Weekly Pregnancy Calendar

1-2 weeks

A new menstrual cycle begins from the first week, so at this time it is difficult to talk about actual pregnancy. Nevertheless, obstetrician-gynecologists do not begin counting from the date of fertilization of the egg, but from the first day of the cycle. Ovulation occurs, then conception, and only from the third week can we safely talk about the onset of pregnancy.

It's time to take care of your health, get rid of bad habits, switch to proper nutrition, go in for light sports (but only with the permission of a doctor). These measures are very important for the health of the future baby, who in nine months will delight the world with his presence.

3-4 week

Child. The fertilized egg has already received all the important information about the future man: the color of the eyes, hair, skin, gender. Now it moves along the fallopian tube and enters the uterus, where the embryo will develop. By the end of the fourth week it will reach a size of 1 mm.

Mum. A woman has the first signs of pregnancy: increased basal temperature, a feeling of fatigue, drowsiness, increased appetite, a change in taste preferences, nausea, an upset bowel, and frequent urination. Intolerance to hotel odors may occur. Bloody discharge is possible, but they should not be scared. It's time to get a pregnancy test.

5-6 week

Child. At this time, the baby’s baby has already formed the basic vital organs: heart, liver, kidneys, lungs. And at this time his heart begins to beat! You can hear a heartbeat on an ultrasound scan. The arms and legs begin to form. The length of the embryo reaches 4 mm, the volume of amniotic fluid is about 3 ml. The visual organs and cartilage are formed. The placenta is actively growing.

Mum.A woman in this period may increase nausea and irritability. The condition of the body is similar to what happens before menstruation. Time to visit a gynecologist who will prescribe the necessary tests.

7-8 week

Child. The umbilical cord is fully formed, providing blood circulation between the organisms of the mother and the child. Small hands and tiny fingers begin to form. At this time, the gender of the child is determined. Formed face, nose, nostrils, auricles, upper lip. The epidermis is formed. The embryo slowly straightens, grows and reaches a weight of 4-6 g, length - 1.5-2 cm.

Mum.The uterus grows to the size of an orange, so a woman gradually has a tummy and there is a tightness of clothing. You need to protect yourself from stress, weight lifting, sudden movements. On ultrasound, you can see the first movements of the baby.

9-10 week

Child. The head of the embryo is still leaning forward, and the chin is pressed to the chest. The stomach begins to work, and it is already producing gastric juice. The baby has facial expressions, eyelids form, but the eyes are still closed. The tail completely disappears. The stage of the embryo ends and from now on the baby is called the fetus. The development of milk teeth begins.Now it weighs 7-8 g, length - 2.5-3 cm.

Mum.In a woman, mood swings become a frequent occurrence. The waist is rounded, 2-3 kg is added in weight. Hair becomes drier, skin is smoothed. The work of the heart is becoming more frequent, because now it pumps about one and a half liters of blood per minute.

11-12 week

Child. The head still occupies half the size of the entire fetus, as the brain is growing rapidly. The kidneys begin to produce urine. The kid reaches a weight of about 13 g and he already has real fingers on the arms and legs, the beginnings of nails develop. The length of the fetus is 4-5 cm. The formation of the iris of the eyes occurs. He begins to open his mouth. It's time to go through the first ultrasound examination and get acquainted with the child, as well as exclude possible congenital anomalies.

Mum. By the end of the 12th week, a woman should register for pregnancy in a antenatal clinic and undergo appropriate examinations by a doctor. The intake of vitamins for pregnant women is very important. And most importantly - at this time toxicosis completely passes.

13-14 week

Child. The baby has a sucking reflex. He turns his head and moves his hands, somersaults, although these movements are still invisible. Often on ultrasound you can see how he sucks a finger! The child grows and its weight becomes about 43 g, and its length is 6-8 cm. The genitals acquire a clear outline. An embryonic fluff appears - lanugo.

Mum. Finally, the tummy becomes noticeable, a longitudinal brown stripe appears on it. Freckles and age spots appear. Constipation may occur. The uterus rises from the pelvis into the abdominal cavity, the appetite of the pregnant woman is significantly enhanced.

15-16 week

Child. In the baby, hairs begin to grow on the head. He swims actively in the amniotic fluid, which has the property of being updated every 3 hours. The kid gives out urine every 45 minutes. On the 16th week there is a chance to feel the baby's first movements! Facial muscles have already formed. Marigolds begin to appear, a grasping reflex appears. Weight - about 100 g, length - 12 cm.

Mum.It is worth taking care of your body and buying oil against stretch marks. It is very important to visit the dentist, because your body is now actively giving calcium to your baby, so your teeth may deteriorate. It's time to also get special clothes for pregnant women.

17-18 week

Child. The baby's weight is 140-190 g, length is 14 cm. Most of the bones are already formed and continue to strengthen. A child can swallow amniotic fluid. He already hears well, so you need to talk to him more often, turn on soft music. During this period, you will definitely feel the movements of the child, which cannot be confused with anything.

Mum. A woman's breasts increase and can be produced in colostrum. Expectant mother may suffer from constipation, so you need to eat more fruits and fresh vegetables. Urination becomes more frequent, since the uterus presses strongly on the bladder.

19-20 week

Child.The baby's body is covered with a primordial fluff, the arms are extended, he turns his head in different directions. The placenta moves into the depths of the uterus. The rudiments of permanent teeth appear. The baby's growth is slowed down, henceforth, subcutaneous fat appears. A generic lubricant forms over the skin folds. The kid turns to the light. A second ultrasound study is conducted, which allows you to accurately determine the gender of the future baby. Its weight is about 300 g, length - 16 cm.

Mum.The back gets a significant load, so you should monitor the correct posture and wear comfortable shoes without heels. Stripes of brown or red color (stretch marks) may appear on the stomach, hips and chest.

21-22 week

Child.The kid learns to bend and unbend arms, legs, grab yourself by the heels. Pads with nerve endings appear on the fingers. Eyebrows are marked on the face. The amount of blood in the body increases. The liquid that it captures turns into a solid. It will remain in the intestines until delivery. The baby's weight is 360-430 g, length - 28 cm.

Mum.The first half of the pregnancy was successful. The uterus changes its shape, stretches. Lying on your back is harmful for a child; he may suffer from a lack of oxygen. Increases libido. Since the fetus is well protected, sex cannot harm the baby.

23-24 week

Child.The baby's weight reaches 500-600 g, length - 30 cm. Most of the time he sleeps, taking short breaks for wakefulness. The skin is a bit saggy, as the fat layer has just begun to grow. He pushes his legs from the inside, floating in the amniotic fluid. Cilia appear on the eyelids. The respiratory system develops. Also, the baby is increasingly sensitive to the outside world.

Mum.A woman may have training contractions at this time, manifested in the form of short-term painless contractions. Weight gain is rapidly increasing and reaches 5 kg! Possible heavy legs.

25-26 week

Child.The formation of neurons around the neural tube ends. The kid is active until late in the evening and sleeps soundly in the morning. He clenches his fists, and at this time it is determined whether he will be left-handed or right-handed. The fetal heartbeat can be heard even without special devices. The lungs are fully formed. In the jaws 20 primordia of primary teeth are formed, and under them - 20 primordia of permanent teeth. The remaining 12 are formed after birth. Weight is 660-800 g, length - 35 cm.

Mum.The uterus is enlarged and presses on the diaphragm, expelling the stomach from the abdominal cavity. Because of this, gastric juice rises into the esophagus and heartburn occurs.

27-28 week

Child.The baby's skin is wrinkled. Stirring is becoming more powerful. If the baby is born at this time, his chances of survival are 85%. The child tries to breathe independently, developing the lungs. He still has enough space to turn into the correct position - head down. Weight - 900-1100 g, length - 37 cm.

Mum.Female forms are more rounded, the level of cholesterol in the blood rises. During sitting, the uterus squeezes the vena cava, which leads to a lack of oxygen and dizziness. Training contractions of the uterus are becoming more frequent. It is worth finding time for a good rest.

29-30 week

Child.The baby's nostrils are freed from mucous plugs and amniotic fluid enters them. He already knows how to open and close his eyes, reacts to bright light. The immune system begins to work. The child secretes about 500 ml of urine per day. On ultrasound, movements of the chest are noticeable. Enamel appears on the teeth. The baby's weight reaches 1300 g, length - 39 cm.

Mum.The kidneys work in an enhanced mode and may not be able to cope with the amount of fluid entering them, because of which the formation of edema is possible. The organs next to the uterus are getting crowded. The weight of the expectant mother is actively increasing, movements become more awkward and relatively slow.

31-32 week

Child.The baby becomes chubby, so he prepares a protective layer against temperature changes in the future. In boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum and reach their extreme position. The child reacts to strong sounds from the outside despite the fact that the amniotic fluid creates a kind of plug in the ears. The kidneys are already working well. The nail plate reaches the fingertips. Weight 1600-1900 g, length - 42 cm.

Mum.A woman may have swelling and expansion of veins on her legs, so you need to control fluid intake and take walks in the fresh air. At this time, a dopplerographic study of the baby's circulatory system is performed.

33-34 week

Child.The baby becomes crowded in the womb, so it moves less frequently than before. The child continues to consume calcium from the mother's body, which is so important for the formation of the skeleton. A skin pattern appears on the fingers and toes. The skin is now less red, and the hairs on the head become thicker. Baby weight - 1900-2400 g, length - 45 cm.

Mum.A woman has shortness of breath, since for two you have to consume more oxygen. Gums become soft, bleeding, gingivitis may occur. Forgetfulness and distraction appear. It is worth keeping calm in any case, because the baby subtly feels the mom’s experiences.

35-36 week

Child.In the last weeks of life in the womb, the fluff begins to disappear in the baby. The skin becomes pink and smoothed thanks to subcutaneous fat. Cheeks become more chubby, this will help in the future to receive food in the right amount. The amniotic fluid gains a sticky and viscous consistency. Internal organs continue to improve. The baby's weight is 2400-2600 g, length - 47 cm.

Mum.To reduce sleep problems, it is advisable to use less fluid at night. In case of heartburn, you need to eat in small portions, but often. The time suitable for attending courses for pregnant women, choosing a maternity hospital, obstetrician.

37-38 week

Child.The kid has already turned his head down. He loses the original fluff and becomes much less lubricant. Sometimes he scratches himself, making awkward hand movements. His lungs are already ready for air breathing. A future mother can feel her baby hiccup in her tummy. Its weight is 3000 g, length - 50 cm.

Mum.The belly of the pregnant woman lowered, now breathing has become much easier. The uterus has increased as much as possible, its volume is 4-5 liters. Pregnancy can already be considered completely full-term. Now, labor can begin any day, so things in the hospital must be packaged.

39-40 week

Child.Most newborns appear with long nails, because by this period they have completely grown. The child’s activity is slowing down, because in his tummy it has long been crowded and dark. His intestines are filled with primordial feces - meconium, which will come out, most likely, after birth. The length of hair on the head is about 2 cm. The average weight of the baby is 3200-3500 g, the length is 52 cm. The baby is completely ready for birth - meet the main person in your life!

Mum.A woman suffers from insomnia, she pulls in the lower back. The cervix begins to shorten and open. The uterus presses the bladder harder. False or real contractions may appear. Delivery occurs with an error of 1-2 weeks earlier or later than a certain period.

41-42 week

Child.The baby is fully developed, all of its organs function correctly. He continues to grow and gain weight, in the tummy he became quite crowded. The bones of the skull continue to strengthen, which can make the passage of the baby through the birth canal a little difficult. It is necessary to calculate the number of movements per hour, and if it is at least 10, everything is in order with the baby.

Mum.Until the end of the 42nd week, pregnancy is not considered to be postponed. If the baby by this time has not been born, there is no cause for concern yet. Generic activity can be stimulated by long walks, leaning forward, having sex with her husband. If you have not given birth by this time, practice breathing techniques, give out valuable instructions to relatives - and quickly to the Rodzal!

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