42 week of pregnancy: childbirth does not begin - what to do

Your pregnancy has reached 42 weeks, and the baby is in no hurry to be born. This week, every woman experiences a well-founded fear, since bearing a child at such a late date can adversely affect his health and the process of childbirth. But the 42nd obstetric week does not always mean a threat to mom and baby.

42 weeks pregnant

How many months?

The 42nd week of pregnancy is the 40th week from conception and the eleventh month of pregnancy. We read material on the correct calculation of gestational age

As you know, at this time all systems and organs of the fetus are already formed. The average body weight is 3,600 g and height is 50–53 cm. Externally, the child is no different from a normal newborn. And many already have nails and hairs of a fairly decent length. In a word, the child is absolutely ready for life outside the womb. Why, then, does he linger, making mom and dad worry?

Postponed or prolonged pregnancy

A prolonged pregnancy is a type of postponed pregnancy, in which the gestation period is increased by 10-14 days or more from the expected date of birth.

About 42% of pregnant women reach the 42nd week. At this time, pregnancy can be either postponed or prolonged. One of the common causes of an increase in gestation is an incorrectly defined date of conception. And even if you know when the child was exactly conceived, this is not a reason to worry. For example, late ripening of the fetus is characteristic of a woman with a menstrual cycle of more than 28 days.

There are signs by which it can be determined that the fetus is postponed:

  • dry, flaky and wrinkled skin;
  • lack of primordial lubricant flakes in the amniotic fluid;
  • too bones of the skull;
  • the presence of suspensions of meconium (feces) in the amniotic fluid;
  • large body weight;
  • long nails, scratched face;
  • lack of amniotic fluid;
  • an old placenta that does not provide normal nutrition for the fetus;
  • bluish or green shade of baby skin and membranes.

The following examination methods will help to understand whether the fetus is tolerated:

  • ultrasound (ultrasound) is necessary to determine the status of the placenta, as well as to clarify the size and location of the fetus;
  • cardiotocography allows you to record the heart rate of a child and monitor uterine contractions;
  • using dopplerography, doctors evaluate the work of the placenta and uterine arteries;
  • aminoscopy - examination of the fetal bladder using an aminoscope - is used to determine the amount of amniotic fluid and the presence of meconium and cheese-like lubricant.

It is worth remembering that a truly postponed pregnancy at a period of 42 weeks is not a very common phenomenon.

Why am I reshuffling

As a rule, this question excites all women who have reached the 42-week period. Sometimes excessive excitement turns into intense fear, which can also cause a delay in childbirth. In addition to this, other factors may contribute to overshooting:

  • insufficient amount of hormones responsible for the onset of labor;
  • impaired fat metabolism;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • psychological trauma;
  • hereditary factors.

There are times when the expectant mother is so afraid of a painful birth that they are delayed.

If you are tormented by fears, you need to try to calm down, trust your body and baby. Even if he does not wish to be born on time, you will be provided with qualified medical care in the maternity hospital. Explain this to annoying relatives who are constantly wondering if you will give birth soon.

What is the danger of postpartum delivery?

Late birth can be a threat not only to the baby, but also to the health of the mother. While the fetus is in the womb, the bones of its skull continue to harden. Therefore, during the passage through the birth canal, it will be more difficult for his head to take a convenient form. And this is fraught not only with difficult and long births, but also with a baby's head injury.

As the baby and its nutrient needs continue to grow, the placenta continues to age. Baby may lack nutrition and oxygen. With oxygen starvation of the fetus, its intestines can reflexively separate primordial cal - meconium into the amniotic fluid. In this case, the child can take his first breath, which he must take, being already outside the womb. As a result, the baby can swallow amniotic fluid containing feces. He may need antibiotic therapy and an urgent connection to a ventilator.

Postponed pregnancy poses a risk to the health of the mother. As a rule, labor during such a pregnancy is weak. Childbirth can occur with complications and even with bleeding. Sometimes the fetus grows so large that a woman has to give birth through cesarean section. And if she was prescribed a natural birth, then they can end with numerous gaps.

What to do if the pregnancy is delayed

If your doctor has determined that you are overshooting, then you will have a cesarean section or labor excitement. There are many methods of stimulating labor, and the choice of method depends on the specific situation. So, the main methods of stimulating labor include:

1. Methods used in medical conditions:

  • administration of the hormone oxytocin

The introduction is carried out using a dropper. A certain dose of the drug causes uterine contractions. Upon reaching sufficiently intense contractions, the introduction of the hormone is stopped. The minus of childbirth with oxytocin is that the woman in labor has to lie under a dropper.

  • administration of the hormone prostaglandin

This hormone, found in male semen, causes uterine contractions. In addition, it softens the cervix, which facilitates childbirth. However, contractions caused by prostaglandins are usually much stronger and more painful than natural ones.

  • amniotomy

An autopsy of the fetal bladder is done in the case when the birth canal to the birth is ready, but there are still no contractions. After a puncture of the bladder, labor usually occurs within the next day. With amniotomy, there is a risk of infection of the fetus with an infection.

2. Methods used at home:

  • sex

As already mentioned, prostaglandin is present in male sperm. It softens the cervix and causes contractions.But you should not use this method if the mucous plug has already departed, because this is fraught with consequences in the form of infection of the fetus.

  • nipple massage

Massaging the nipples of the breast provokes the production of the hormone oxytocin and uterine contractions. This action is applied when the birth canal is already prepared for the birth of the baby.

  • laxative

Applying an enema or laxative, you can gently and naturally start the birth mechanism.

Natural methods of stimulation of labor:

Do not try to induce labor yourself! This should be done only under medical supervision, taking into account all possible contraindications.

If you want to speed up the birth, do not forget to move, walk in the fresh air and walk on the stairs. This will better prepare your body for childbirth. The decision on a cesarean section is made when the baby has a too big head, fetal hypoxia is observed, amniotic fluid has acquired a greenish tint in some other situations.

Forty-second week is not always an occasion for caesarean section and stimulation of labor. If the placenta still performs its functions well, and the mother and baby feel fine, doctors may be inclined to ensure that the birth process begins naturally. The probability of the onset of labor this week is quite high. Therefore, you may be advised to expect to see your child in the hospital.

What does stimulation of labor lead to? Why do I need preparation for childbirth? Says EXPERT

Expectant mother - condition and feelings

The emotional state of a woman can be described as the expectation and anticipation of the baby's birth. Now for the future mother, moral support of the attending physician and relatives is especially important. The main thing for her is a positive attitude, which will contribute to the successful course of childbirth.

A lowered abdomen still causes pulling pains in the lower abdomen, in the lower back and perineum. Some suffer from varicose veins and hemorrhoids. The skin of the abdomen is very itchy (the reasons why itchy skin), and the arms and legs are numb. Edema is often added to the bulkiness and slowness of the body.

With rare exceptions, the practice for a pregnant woman at this time is training contractions, which at any moment can turn into true ones. You can find out the latter by the same time intervals between contractions and intense pain. Other precursors of childbirth may occur: colostrum, frequent urination, cork discharge and slight weight loss.

How to recognize contractions

Recommendations and Tips

  1. Once again, make sure you are ready to go to the maternity hospital. You must have all the necessary documents and things.
  2. Even if you feel great, do not neglect a visit to the doctor.
  3. Take time to relax.
  4. Eat right, eat less junk food.
  5. Keep track of the amount of fluid you drink during the day.
  6. Master the breathing technique used in childbirth.
  7. Morally prepare those close to your return from the hospital with a new family member.
  8. Try to think positively.

42nd week of pregnancy is a period that not all expectant mothers are given to survive. If your pregnancy has reached this period, take it as an opportunity to better prepare for the birth of your long-awaited baby.

← 41 weeks Childbirth →

How to prepare for childbirth: 10 obstetrician tips

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  1. Lena

    Oh, I tried all the methods: male therapy, walking up stairs, mopping, jumping on the ball. Nothing helped, and in 41 weeks lay in RD. There, even the stimulation of the doctor did not help. As a result, they pierced the bubble, and childbirth began instantly. BUT! The baby was ready !! As the doctor said: anyway today, tomorrow you will give birth, let's puncture.
    The only method that I did not try was a laxative. In my opinion, this is not safe.

  2. Zinaida

    I also left for 42 weeks, to be honest, I was really worried about why it took so long, but I had this first pregnancy, and the cycle was 30 days, I think that's why. And the fruit was small, the doctor said. that he is gaining weight. until the desired one is dialed, it will not be born. And finally, the birth began, exactly on that day of the year, the gynecologist threatened to put with portability. True, the child had dry and flaky legs. still lingered means.

For Mom

For Dad
