How to drink a newborn: 8 healthy drinks

With the onset of summer heat, many mothers begin to think about how to drink crumbs. We offer you a list of healthy drinks that will help your baby quench his thirst.

how to drink a baby

1. Breast milk

Modern pediatricians assure parents that during the first months of life, the baby does not need anything more than mother's milk. An exception is the need to dilute the medicine (although a few drops of expressed breast milk are perfect for diluting the powdered tablets) and medical indications. We are talking about health problems - high fever, physiological "jaundice" newborn, diarrhea, dehydration. Mother's milk is 87.5% water, so it perfectly quenches thirst. However, children who are on artificial feeding, between meals should still be dubbed.

Read in detail: Should I give my baby water while breastfeeding?

2. Water

From the age of six months, when they are already feeding, the child should start to drink water. It is better not to give him boiled tap water: boiling kills bacteria, but salts of heavy metals remain. It is safe to drink crumbs with bottled water from the store, but be sure to choose still water. Make sure the bottle says “baby” and the name of the organization that controlled the production. Now there are 3 of them in Russia: the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Institute of Nutrition of the RAMS and the State Sanitary Inspection of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

water baby

Although in the first months of life, only breast milk is sufficient for children, in extreme heat you can also give them some water.

We also read: Is it necessary (and is it possible) to give water to newborns with breast, artificial, mixed feeding? Hiccup water

3. Morse

Making this drink is very simple, even heat treatment is not needed. Just pour boiling water over the fruits and berries, and then let the fruit drink a little bit. You can drink them a child from the age of one.

4. Juice

This drink is suitable for babies who are already 4 months old. However, juices with pulp are recommended for children from six months. Recommendations about whether it is worth introducing such a drink into the diet of crumbs are usually given by the local pediatrician.

when a child can be given juice

If you buy juice in the store, choose it in the departments with products for children. Always carefully study expiration dates and storage. Often, industrial juices for babies are enriched with vitamins and minerals - all this can be found by reading the label.

First give the child a few drops of one-component juice to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction. Gradually increase the amount of the drink, bringing it to the age norm.

We also read: When can I give juice to a baby?

5. Compote

If the child is already 6 months old, he can already be given homemade compotes. When preparing a drink, replace sugar with fructose - it is sold in pharmacies, but is often found in supermarkets. The fact is that sugar loads the pancreas, but the baby’s digestive system is still weak. Do not add fresh grapes or raisins to the compote if you are brewing a dried fruit drink. These berries in any form provoke gas formation and fermentation processes in the intestine.

6. Kissel

The jelly contains starch, so they should not be given to children under 6 months of age. And from the age of six months, the child needs to be given this drink carefully - after consulting with a pediatrician and subject to several rules. The baby should not be offered a thick jelly, but it must be boiled immediately before use. To avoid allergies, use only those foods that the baby already eats, and do not experiment with exotic fruits.

7. Tea

This is one of the popular drinks that is loved in all families. For children produce special teas with herbs and plants - with mint, lemon balm, chamomile, dog rose and hypericum. They are not only delicious, but also treat. For example, there are drinks that improve digestion, soothe, stimulate the elimination of sputum when coughing.

when a child can be given tea

Granulated teas are sold in pharmacies. If you choose these, be sure to follow the recommended dosage. Nevertheless, before buying any tea for crumbs, consult a doctor, because you need to be careful with herbs. Artificial kid can be given tea in 3-4 months, babies - from six months.

8. Kefir

It is not necessary to introduce this sour-milk drink into the crumbs diet before it turns 8 months old. And for a child it is more food than drink. Try to buy fermented milk products of well-known manufacturers with a good reputation and only in trusted stores.

Watch your child, do not force him to drink in the heat if he does not want to. This means that mother’s milk is enough for the baby, and the liquid in which the mixture is bred is enough for the artificial baby.

We also read: Is it possible to give kefir to children under one year old? Kefir recipes for kids at home

How much should a child drink water?

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How to finish a child. Part 2

What is better to give to the baby? Consider options for weakly brewed tea, fruit or vegetable decoction. We are talking about this topic in the block of Irina Zaitseva with the pediatrician Sofia Nikolaevna.

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