14 weeks pregnant

The 14th week of pregnancy is the beginning of the second trimester. The figure of a pregnant woman is changing more and more. The baby has improved internal organs.

14 weeks pregnant

Mom's Feelings

At the 14th obstetric week (term calculation methods look here) toxicosis stops in most women. Even if weak echoes persist, it is quite easy to overcome the manifestations of toxicosis (as - read here).

Food quirks often persist. You can even remember that a year ago in some eatery they tried a very tasty salad and want to eat the same. But in your position it is better not to go to cafes and eateries. Prepare a similar dish yourself - perhaps homemade ones will like it.

Some odors can still cause dislike. But drowsiness with the correct mode of the day no longer bothers. You are calm, but not at all inhibited. Just control over emotions is gradually returning.

External changes

With the beginning of the second trimester, the tummy is rounded, rises higher and becomes more noticeable. Slender mothers, lying on the couch and putting their hand on their stomach, can feel a solid tubercle under their palm. This is the womb.

Photo of the tummies:

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The center of gravity of your body shifts quite a bit. The back deviates slightly backward, so it balances the mass gain in the abdomen, and the lumbar deflection increases. Because of this, the gait changes slightly. So far, it does not look like the “duckling” step, a mess that will appear in the later stages.

The chest has grown noticeably, sometimes in size. Yellowish translucent droplets may stand out from the nipples. The chest trains to produce colostrum, which after childbirth will be the baby’s first nutrition. It is not necessary to concentrate - this causes increased outflow of fluid and uterine contractions.

The weight gain at the fourteenth week should be about 400 grams.

Changes can be unpleasant:

  • gums become bleeding, this is especially noticeable when brushing your teeth;
  • there are problems with the teeth (sensitivity, brittleness);
  • when combing hair, more falls out than before, the locks are dry, the ends are split;
  • excess weight appears.

You do not need such changes, so consult your doctors. Specialists will adjust your diet, prescribe vitamins, give advice on choosing shampoo and toothpaste.

14 week abdominal sensation


During the day you can be in various conditions. Some of them are the norm. For anything that bothers, tell your doctor. He will check, explain this or that phenomenon, give recommendations.

  1. The back load is constantly increasing, which can cause pain. Most often, they are weak and pass, if you just change the position of the body.
  2. The head can hurt quite badly, sometimes with intolerance to bright light and strong sounds.
  3. White or transparent, without a pungent odor, vaginal discharge indicates your good health. If the mucus is yellow, smells bad, or curls up (like cottage cheese), check for bacterial infections. Some (for example, thrush) can occur in the body by themselves due to weakened immunity.
  4. Bloody, brown discharge in rare cases indicates cervical erosion. Such discharge in combination with strong, cramping pains in the abdomen and lower back indicate a risk of fetal death. If this happens against the background of uterine contractions, a miscarriage will occur. When the dead fetus remains in the uterine cavity, the doctors make a diagnosis of “frozen pregnancy” and the birth will have to be induced artificially.
  5. Sometimes quite a few new moles or warts appear on the body of pregnant women. If they do not grow and do not interfere, this is not a problem. Warts on the genitals or anus can be uncomfortable. How to safely remove such neoplasms, the doctor will tell.
  6. A gynecologist during examination can detect excessive shortening of the cervix. He may recommend the installation of a special ring, which will not allow the neck to open ahead of time.
  7. It is important to prevent anemia (anemia), as this often leads to circulatory disorders, placental insufficiency and fetal development problems.

Doctor's Observations

With timely registration, no scheduled examinations are required at fourteenth week. The doctor will give directions for tests or prescribe an ultrasound only if absolutely necessary. When ultrasound examination of pregnant women is often interested in the question - a boy or a girl? At a period of 14 weeks of pregnancy, it is still very difficult to determine the gender of the baby.

Ultrasound photo:

ultrasound-14 week

Due to the overall sensitivity of the gastrointestinal tract, pregnant women are more likely to suffer from food poisoning. Nausea and vomiting resemble toxicosis, but with intoxication, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fever can occur. Smecta or activated carbon will help remove toxins.

You can’t treat colds in pregnant women with the usual medications like aspirin, so even with a slight runny nose, sore throat and relatively low temperature, call a doctor and take a sick leave to rest and fully recover.

What happens to the baby


The organs and systems of the fetus are actively growing and improving. If the mother eats properly, walks and rests as needed, the baby feels well, he is active and does not feel discomfort.

  • The tiny face frowns, grimaces, lips can stretch out in a smile.
  • The circumference of the fetal head is approximately 26-28 mm.
  • The baby swims freely in the amniotic fluid, moves its limbs. Touching the legs of the wall of the fetal bladder, it can push off.
  • The chest from time to time rises and falls, as if breathing.
  • The skin of the baby is covered with a special lubricant that does not allow the fetus to literally get wet through.
  • The child’s blood has not yet fully acquired the full biochemical composition, but the Rh factor has already been determined.
  • The neck muscles have become a little stronger, the head no longer sinks to the chest.
  • The child distinguishes sounds from the outside, although muffled.
  • If a mother worries, is afraid of something or is especially happy, the hormones that are produced in her blood also enter the baby’s blood. The heart of the fetus begins to beat faster.
  • Sweat glands form.
  • The process of hematopoiesis starts in the spinal cord.
  • The ossification of the skeleton continues.
  • A light fluff on the head is a little coarse, so that later it forms into hair.
  • Ears get their final shape.

It is interesting. Sometimes you can come across the opinion that the facial expression of the fetus reflects his emotions, and the baby’s somersaults - a deliberate action. In fact, all fetal movements are reflexive, unconscious. Motor coordination will develop for many more weeks and months after the birth of the baby.

Photo of the fetus:

baby 14 weeks pregnant


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  1. The main nutritional need now is enhanced protein nutrition. The diet should be more lean meat, fatty fish and legumes.
  2. If there is a problem with constipation, do not forget about prunes and dried apricots.
  3. In case of sudden hunger or thirst, always carry a small “emergency stock” with you.
  4. Try not to eat canned foods, smoked meats, fatty foods.
  5. Steam everything you can. In the second place are baked dishes, in the third - cooked. It is better to refuse fried food.
  6. Alcohol and nicotine are prohibited under any circumstances, even at the wedding of a beloved girlfriend.
  7. No longer wear shoes with heels, a high wedge and platform.
  8. Do gymnastics for pregnant women every day, if possible go to yoga, special fitness, or to the pool.
  9. There is time and desire - go to courses for parents (along with the father of the child).
  10. In public transport do not hesitate to say that you are pregnant and ask to give you a place.
  11. If you are an “Avtomama”, let there be a small pillow under the lower back in the car. You need to sit behind the wheel directly, without moving your knees. Every time, check how comfortable you are fastened. You can purchase special belts for pregnant women. Never direct the air flow in your direction and do not arrange drafts in the cabin.
  12. Read books on motherhood, newborn care and parenting.
  13. Sexual life is not prohibited if there are no health restrictions, and your well-being allows or even requires it.

It is important. Do not take recommendations as a burden, limiting your freedom. Pregnancy should bring joy. You can always give yourself a little relief and eat a slice of smoked sausage, skip morning exercises and watch the most-loved movie, even if it makes you worry and cry. The main thing is that the general background of your life is favorable and healthy..

The participation of the father of the child

Men treat their upcoming fatherhood differently. Some are busy with work and only in passing are interested in the health and condition of the future mother. Others are annoyed by “pregnant” moods. There are very caring, attentive fathers, and this is the best option. Worse, when care goes into commanding tone and all sorts of prohibitions.

Even if the pregnancy was planned and was long-awaited, the father of the child may not be 100% ready for everything that happens over the coming months. Harmony and mutual understanding in the family will surely help future parents survive possible stresses and problems. If they noticeably worsen, deteriorate, a joint consultation with a psychologist will not hurt.

The 14th week of pregnancy as a whole is the beginning of the calmest period of pregnancy. The problems of the first trimester are left behind, the happiness of imminent motherhood is felt in full.

← 13 week        15 week →

Visible guide: 14th week of pregnancy, sensations in the abdomen, what is happening, fetal size, pulling the lower abdomen

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  1. Elena Vasilievna

    Honestly, I thought there could be nothing worse than toxicosis, but when the second trimester arrived, I realized how wrong I was.I managed to cope with poisoning 2 times, my back ached constantly, it was still unclear where the anger came from, in general, hold on to the girl, during this period the support of my husband and relatives is needed more than ever.

  2. Ivan Stepanovich

    It is very difficult to describe the feeling that your family will have a small God's creation !. A sense of pride bursts into the soul, especially since the child is welcome. You are trying as much as you can to help your wife, the expectant mother!

  3. Natasha

    I remember when I went pregnant, then at week 14 I only began to feel all the joy of this condition. and until that time there was continuous toxicosis.
    And I was always hungry for food, so carry a small snack bar with you.

For Mom

For Dad
