Why is colostrum excreted in pregnant women? Norm and deviations

During pregnancy, you noticed a thick / viscous / sticky consistency of a yellowish, transparent or creamy hue from the chest - is this normal or pathological? Immediately, we hasten to reassure you - it stands out in colostrum - an absolutely normal and safe phenomenon. If during your entire pregnancy colostrum did not stand out, this is also quite normal.

colostrum in pregnant women

What is it?

Colostrumit is a thick, viscous, sticky liquid of a yellowish, transparent or creamy hue, which has a specific smell and a slightly sweet taste, which is secreted by the woman’s mammary glands during the period of gestation and feeding of the child. The production of colostrum in the mammary glands is a normal physiological process. It usually stands out in women in the first two to three days after the birth of the child. But colostrum can stand out at different stages of pregnancy of a future mother. Colostrum is also called "unripe milk", since it precedes the appearance of real breast milk. Colostrum differs from milk also in its composition: it contains less fat and sugar, but more protein.

it looks like colostrum

What is useful?

Colostrum is very beneficial for the baby in the first days of his birth. It is saturated with antibodies that protect the baby from infections and contribute to its rapid adaptation to the outside world. It contains all the nutrients necessary for the child's body for normal life.

The chemical composition of colostrum: albumin and globulin - proteins (up to 6-7%); water (84-88%); bifidumbacteria; lactobacilli; vitamins of group A, B, C, E, PP; milk sugar (lactose) - carbohydrates (up to 5-5.5%); fats (4-5%); mineral salts; food enzymes (amylase, lipase and protease); hormones.

Colostrum is more caloric than milk itself and contains less water. Despite this, it is easily absorbed by the body that has just been born and prepares the baby's digestive system for the absorption of heavier foods - real breast milk (composition and properties of breast milk) The first food of the newborn - colostrum - has a laxative effect, which provides easy release of the intestines from feces. Colostrum helps to eliminate bilirubin, thereby reducing the risk of postpartum jaundice.

Colostrum during pregnancy

grydAt the time when the baby grows and develops in the womb, the body of the expectant mother for all nine months is preparing to feed her child. At the very beginning of pregnancy, the mammary glands begin to swell, and women can feel a slight pain.There are changes at the hormonal level, which leads to the production of colostrum.

When does it appear?

As for the timing of colostrum, there is no definite answer. The production of milk fluid begins from the moment of conception, although a woman in the first trimester may not feel this. But more actively unripe milk is produced by the body in the second trimester. Outwardly, this can manifest itself in the form of yellowish sticky drops that remain on clothing. Two months before birth, colostrum color becomes more transparent, but the amount usually does not increase. And even if the expectant mother does not find droplets of unripe milk until the very moment of birth, then this is also nothing dangerous. One way or another, it is produced in the body: this process is laid down by mother nature.

In some cases, a woman is faced with the appearance of colostrum even in the initial stages of pregnancy. Doctors do not see any threat to either mom or baby in the early release of unripe milk. Do not be afraid of slight itching and tingling around the nipples, which may accompany the excretion of colostrum.

What stimulates the appearance of colostrum?

Colostrum during pregnancy is promoted by factors such as:

  • surge of emotions (positive and negative);
  • prolonged sexual intercourse;
  • taking a hot shower;
  • breast massage;
  • at high air temperature, especially in the summer;
  • drinking hot tea or other drinks.

Deviations from the norm

So, the excretion of colostrum at any stage of pregnancy is a completely normal process that occurs in the body of a future mother. However, a woman, having noticed a similar phenomenon in herself, should focus on such moments as:

  • Colostrum color. Normally, it should be a rich creamy shade, then, closer to childbirth, it becomes more transparent. If small particles of blood are mixed with the liquid, then you should be wary, but do not panic. The presence of blood can be either a variant of the norm or signal a disease. It will definitely require the consultation of specialists (mammologist, surgeon, oncologist) and a detailed examination of the body (ultrasound of the mammary glands, MRI, mammography, etc.).
  • The amount of colostrum. Usually a little fluid is released, although this process, like the entire pregnancy, is manifested individually. If a woman thinks that there is an excessive amount of fluid released, then consulting a mammologist will not be superfluous. It is worth knowing that increased rush to the breast during pregnancy leads to an increase in the level of the hormone oxytocin. And this is fraught with an increase in the tone of the uterus, which is dangerous and leads to the threat of miscarriage. But perhaps the intense production of colostrum is related to the factors described above. Stress, enhanced massage, hot showers stimulate the process of milk secretion.
  • Offensive odor and impurities of pus in colostrum. Such a symptom may indicate the presence of a bacterial infection in the ducts of the mammary glands. In this case, the expectant mother may increase body temperature and worsen overall well-being. Seeking medical attention and treatment should be immediate to reduce the risk of fetal infection.
  • Chest discomfort. A slight tingling and mild itching accompanying the excretion of colostrum is normal. But if a woman feels severe pain or notices hollows and bumps on the mammary glands, then she needs to immediately tell the doctor about it. The presence of accompanying pain in the lower back and lower abdomen is also a bad sign. Symptoms of this kind can lead to spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth. You should not wait for such a terrible situation, it is better to go to the medical institution on time.

Colostrum in non-pregnant women

Colostrum can be produced not only during pregnancy and lactation, but also after the period of feeding the baby for 1 to 2 years.The sudden appearance of colostrum, not associated with pregnancy and the recent feeding of the baby, may mean that the woman's body has increased hormones - oxytocin and prolactin. And here you should not wait and think for a long time: you should immediately run to the mammologist. What can signal the unexpected appearance of colostrum in the mammary glands?

  • hormonal failure in the body;
  • mastitis (in this case, pus is released);
  • fibroadenoma and other tumors.

Important: In cases of contraception, some women have a periodic colostrum before the menstrual cycle. Nevertheless, it is worth taking a blood test and make sure that there are no diseases.

Hygiene rules during colostrum

The presence of colostrum forces a woman to take more care of her breasts. After all, this sweetish liquid contributes to the formation of a favorable environment for the appearance and active reproduction of bacteria. That's why expectant mother needs to pay special attention to body hygiene and adhere to simple rules:

  • Wash the mammary glands at least 2 times a day with warm water. You do not need to use soap: it can cause cracking on the nipples and their subsequent inflammation.
  • The breast should be wiped gently, slightly wetting the skin with a soft towel.
  • liningTo avoid wet stains on clothing, use disposable pads (cotton pads, gauze, tampons), changing them as they get wet.
  • Wear a comfortable bra made of natural fabric.
  • Do not massage your chest do not express colostrum, since this stimulates its production.
  • Use moisturizers to prevent cracking on the nipples.
  • Eat right, balanced: reduce the intake of sugar, fat and replenish the diet with protein foods, vegetables and fruits.

Important: Failure to comply with these rules can lead to inflammation of the ducts in the mammary glands.

Tips for expectant mothers

Remember that original milk is very valuable for your baby. Attach the newborn to the chest as often as possible so that he receives the necessary supply of nutrients and is as protected as possible from external influences. Feeding in the first hour of the baby’s birth is especially important (the importance of first breastfeeding) The ideal length of the feeding period in the early days is 20 minutes. Frequent attachment to the breast will not only help the baby, but will also stimulate the function of lactation of the mammary glands in the mother. Colostrum is your baby’s health.

The appearance of colostrum. From a obstetrician-gynecologist with 30 years of experience

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  1. Nellie

    During the first pregnancy, the appearance of colostrum frightened me. The strange color and nervous state as a whole made the bullet fly to the doctor. It turned out everything is fine. Every time I had to insert special cotton-wool disks inside and a kind of soft paper outside.

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