Planting a child: what is it, the pros and cons, rules for planting, photos and videos

Planting small children on a pot, in a sink or in a basin is done by mothers who adhere to the practice of “natural parenthood”. The goal is to teach the baby to relieve the need in a pot or basin from the first weeks of life. This is done more so that the child is clean, rather than so that the child quickly gets used to the potty. Many are skeptical of this method, but it still has its advantages.


sovet-kuryaschim-mamamAttention: the most common mistake of young mothers, reducing the planting method to nothing - coercion. This is a blunder. Many mothers on the forums ask how you can plant a child if he does not even know how to sit. Planting is an imitation of a child’s sitting position, in which an adult helps him - this is the meaning of this definition.


In the first weeks of a baby's life, urination and defecation are directly dependent on food intake. The kid goes to the toilet in a small and big way when he sucks a breast, or as soon as he eats. Thus, you can catch the right moment when planting a child over a pot or basin.

Any mother can plant a child from birth if she wants to learn this and understands that most of the time a child should spend with her mother in her arms or in the immediate vicinity of her. If the mother believes that the child cannot be accustomed to her hands, and is sure that the right child is the child who spends most of the time in the crib, sucking the dummy, then she will not be able to plant the baby, and she is unlikely to want to. She better use diapers.

When to plant

A newborn can show in different ways that the intestines or bladder are full - screaming, crying, peeping, whimpering, grunting, can gesticulate in some special way. If you closely monitor his signals, learn them over time. understand correctly and separate from everyone else, and respond quickly. Learning to understand the signals of the child must begin as early as possible.


visagivanie_2Parents practicing the early planting method say that this helps to establish close emotional contact with the child from a very young age, because you need to constantly monitor him in order to learn to understand his signals.

Also, some notice that planting eliminates the problem. teaching a child to a potty, which appears a little later in many mothers. If a child is started to be planted early, the likelihood that he will begin to ask for a potty before his peers running in diapers is much greater. Another plus of early planting - saving on diapers, which are not cheap.


The method of early planting is only for those mothers who can devote all their free time to their child, because you need to constantly monitor his behavior in order to understand what he wants.If you cannot spend the whole day with your child daily, this method is not suitable for you. If you often travel with a child or are constantly in public places with them, it will be difficult to land him. It is also difficult to practice the method of planting for working mothers, even if it is work at home, because the baby needs to be monitored constantly in order to react to its signal in time when it wants to use the toilet.


The view that babies can control their bowel movements is a physiological myth. There is no evidence that earlier planting is related to the basic needs of the child. But the fact that it is necessary to establish closer contact with the baby can be argued. Even pediatricians who support the “natural parenthood” approach are quite calm about the early planting method.

Children wearing diapers learn to use the potty no later than babies who have been planted since infancy; in general, the behavior of these two groups of children is not much different. Planting is done more for the purpose of hygiene than for the purpose of teaching to walk on the potty of an early age. The kids, who started to plant on the pot very small, really get used to the pot early. But in most cases, this habit appears in them at the same age as in all other children - in 2-2.5 years. But you can save on diapers.


For cultures with a low level of civilization, whose representatives live in hot countries, planting is a necessary procedure. In many of these countries it is customary to carry the child in her arms constantly. If you don’t plant it, it will simply stain yourself and the one who wears it. People living in more developed countries can take care of child hygiene by other means - this is just a matter of their own preferences.


According to expert, pediatrician Olga Tkach, previous planting and deliberate use of the pot are in no way connected. Children who were in diapers up to 1.5 years old and children who began to plant them from infancy consciously accustomed to the pot at about the same time - at 1.5-2 years. Moreover, random acts of defecation at the most inopportune moments can occur in both of them.


It is possible to catch moments when it is necessary to plant a baby on a pot. Then the number of dirty pants will be minimal. But the fact that the child learns to potty quickly, the method of early planting does not guarantee.

Planting rules

If you decide to start planting the baby, be consistent, do not forget that the child is not a toy, he must understand what you want from him (either diapers, or a basin and diapers). The sooner you start, the easier and faster the process will go.

  • Plant your baby after each sleep, regardless of whether he woke up wet or dry;
  • Land when anxious. Gradually, you will begin to understand what kind of anxiety speaks of the child's desire to pee or poop;
  • Land at your request, if you need it, for example, before a walk;
  • Do not expect the child to write immediately as soon as you drop him off, especially if you are trying to drop him off on your own initiative. Wait at least 2-3 minutes;
  • Do not insist on urination if the baby has not sucked for a long time. He may have “nothing” to write;
  • Plant a child if he has not written for a long time, and it seems to you that it is time;
  • The basin should always be at hand;
  • Children aged several months and older may not write immediately after sleep. Adapt to the changing needs of the child.

Instruction manual

  1. It is necessary to determine when your happiness goes to the toilet: before meals / after / during.
  2. Hold the baby over the basin (pressing the legs to the tummy) as soon as he wakes up, and repeat the “letter-letter”.
  3. Hold the baby over the basin immediately after eating, again with the same “letter-writing”, and before eating, if the child has not written for a long time (for a long time - this is about 20 minutes for the baby).
  4. If your baby goes to the toilet while eating, in this case, as soon as you feel that the baby is starting to write (any mom sees it from her baby), hold it over the basin.At first, there may be an emergency, so put it under a small diaper - if anything, wash it.
  5. If you constantly repeat paragraphs 2 and 3 of this instruction, then over time the child will get used to it, and PE will not occur during meals. He will get used to the need to go to the toilet before or after eating (as you yourself will teach him).

Do not lose heart, if you can’t immediately plant it, everything will come with experience.

Poses for planting (photo)

The illustrations are taken from Ingrid Bauer's book “Life Without a Diaper”. The photos are old, the quality is poor:


Night plantings with breasts
Night planting "with breasts"
Baby is sitting on your feet
Baby is sitting on your feet
Kid sitting on the potty
Kid sitting on the potty
The kid sits on the toilet, and the adult in front of him
The kid sits on the toilet, and the adult in front of him
The adult sits on the toilet, holding the child in front of him
The adult sits on the toilet, holding the child in front of him
The kid lies on his hands horizontally
The kid lies on his hands horizontally
Adult sits leaning forward
Adult sits leaning forward
The kid lies in an embrace over a basin
The kid lies "in an embrace" above the basin
Baby under one arm
Baby under one arm
Adult stands leaning forward
Adult stands leaning forward
Basic posture: an adult stands with the child in front of him
Basic posture: an adult stands with the child in front of him



Opinion of Dr. Komarovsky
Opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Remember: the children are not stupid - it is we who teach them to walk by ourselves, and then scold them for not wanting to go to the potty.


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  1. Veronika

    Everyone chooses whether to plant a child from an early age or not. For me it’s better to start planting from an early age, so that it’s easier to accustom it to the pot later, the child will also reach for you, since you spend a lot of time with him.

  2. Marina

    I sometimes plant my own after sleep, if he wakes up dry, in order to save diaper-sliders. And so, to keep an eye on the whole day is, in my opinion, superfluous, now everyone’s machines, even those who do not constantly use diapers, are not washed manually. There is so little free time for anyone)

  3. Tamara

    I’m exactly the mother who spends all her time with the child and the diaper is dressed only for a walk. What does emotional closeness and disembarkation have to do with it? The fact that I'm not going to calmly change my baby, and looking at him I just think, is it time to rush behind the basin? Then, hunched over, I hold it over the basin, repeating the writing letter for about 10 minutes. And if the kid wants to play, spin, and if he jumped or cried? Some kind of mockery!

  4. Natalya

    I advise you to read about planting in the source. Ingrid Bauer "Life without a diaper." And this article is clearly custom-made and there are a lot of contradictions with the source. The goal is not to save on diapers, and not to harm the urogenital system of the child and not to get psychological problems in an older child. My advice is to read a book that diaper manufacturers did not sponsor, and then make your own decisions.

  5. Galina

    And planting helps us to poop, lying with us does not work well, getting stiff, blushing, crying and nothing. And above the sink - please 🙂

  6. Irina

    I also noticed that my baby is easier to poop when I shake his legs. Lying, he sometimes even begins to cry, waiting for when I carry him to land. And it is so much easier for him to crawl.

  7. Maria

    But what about the fact that the diaper decomposes for 500 years?) I can’t believe it?) Or just didn’t think about it, like me ... So now I’ll try planting with the third one.

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