Baby care in the summer - the nuances that parents need to know about

In summer, child care is slightly different from what parents do at other times of the year. After all, the scorching sun, heat, ponds - all this can negatively affect the baby's body.

summer newborn care

The sun

It’s good for children to take sun bathsbut only at a time when the sun is not scorching. Therefore, it is better to go for walks in the morning and in the evening. It is important to dress the baby according to the weather and give him a drink of breast milk or ordinary water. This will help to avoid overheating of the baby and dehydration.


In the summer, it’s very useful for the child to swim, so do it more often. So you prevent the occurrence diaper rash and tochniki. Water needs to be made at a pleasant temperature of about 36-37 degrees. If you decide to temper the child, gradually make her cooler, eventually bringing to 28 degrees. It is not necessary to bathe crumbs with detergents (soap and shampoo) every time. It’s enough to wash your hair with shampoo once a week. You can bathe the baby with soap 2 times a week.

Ear health

If the baby loves to splatter in a pond, children's pool, basin, then his ears can suffer. Especially if, after water procedures, you thoroughly clean them with cotton buds. To protect children's ears, you need to remember the following:

  • You can bathe the baby only in clean water, because in the dirty you can catch an infection.
  • You can’t plug the baby’s ears with cotton wool - it will get wet and only contribute to the fact that moisture will remain in the ears.
  • After bathing, you need to put the baby’s head first on one side, wait a minute until the water flows out, and then turn it on the other. Then pat the outside of your ears with a clean towel.
  • Do not clean the ears inside with cotton buds - they drive the sulfur even deeper. Remove it so only from above. In this case, always use only special baby sticks that have limiters at the ends.

We also read: care for the ears of a newborn baby

newborn ear care

Infection protection

In the summer, a child can easily catch an intestinal infection. Therefore, it is important for parents to pay special attention to food quality. It is necessary to carefully check the expiration dates of products, observe storage conditions. Do not leave the remnants of the divorced baby food for the next feeding, always close the started packaging. Rinse fruits and vegetables thoroughly, do not forget to wash your hands as well.

Intimate hygiene

In winter, the baby can stay in one diaper a little more than 3-4 hours. This will not harm his health. In the summer, it is very important to change diapers in a timely manner. After all, skin contact with urine and feces in combination with high temperature can cause diaper rash and irritation. In order not to bring to this, you need:

  1. Change diapers at least every 3 hours.
  2. Wash crumbs with warm water without soap (it can dry the skin).
  3. If it is not possible to wash the child with water, this can be done with wet wipes.
  4. Arrange air bathsholding a baby naked for about half an hour when it’s warm outside. It is also a great hardening for the body.
  5. Lubricate creases and ass baby cream or oil. If diaper rash appears, they need to be treated with panthenol.

Car rides

Many families travel by car in the summer. Some stay in the city, but still, in the holiday season, they drive more often than in winter: they go to the cottage, to visit, on an educational excursion. Therefore, the problem of motion sickness of the child becomes relevant. To make it easier for the crumb to carry the road, begin to develop its vestibular apparatus in advance. To do this, it is worth shaking the baby more during games, circling it, increasing the amplitude of movements. If the child is already able to sitroll it on a carousel. And be sure to sing and buzz together. Singing is an excellent breathing exercise and prevention of motion sickness.

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