What to do if a newborn has a navel bleeding?

If your newborn baby begins to bleed (or constantly bleeds) the navel, this is a sure sign that the umbilical wound is not being treated correctly. Therefore, it is important to quickly begin to respond, take emergency measures, because with a possible infection in the navel, inflammation is likely. For normal healing of the wound, it is necessary to keep it dry and clean. The fact of navel bleeding should not be left without attention, spreading, the inflammatory process can lead to sepsis. First of all, you need to understand the reasons that caused this problem.

bleeding navel in newborn

The main advice is to consult a pediatrician. Of particular note is constant bleeding or suppuration. If the wound is damaged, a sucrose may appear or pus may appear (with or without smell). In this case, you need to call a doctor, because suppuration can develop into infection.

The main causes of umbilical wound bleeding

  • Umbilical cord features - perhaps she was too thick, so when she died off she formed a deep wound. In this case, healing is slower and may take more than 10 days.
  • Poor healing can also be with a lack of air baths. For successful drying of the wound, air circulation is necessary. If the navel is bleeding, it is very important to constantly provide oxygen to the baby's body. This contributes to excellent skin condition and helps to harden the baby, which will perfectly affect the health of the newborn. We read an article on hardening (air baths)
  • Another cause of a non-healing navel may be sloppy circumcision, periodically grazing or rubbing the wound with a diaper or vest.
  • If the baby is laid too early on the stomach. It is strictly forbidden to practice lying a newborn on the tummy for up to 3 months.

What to do when the navel bleeds?

bleeding navel in a newborn what to do

  1. It is necessary to use hydrogen peroxide. Using a pipette, moisten a cotton swab and gently pat the wound. This procedure is important when removing yellowish crusts, which can also form in babies. Such secretions must be removed, this is an excellent medium for the reproduction of bacteria.
  2. Bathing a newborn Absolutely forbidden. You can wipe with a soft sponge the necessary parts to cleanse the body, avoiding the umbilical wound.
  3. After the bleeding navel is treated with hydrogen peroxide, it is necessary to anoint the wound area with a solution of brilliant green.

Be sure to check out the article on how to properly process the umbilical wound! https://kid.htgetrid.com/en/zdorove-rebenka/kak-obrabatyivat-pupochnuyu-ranku-u-novorozhdennyih.html  

When to sound the alarm?

The following issues should cause parental concern:

  • Frequently recurring and difficult to stop bleeding;
  • Offensive odor emanating from the area of ​​the wound;
  • The navel is not reduced in volume;
  • Elevated body temperature of the child or umbilical region;
  • Isolation of the uterus, pus, whitish or yellowish discharge;
  • Inability to quickly stop bleeding;
  • The appearance of a pronounced bulge of the wound. This may indicate an umbilical hernia.Contact your pediatrician right away!

We also read:

Video: how to handle the navel

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  1. Anna

    Young mothers, I advise you to follow the advice of specialists! Take the time to take a couple of minutes, read and see, it will be very useful!

  2. Valeria_Hvatova

    The article says about the use of hydrogen peroxide, this is basically correct, but still I did not recommend using this tool for just such purposes, especially when it comes to a newborn baby ... Believe me, a baby may have an individual intolerance to the medicine!

  3. Pepper

    My mother used celandine in childhood, but I'd rather go to the doctor with a baby. God give you health

  4. witali61

    Useful article for young or inexperienced parents. The problem is considered in great detail. The best recommendations for its elimination are indicated. But still, if something like this occurs in a small child, it is probably better to turn to a doctor for help.

  5. Elena

    We did not bleed, but this clothespin dangled barely, it still didn’t fall away, an unpleasant smell had already appeared. And although the maternity hospital said that it was impossible, we washed it, treated it with peroxide, greased it with brilliant green - everything quickly dried up and disappeared.

  6. Kseniya

    all the actions are true, I did my son too. but what should I do if the paramedic literally tore the baby’s cord on the third day ??? three weeks soon, and still doesn’t heal. the pediatrician said that there’s nothing wrong with that. ( it’s interesting, though, the navel is bleeding, it’s not the mother of blood, namely blood is flowing and it's okay ... ..)

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