How to teach a child to drink from a mug independently: step-by-step tips and tricks

All young mothers, without exception, face the expected problem when they try to wean a child from drinking from a bottle and go to circles already. The child does not want to part with her. It is important to know how to approach education and how to properly teach your child to drink from a mug on his own, and make this education as enjoyable and painless as possible for your child.

teach baby drink from chicken

When can I start training?

It’s better to start teaching your baby to drink from a mug right away when you wean him from the chest. So, already in 7-8 months you can teach a child to drink from a mug.

It is necessary to choose a beautiful, light and unbreakable mug, but it is better that the child chooses it himself.

As a transitional means, you can use a special drinking mug. It is convenient when it is time for the child to wean from the bottle, and he has not yet learned to drink from the mug. Tightening with a drinking mug is not advisable. As soon as the child learns to drink from it, you need to move on to learning to drink from a regular mug. The sooner the child begins to learn, the sooner he will succeed.

Where to start studying

special mug for children

When you have already chosen a suitable cup (mug) that the child liked, you can try to give him some water. You can pour one or two sips and bring it to his mouth. Tilt and let him take a sip. Be sure to do this when the child is in an excellent mood so that he does not subsequently have negative memories when he sees a cup.

Do not be angry yourself if the baby does not succeed. The first time is enough for him to understand what a mug is for. His desire to consider a new subject for him, to touch and play, should not be hindered.

Remember that a child at this age understands well when you praise him, and when you report.

  1. It’s okay if he spills water. Try again later.
  2. Give him what he likes best to drink (juice, compote, jelly ...).
  3. You can offer him a drink when he is in the bathroom. For him it is a comfortable environment and there is no danger that he will spill the drink on himself.
  4. Give him a break while drinking, and if he does not open his mouth, then never try to pour the liquid by force.

Say goodbye to the bottle forever

Hide the bottle and he will soon forget about it.

When he wants to drink, bring him a mug and make it clear that he will only drink this way now. If the desire to drink from a bottle comes to hysteria, and you cannot calm him down, go to the trick:

Pour in the bottle the drink that he does not like, and in the cup the most favorite juice. In this case, he is likely to prefer a cup.

If it turned out, then do not show the bottle to the baby.He must learn that it’s tastier to drink from a cup, and that there is no alternative. At first, drinking from a bottle can be given only before bedtime.

Learning consistently

The kid can nedopit a drink from a cup, start acting up. You can wait a bit and let him take a sip again. You can give him a drink from a spoon, but in no way return to feeding through the nipple. Otherwise, you will have to start all your studies all over again. The child will not get used to drinking immediately, it takes time. But by teaching it consistently, you will very quickly achieve positive results.

Other ways to teach your child mugs

teach to drink from a cupThere are other ways to teach a baby to drink from a mug.

  • If he does not want to pick up a cup, then take it yourself. Show that you are comfortable, pleasant and tasty to drink from.
  • Drink his toys - a doll or a teddy bear.
  • When the child reaches for a bright, interesting mug, give it to him, holding and letting him swallow. See that he does not choke. You need to start with a small amount of the drink, gradually increasing it.

To cope with the reluctance of your child to abandon the bottle, you can try another way:First start drinking it from a spoon. One spoonful of liquid is in the spoon. When the baby learns to swallow several times in a row, you can go to the cup. If the baby cannot close his lips around the edge of the cup and the drink spills, help him and squeeze his lips lightly with your fingers.

Do not worry

A child learns to drink from a mug 🙂

Remember that each child is different. One may flatly refuse the cup, and the other himself, following the example of his parents, can begin to reach for the cup. If you are told that it’s high time to teach a child to drink from a cup, and you are doing everything wrong, do not pay attention.

The fact that your baby is not yet ready to drink from a mug should not be unusual. Each child has its own characteristics in development. No need to even worry and worry. Very soon, with your help, he will learn.

Do not forget to praise him for his success. Patiently teach and show how to drink. Talk to your child and praise even for failure. The process of weaning from a bottle should leave only positive emotions in the child’s memory.

We study further: how to teach a child to use a spoon | How to teach a child to eat independently and accurately

You may be interestedhow to wean a child from a bottle

On the topic of complementary foods:

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  1. Lala

    And our boy suddenly learned to drink himself, but not from a mug and cup, but from a glass cup. Once, his wife, playing with the baby, drank tangerine juice from a glass cup, and he noticed a beautiful, splashing drink and reached for the glass with his handles. Then the wife brought a glass to the boy's mouth, and he grabbed his hands and grabbed a little sip. The juice was delicious, he liked it and the more we did not drink it from the bottle.

  2. Marina

    I showed my son, by my own example, how convenient and tasty to drink from a cup and built it in the form of a game. The kid began to like it and on the third day he began to forgive the cup in his hands. At first he poured everything on himself and dropped the cup, but gradually he learned, and now we have no problems.

  3. Irina

    Hello, and I drink from my cup but I like from a bottle, and in the kindergarten everything is fine without a bottle at home until hysteria. We are 2.9 girls.

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