How to dress or change clothes without tears and the vagaries of a small child

Many young parents often encounter a problem such as the process of dressing or dressing the baby. At first glance, there is nothing complicated about this, but when you have to get down to business, a lot of difficulties arise. Often young children at this time begin to act up and cry. You can solve this problem if you approach the process of dressing the crumbs with imagination and take something at this time.

pereodet` malen`kogo rebenka

Everything must be ready!

In order to change your baby as quickly as possible, you need to keep everything you need at hand. Nipple and bottle, napkins and diapers, clothes and diapers, cream and dusting powder - all this should be put next to you. Then you do not have to leave the little one while you run around the apartment in search of everything you need.

Entertain your kid with songs and fairy tales

Changing clothes will be more interesting and more fun if you do not keep silent. You can accompany this process with cheerful conversations, nursery rhymes and songs. You can simply voice each action. So you will not only occupy your baby, but also replenish his vocabulary.

Toys will come to the rescue!

With the help of toys you can distract the child at least for a couple of minutes. Put some toys next to it. He himself will choose from them the one that is more interesting to him. However, this method is unlikely to take the baby's attention for a long time. So, you have only a few minutes to dress him without crying and tantrums.

Be calm!

Do not be nervous if your fidget does not want to sit quietly while you dress him. Try to entertain him with the story of what awaits you for a walk. Tell us how you will walk in the park, ride on the carousel, swing on a swing. After all, all this is waiting for the baby after you get dressed for a walk.

Switch attention

Switching attention is one of the most effective methods for distracting the baby while dressing. Give him a rattle or a bright toy. You can arrange a small performance in which soft toys will be involved. Alternatively, you can distract the baby with “musical instruments” that are at hand. During the performance, you can quickly and without tears put on your child.

Get dressed while playing!

Let the uninteresting dressing process turn into a fun game. While you put on a blouse and the child cannot see you, you can play hide and seek. If you approach the process with the game, your baby will love to dress very soon.

READ ALSO: 7 ways to dress a child without whims

From the forum:

HELP!!! There are no more nerves ...
How we start to dress on the street is a disaster! We have a tantrum on clothes (and any). In order for us to take a walk we need to spend a lot of time and nerves on all these procedures.What we just didn’t try: we sang songs and included music, and dad distracted him (he stood behind his back and dabbled with his son), and offered toys, and talked loudly, etc. etc. (although we like the process of walking) ...
We are now 7.5 months old, maybe then it goes away? Do your children also behave? How do you deal with this? HELP!!!

We dress as follows: put on one thing, sat on the handles, put on another one more time. Although the girl with us is not capricious (pah, pah, pah) sometimes we include advertising. But we are still small.

A completely similar situation. Shouted like a shred. There are two options: if I’m in a hurry somewhere, then I dress quickly, despite the roar, if I have time, on the contrary, slowly, with entertainments, songs, dances, etc. folklore. Now she also resists dressing from the last forces (mine), I catch all over the apartment, wear one thing, then break out again and run away. The process lasts about 30 minutes. We are 1 g. 2 m.

us year. dressing at home - like a rodeo - kicking, running away, fishing)))
and when we are going to the street, I make such a characteristic sound - like a du-du mixed up with an imitation of a car engine. then there are no questions, lie still, smile. but I’m never fooling, we make a sound just before a walk. to believe a word)))))))))

we have the same thing ... .. he is 5 months old and he dresses on the street with such a squeal that he turns blue, loses his voice, and sometimes he screams so that he cannot breathe. all kinds of entertainments, songs, jokes do not help. His eyes roll, and yells into his voice (and there are no tears at all, purely OP), as if his leg was being torn off! Especially violent reaction when we put on a hat. They asked a neurologist, she said that this is a normal situation in 70% of children this happens


READ ALSO: how to dress a child for a walk

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  1. Alyona

    Do not forget that children take an example from their parents, maybe mom or dad also “act up” in the process of dressing. Here is the result. Much depends on the little things. It is also necessary immediately, from an early age, to set up the child that he is smart and dresses well.

For Mom

For Dad
