Cough in a baby - reasons, how and what to treat (medications)

With the advent of cold weather, a period of colds comes. Toddlers are especially vulnerable because their immunity only learns to fight foreign bacteria. Hearing a cough in a baby, a young mother may be confused and do not respond in time, although this is a very serious symptom. In the article, we will consider what are the causes of coughing, how to treat cough in newborns, and review popular cough medicines for the smallest.

cough in infants

Causes of Coughing in an Infant

First of all, it is necessary to recognize the nature of the cough.

A child's cough may be:

  • Wet
  • Dry
  • With and without temperature.

By its intensity and sound, you can understand whether the reason lies in the disease or something interferes with the normal functioning of the respiratory tract. So, the most common causes of coughing in an infant.


More than in 90% Coughing is the first symptom of a beginning SARS. The baby occasionally coughs, the intensity of the cough increases in the evening and at night. The throat is red, sore. Cells begin to secrete phlegm. A cough that is prolonged near the baby is very dangerous, which lasts more than 2 weeks. Immune defense is weakened, the process can become chronic.

2. Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract

It is characterized by an obsessive cough, initially dry. Very painful for a child. With a running condition, it can lead to complications. The most dangerous is false croup. With it, the walls of the throat narrow sharply, the child, due to a lack of oxygen, begins to whistle hoarse and gasp. The disease requires immediate medical attention.

3. Dry indoor air

May provoke sore throat. If the infant has a severe cough that does not have the prerequisites for the disease, you should pay attention to the normalization of humidity in the room of the newborn baby.

4. Middle ear inflammation

With inflammation of the middle ear in a child, a reflex cough begins. This is the body's reaction to this inflammation. When pressing on the earlobe, the child makes a sharp, piercing scream - which means that the reason is precisely in the earache. The best option would be to call an emergency ambulance.

5. Inhalation of a foreign body

If a foreign object - any, has got into the child’s airways, urgently call 03. The child’s life and time count are at risk for seconds. Do not knock on the back and do not try to “knock” this object out - you can get it stuck in the trachea or bronchi.

6. polluted air

Is it smoky in the room, or is it too polluted on the street? Do not be surprised that your child will begin to cough non-stop.The longer you will be in such conditions, the more harmful substances will absorb immature and tender lungs of the baby.

We treat cough: what mom needs to know

Treatment of cough with or without fever should be carried out only under the supervision of a pediatrician. At the first symptoms, you need to start the prescribed therapy.

But here is what mom can do to alleviate the condition of the child:

  • Observe the optimum humidity level in the room. If the heating season has begun and the batteries inevitably dry the air with their heat, get an air humidifier or make it yourself from improvised means. You can draw clean water into the container and put it on the battery - the water will evaporate and humidity will increase. In extreme cases, you can irrigate a room with spray water once an hour.
  • Ventilate your home at least twice a day. A lack of oxygen will only aggravate your baby’s respiratory system.
  • Give your baby a gentle back massage. It helps relieve sputum and improve the well-being of the child.
  • Offer your child a drink more often. Especially if the baby has a fever. To avoid dehydration, let water, tea, juices be available for the child.
  • An old folk remedy for coughing for babies is rubbing with animal fat. It is best to do the procedure before bedtime. Rub the baby's body thoroughly on the back and chest, wrap it and put it to bed. In the morning, the child will feel much better. See the detailed article: How to treat a cough in an infant with folk remedies
  • Do not forget about the walks. Inhaling fresh air, the baby's lungs open, filled with strength and freshness. The baby will be distracted from a painful cough, and a good mood always positively affects the healing process.

An excellent treatment for cough in the initial stage - nebulizer. Pour 5 ml of nat. solution (sold in a pharmacy within 50 rubles) and let the child breathe for 5-7 minutes. The mucous membranes will moisturize, sputum will become less viscous. Repeat the procedure twice a day. This method is effective when there is a place to be cough without fever

The jokes are bad with temperature. If you cough and have a temperature of 38.5, you and your baby will most likely be hospitalized in the hospital. Do not be afraid to get there, it is better not to take risks and be under the supervision of specialists. The main thing is the health of your child, and temporary inconveniences can be suffered.

Cough Medications

 Remember: only a doctor can prescribe all medications! This review is for informational purposes only.

  • With a wet cough, a drug is needed to help remove sputum. The following herb syrups have proven themselves well: Gedelix and Prospan. They gently dilute sputum, have a sweet taste, are used twice a day.
  • Dry cough homeopathic syrup helps well Stodal and homeopathic remedy Oscillococcinum (granules for dissolution in water). Homeopathy has no contraindications, can be used in conjunction with the main treatment.
  • Make breathing easier and cough soften patches Nozzle. They stick to clothes, saturated with extracts of beneficial herbs, which have beneficial effects on the mucous membranes of the nose and larynx.
  • Sprays for infants are contraindicated because of the danger of suffocation. However, when severe inflammatory process possible application spray tantum verde. It has a sweet aftertaste, relieves sore throat and dulls coughing fits.

Detailed article on cough medicine 

IMPORTANT! Article:Children's first-aid kit for babies: composition of the first-aid kit (full list) It should be in every home!

Coughing while sleeping: 5 most common causes


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  1. Anna

    This is not the first time I am asking for help here, you even have it in my bookmarks. And this time I decided to check whether my coughing friend advised me correctly. You are like a litmus test for me, the last resort is you!

  2. slozhnyj

    Tips may be useful, but I believe that in any case you need to see a doctor and continue to act as the doctor says

  3. Victoria

    We need to take care that this does not happen. And this means that you do not need to walk in the cold season and not let people with a cold get to the baby, this is a tiny child. For the time being, while winter, I tried to minimize communication with strangers and we walked less often (especially on the days when quarantine was announced!) BUT if you still get sick, you need to urgently run to the doctor! Otherwise, it may be too late!

  4. tamil t

    Oh thanks for the internet. It really helped me cure my baby)))) and the recipes are all very good

  5. Katerina

    Reviews about one medicine have started. If only different avatars would put. All from one album. Who only believes in such komenty

  6. Sabina

    Thank you for the Internet. My child is sick and all I need is I can turn to the Internet for help.

  7. Lola

    You should always consult your doctor. Even the use of folk methods can be harmful. I tried so hard for a child to cure a cough with milk and honey. It turned out that we are allergic to honey. They went to the doctor and we were prescribed Prospan syrup. Glory to God did not cause allergies and we gradually got rid of cough.

  8. Karina

    The tips in the article are good, but with a small child you should always go to the doctor. In order to eliminate the risk of the same allergy. The syrup Prospan helped us, fortunately, it is herbal. It is prescribed to remove sputum and facilitate expectoration.

  9. Varya

    Children should be treated immediately so as not to start the disease. I don’t really believe in the effectiveness of folk remedies; there has already been a negative experience. Therefore, only to the doctor. The nose was washed with sea water, soldered by someone. And cough drops were given Prospan. They are natural and without dyes, which is very suitable for us. The cough is leaving.

  10. Lyudmila

    About acyllococcinum have long been pigmented, which is a hopeless remedy. And we still have people fooling around with expensive homeopathy

  11. Darina

    I read the comments and flared up again. It just amazes me that pediatricians do not warn parents that children shouldn’t sleep through better, but Gedelix. It even has no alcohol and sugar. But she herself was convinced that it was shepherd that was prescribed, although the active substance in them was the same.

  12. Juno

    In fact, the doctor does not have the right to prescribe a specific drug. It should indicate only the active substance. For example, ivy leaf extract.And the man himself will choose what to take - slept, herbion or gedelix. Here you will already take into account the manufacturer, and auxiliary components, and much more.

  13. Inga

    Prospan NOT for children under 2 years. There, in the composition of mint, it can cause bronchospasm. If ivy extract is needed, then only Gedelix. In Herbion, too, flavors, his kids can not.

  14. Ariadne

    For babies, you can googleks. But in general, as far as I know, in infants cough is the norm and it is not worth treating

  15. Masha

    Yes, I read that Gedelix has no age limit just

For Mom

For Dad
