Symptoms of umbilical hernia in infants and how to treat it

Umbilical hernia in a baby is a problem that occurs quite often, and therefore often becomes the subject of delusions and debate. In addition to traditional and recommended by the children's surgeon measures, such as massage or gymnastics, parents often resort to conspiracies.

umbilical hernia in infants

Symptoms of an umbilical hernia

An umbilical hernia is a hole in the muscle ring in the center of the abdomen, in the navel area, which is caused by weakness of the umbilical muscles. It occurs, as a rule, in newborns, usually in the first days of a child's life.

Symptoms of umbilical hernia in infants

Symptoms of umbilical hernia in infants can be easily noticed even by inexperienced parents. After the umbilical cord falls off, the parents may notice a slight protrusion of the navel, which appears when the child screams or pushes. This protrusion is easily adjusted, this procedure does not cause anxiety in the child. Over time, the hernia may increase. If the muscles of the umbilical ring are large (the hernia also has a significant size), you can notice that the belly of the baby in the navel becomes a little swollen when the baby cries.

Most often, an umbilical hernia is diagnosed by a pediatric surgeon or pediatrician during an examination, which is performed when the child is one month old. With pressure in the umbilical region, the finger enters the abdominal cavity (with normally developed abdominal muscles, this is impossible).

Causes of umbilical hernia

The main reason for its occurrence is heredity. In other words, if the baby's parents had an umbilical hernia in early childhood, there is a good chance that their son or daughter will also encounter it. Sometimes one may come across the opinion that the cause of a hernia is incorrect cutting of the umbilical cord in the hospital, which, of course, is wrong, since the method of cutting the umbilical cord has nothing to do with the development of the muscles of the abdomen.

Umbilical hernia treatment

Umbilical hernia in an infantParents whose baby is diagnosed with umbilical hernia, of course, must know how to treat umbilical hernia in infants. The good news for them will be the news that hernias, even of a rather large size, are often cured themselves: as the child develops, the abdominal muscles become stronger, the ring narrows and the hernia closes without special treatment, whether it be conservative or surgical intervention.

In order to successfully cope with a hernia, as well as to prevent its occurrence, it is very important to provide the child proper care.

Before each feeding, you need to spread the crumbs on the stomach for a short time. In this case, the child should lie on a flat and firm surface, on the table or on the changing table, on which the diaper is placed. You need to start spreading the crumb after complete healing umbilical wound, and, of course, in no case do not leave the baby unattended, even if the parents are absolutely sure that the baby will not roll over, because they do not know how to do this, which means that they will not go anywhere.

A good effect in the prevention and treatment of umbilical hernia in infants gives a tummy massage. To do this, you need to contact a professional masseur (of course, after consulting a pediatrician). In addition, it is very useful to do the massage yourself.

Video: Massage with umbilical hernia

Massage begins from the second week of the baby's life, provided that the umbilical wound has healed and does not bother the baby. It is recommended to carry out stroking movements (strictly clockwise, since the colon passes in this way in the body), the so-called counter strokes and strokes of the oblique muscles of the abdomen. In order to perform counter strokes, you need to use your left hand to move up on the right side of the tummy and down on the right side of the tummy (movements are performed synchronously). Stroking the oblique muscles of the abdomen is performed as follows: one hand should be put on the navel, the second to perform light stroking movements. All movements should be easy and bring the baby pleasure. During the massage, the baby should not cry. (How to do a tummy massage)

 how to treat umbilical hernia in infants

If this treatment does not help, the surgeon recommends an operation during which the umbilical ring is closed. As a rule, surgery is recommended to be carried out before the child reaches the age of five.

It is also important to remember that in the presence of umbilical hernia, in rare cases, muscle infringement of the intestine is possible, which is dangerous and can lead to serious diseases. Therefore, if you suspect any abdominal pain, you should rather see a doctor.

Video: how to treat an umbilical hernia in an infant

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  1. Elena

    It is very important to recognize the umbilical hernia in the baby on time. This is a very serious disease that causes the baby many problems. Therefore, all young mothers should read this article and be vigilant

  2. witali61

    I would advise parents to agree to an operation for an umbilical hernia. During the operation, a small incision is made in the skin fold above the navel and the intestinal fragment or adipose tissue is pushed back into the abdominal cavity. Then the muscles are sutured over the hole in the abdominal wall, thereby strengthening it and preventing hernia recurrence. Postoperative scars are almost invisible. Surgery to repair a hernia lasts no more than 20-30 minutes. Moreover, you can return home already that day.

  3. Hope

    Interesting information and quite useful for young mothers, like me for example. She emphasized a lot for herself. I will try to do everything right for the baby of his future.

  4. Oksana Popova

    We didn’t put a coin or a ball, we bought Porofiks patch. It glues easily, sits firmly, and most importantly, when he bathes, he leaves himself - there is no need to tear away with tears in his eyes. Therefore, the doctor advised the plaster and bought it.
    All health and the sun)

  5. lyudmila

    We are 7 months old and still have a hernia. And we made a band-aid with a coin, and massage, and we bought a special bandage. And still a hernia appears, I am ready to read the plots, since the medicine is powerless. ...

  6. Mila

    The doctor glued the umbilical shepherd to us, the ariis was called, for 11 days the navel returned to the child’s place. I don’t know where to buy because I don’t know the doctor was, but I think you will find in Google who will be interested

  7. Irina

    Good day! In the article about massage it is written to do stroking movements strictly clockwise, and in the video the girl recommends making movements both clockwise and counterclockwise. Where is the truth?!

  8. Igor

    Yes Yes. Explain the video flaws.

  9. Ekaterina

    Good day to all! Thanks to the huge article and video. We have an umbilical hernia the size of a large grape and continued to increase. The surgeon said that she didn’t recover, only the operation. For the first time, a parofix patch was used. There was no effect. Then I did the massage just like in the video (and stroked clockwise and counterclockwise. I just finished stroking it clockwise). Massage was done with every change of diapers and sliders. A week later, the hernia was set and held inside. Then she glued the parofix patch again. I tried to spread on each belly at least a couple of minutes before each feeding. Walked 2 weeks. After bathing took off. Oh miracle! The navel is normal. Just like others. But the massage is doing everything exactly. May God grant health to the authors of the video and article.

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