can offer him to drink from a cup and try to hold a spoon. At this time, two lower teeth erupt. This may cause discomfort when breastfeeding. He is not gaining weight as quickly as the nature of the food has changed and he has begun to move more. Weight gain - 600 g, height - 1-2 cm.... read more ...

  • 8 month

The kid improves his skills to sit down, turn. Lying on his tummy, freely turns his head. He is interested in all the surrounding objects, he easily overcomes obstacles.He babbles a lot of new syllables, tries to ask for certain objects. Repels ball handles. Captures small objects with two fingers. He likes to throw toys on the floor for you to pick them up. The child tries to get up at the support, stand for several minutes, holding on to the handrails of the crib. Dancing, repeating the laughs of adults. He does not like to be alone, worries when mom leaves. Now for the baby it is important that they talk with him, voice actions. He already understands the prohibitions. Drinks from an “adult” cup. With appreciable pleasure he eats porridge, meat, liver, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, cookies. For this month, the baby gained 500-600 g in weight and grew by 2 cm.... read more ...

  • 9 month

The kid can already play for some time on his own, stack the toys in a pile. Sitting on the floor, turns the body to the sides. He tries to climb into a chair or sofa, stands for several minutes against the wall or holding on to furniture. His position is still unstable and he funny falls on the ass. If you hold it by the handles, the baby will walk for several minutes. He also stomps confidently at the support. He pushes out the lower furniture drawers, takes out all the objects from them. Knocks the subject on the subject. It creeps very quickly, quickly moves in walkers, and dances. The baby now has his favorite toys, which he takes everywhere with him. Starts playing dice and sorters. His voice has a clearer emotional color and various intonations. She pulls food into her mouth by herself. The baby gains 500 g per month and grows by 1-1.5 cm.... read more ...

  • 10 month

The child rests on the handles in a sitting position, crawling on the tummy. Shifts small items from place to place. Tries to stand without the support of hands. Some crumbs at this stage of life take their first steps. Reacts to prohibitions, expresses resentment. Surprised to hear unfamiliar sounds. Attempts to copy facial expressions and facial expressions of adults. Trying to pronounce the words "mother", "give" and others. He shows love for his parents, hugs with pens, tries to kiss. The kid is trying to attract the attention of adults, which is incredibly happy. He clearly understands the mood of adults, recognizes their joy or disapproval. Therefore, it is important to correctly respond to his actions, so that the baby understands what is good and what is bad. Chews food on his own. The weight gain is 450 g, the growth increases by 1.5 cm.... read more ...

  • 11 month

The kid is already stomping confidently, holding his mother’s handle and at the support. It can take several steps on its own. Dancing to the beat of the music. Can pinch and bite. Performs movements upon request, throws the ball in the indicated direction. The child examines the apartment, finds new unfamiliar objects, knocks them on other objects with special force. Therefore, parents should take care of the safe stay of the baby in the room, remove dangerous things from their reach. He plays the game, "cuckoo." Waving a pen at parting, gesturing "give" and "well-well." Repeats some words with the corresponding intonation: “mother”, “woman”, “dad”, “give”. Shows where the toy has its eyes. He understands individual, frequently repeated phrases. Eats cookies, apple, bread. At the end of the 11th month, the child gains 400 g in weight and 1-1.5 cm in height.... read more ...

  • 12 month

After 12 months, the baby already knows and understands a lot: walks independently, builds pyramids from cubes, babbles a lot, repeats individual syllables or even words for adults. He knows his name and its abbreviated form, reacts to it with joy. In most cases, at this age, the baby not only crawls very quickly, but also walks quite confidently. He takes out the items from the box, remembers their location. The child asks to eat, imitates it with appropriate sounds. Claps his hands, asks for pens. Shows with a pen which direction he wants to go. Laughs at the sight of animals. Repeats the sounds of some animals, cars. Examines pictures in books.Rejoices when he is praised. Sleeps once during the day. Drinks and eats independently. Gradually switches to adult food, pulls from my mother’s plate. By the end of the first year, the child should triple the weight with which he was born, and in the last month gain 300 g and grow another 1 cm.... read more ...

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