You are already big: 7 ways to teach your baby to dress independently

Your baby will learn to dress quickly on her own if you follow the advice of experienced mothers and educators.

“I do not want to wear this blouse! I do not like these tights! Do not touch me!" - the child screams, running across the apartment from his mother and grandmother, trying to dress him and put him for a walk. A familiar picture! Adults are desperate, because their child will soon go to kindergarten, no one will run after him. How to facilitate this process, how to teach the baby to dress independently? We will try to answer these questions based on the experience of mothers and kindergarten teachers.

teach baby to dress

Never get mad at a baby

The child easily captures the mood of adults, any irritation hurts him, and he is ready to answer with tears. So that dressing does not turn into torment and is not accompanied by tantrums, you need to create a positive attitude. Explain to the baby that he is already big and can very well put on this or that thing. Even if sometimes the blouse is worn backwards, and the cap is lost on one side - you still need to praise the child for his desire to do everything himself. Calmly, without getting annoyed, straighten your clothes and go for a walk with a joyful mood. Positive emotions are the key to success in any business.

Cooking clothes in the evening

Children need to develop the skill of preparing clothes for the morning. In the evening, before going to bed, with the baby on the stool, fold the necessary clothes for tomorrow. Ask him what to wear if it is hot or cold outside. Teach your son or daughter neatness. The child should know where his underwear, socks, clothes are, so that it doesn’t turn out that in the morning from the huge pile of laundry, where everything is mixed, mom begins to take the first things that come to hand. The skill to cook clothes in advance is also useful for adults, it must be developed from an early age, it will be useful throughout life.

Respect your baby’s tastes

The kid with great pleasure will put on the thing that he likes and which he will choose. Do not impose your preferences on him, leave him the right to choose. Negative associations may be associated with some things in the child: a prickly sweater, a dress with a stain, tights are sewn up. Do not force him to wear something that he does not like. If the baby did not choose a thing because of the weather or one that became small for him, delicately explain to him why it would not work, and offer to choose another.

Let's play

The boring dressing process can be turned into a fun game. One of them - "Socks are lost." To begin with, a child just needs to find socks among other things. A little later, when he will be able to put them on himself, mother “searches” for socks until she sees them on the baby’s legs.You can arrange an exciting competition, who quickly put on a hat, and give the child the opportunity to win. The stormy joy of adults upon reaching the result will give a new impetus to independent dressing.

Do as in the picture

Children tend to imitate. In the children's room you can hang pictures that consistently show what you need to wear. Give your baby the right to understand these instructions and learn the sequence of dressing. To get started, give him those things that are easy to put on: panties, a T-shirt, shorts (skirt) with an elastic band, socks. After a while, he will no longer need any clues, he will learn to dress correctly himself.

Do not forget to take a blouse

Children really do not like when they are hot, they do not like when they are wrapped. Such a situation may happen that you can not convince the baby to get dressed warmer. Having gone outside, he himself will feel that he is cold. This is where a blouse or jacket comes in handy. Next time he will dress according to the weather.

You must understand that the child will not be able to dress quickly due to age. First, he will learn to help adults dressing him: sticking his hands in his sleeves, carefully putting his foot in sandals. The time will come - and he will begin to pull on a T-shirt and pants, put on a hat. And only later he learns to wear all things completely: from underwear to outerwear. Any skill is developed only by practice. Be patient, sometimes you want to quickly put a child on and go outside. But try to wait until he gets dressed. You can only help him cope with difficulties: fasten buttons or zippers, tie shoelaces. And do not forget to praise the baby for his independence, to remind him that he is already big and dresses well himself.


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