Baby feeding chair

If the baby has to be fed artificially, it must be borne in mind that his intestinal functioning is changing. Accordingly, everything that is connected with such a prosaic and important process as cocoa changes.

how should a baby be fed on artificial feeding

It would seem that with “artificial” everything should be simple - a sterile bottle, the same mixture. And there should be no problems. But it is not so. The body of each person is unique, and babies - especially. So how should a child poop on artificial feeding and what is the difference between the chair of the “artificial”?


The color of the chair is darker. Although it may depend on the mixture itself, it can range from yellow to dark brown.

What should alert?

If the color of the stool is unnaturally yellow or orange - liver problems.

If it is green - this means a different type of dysbiosis.

The only exception when not to worry is the age of the child up to a week. Green stool at this age is natural, it is meconium.

If it is very dark, almost black - this means that there is blood in the stool.


In infants with artificial feeding, the stool is thicker. Sometimes white curd inclusions can be seen in it. This means that the proportions were not quite correctly observed, the mixture came out thicker than required, was not completely digested. Or perhaps he slightly overestimated this time, although the serving volume was the same as always.

It may be too thick, almost like in adults. This also indicates that the mixture is not prepared properly.

Ideally, the stool should look like a homogeneous, mushy mass.

What should alert?

  • If the stool is too thin, with foam, putrid odor.
  • Wateriness, mucus, streaked with blood.


If the baby is on artificial feeding, then the question is how much to eat, and how often, first it rises to one of the first places.

A newborn baby in the first weeks can recover very often, literally after each feeding. Over time, this amount decreases, first to 3-4, then up to 2 times a day.

how many times a day the child pooping (on artificial feeding)

What should alert?

  • If an “adult baby” several weeks or months old suddenly has a stool 5-6 or more times a day - diarrhea.
  • If for several days there is no chair at all - constipation.

In any case, if it even seemed to you that the child was shitting somehow “wrong”, it is better to immediately show it to the doctor. Bring a soiled diaper with you. And may your baby be always healthy!

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  1. Natalya

    Hello, the child is 2 months old, on artificial feeding. Was NAS then NUTRILON then hyperagenic NAS. Everything seems to be fine. I decided to return to the usual Nan, the child began to poop after each feeding and there is mucus in the feces. This is normal. Was feces thicker and once a day

  2. Ekaterina

    What was it like with you? We have a similar situation exactly. How to normalize. Tell me please

  3. Katia

    Girls tell me !!! the child is 3 months old in a week. There were cramps, they gave baby. Yesterday I didn’t look, she gave me a mixture of sour and baby, I get sleepy. And the whole day The baby had diarrhea. 8 times he went to the toilet. Gave a smect. At night I got up I already shook the shaft in the form of crumbs. And since I give the mixture with the smecta he shakes it thickly with this mucus with lumps. What to do? Do I need to call a doctor?

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