8 not-so-good mother-in-law baby care tips

Does my mother-in-law give you so many tips for caring for a newborn? And great! However, you need to know which ones are really useful and which ones should not be put into practice.

The mother-in-law raised and raised at least one child. This, of course, is about your husband. That is why she believes that she can rightfully own the title “Woman Knowing Everything About Children”. There is no doubt that she will be able to share her experience and give some useful tips. However, strange ones may be enough. But let's be objective: both the mother-in-law, and your own mother, and grandmother give advice on caring for the baby, but not all of their experience seems worthy of inheritance. Do not forget, however, that these were not the times before, so you cannot accept much, and the older generation does not always and not support you in everything. But the remarks of the mother-in-law are perceived by you more sharply, if not to say “with hostility”.

mother in law with baby

You should not aggravate the relationship, but it is better to simply have information about what advice may turn out to be irrelevant for our time and even harmful to the baby.

1. Every day you need to wash your baby with breast milk

Great-grandmothers are firmly convinced that breast milk is the best remedy for all ailments. You should wipe the baby’s face every morning with milk, and if you get sick, for example, catch a cold, drip your nose, if your eyes are festering, then milk can come to the rescue. You should know that children's doctors are quite skeptical about this advice. Experts believe that milk is exclusively for feeding. And if the baby had a runny nose or conjunctivitis, then such a dripping can only aggravate the problem.

We also read: 5 non-standard ways to use breast milk

2. If there is a fluff on the back of a child, then remove it with a crumb of brown bread.

First, conduct an experiment and roll a ball of bread on your hands and feet. You can advise to do this and mother in law. How are you feeling? Painfully? But how will the baby feel during such manipulations? Hair on the back of a baby is considered normal. Some time will pass, and the skin will certainly become smooth.

3. When swimming, you need to plug the ears with cotton

It will be more useful to shut them up to yourself - so as not to accidentally hear this advice.

It is not recommended to put this into practice, because cotton wool cannot protect from water, but rather, on the contrary, it will harm the baby. Under the influence of moisture, cotton wool will soften and accelerate the ingress of water into the ear canal. To remove water from the ears after bathing, you must first put the crumbs on one side, then turn on the other and pat the ears with a towel.

4. To combat microbes, you must wash your breasts with laundry soap before feeding

This is exactly what women in Soviet maternity hospitals, who were trained in this procedure by doctors, did in that.However, this did not go to good: such a wash made it possible for the skin to dry out and cracks appeared, which caused mum discomfort during feeding due to soreness. Modern neonatologists recommend that nursing mothers take a shower once a day and monitor the cleanliness of the laundry.

5. Nipples need to be treated with alcohol or brilliant green

In the absence of cracks, no procedures with nipples need to be performed. In the presence of cracks, neither alcohol, nor brilliant green will provide effective assistance. Most likely, the result will be exactly the opposite of what was expected: the skin will dry out, the smell and taste of milk will change, and the baby may react with an allergic reaction. To cure nipple cracks, ointments and creams should be used, which include dexpanthenol.

6. Disposable diapers are harmful, as the baby’s legs will be crooked

Pediatricians are unanimous in that the harmony of the legs and diapers are not connected in any way, since the diapers are too soft to have a negative effect on the joints and bones of the baby. Why does it happen that in some babies the legs are bent? The reason may be rachite and improperly developed lower limbs.

Disposable diapers are harmful: the legs will be crooked ... And if you put on a hat, will your head be in the shape of a hat? 🙂

7. Tight swaddling = flat legs

But in fact, swaddling does not give any guarantee that the legs will be even. Swaddle or not - every mom's business. In this situation, one should proceed from what is convenient for the baby: to be wrapped in a diaper or dressed in sliders and a blouse. He should be warm and comfortable. Many babies sleep harder if swaddled.

8. Baby clothes are ironed on both sides until the baby is 1 year old

Why such a sacrifice? After all, there are enough other things! Diapers and baby clothes need to be ironed on both sides while umbilical wound not healed. As soon as it heals, you can iron on one side. If the clothes are made of hard fabrics, it is recommended to iron them on both sides.

We also read:

TOP 10 grandmothers bad advice

15 most obsolete baby care tips

15 things good grannies don’t say

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