How to breastfeed on the street and in public places - tips and tricks

Breast milk is the most valuable food for the baby. Modern mothers know this and refuse mixtures, nipples, dummies and hourly feedings. Mom is always there. She takes care of her baby, loves and feels him. But sometimes the urgent need to put a child to the chest in a public place does not understand the public. To bare the chest? Be ashamed! Mother is called!


The opinions of young mothers on this subject were divided. Some rightly believe that there is nothing shameful in breastfeeding in public. These are the morals of others spoiled. They perceive the female breast not as a symbol of motherhood, but as a symbol of female sexuality. And these random viewers absolutely do not want to understand how the baby needs breast milk at this moment and how important it is for her mother to reassure him.

Psychologists join the perspective of advanced parents. Feeding a baby is a natural process. And the condemnation of passers-by is associated with excessive erotization of the female breast. And it would be better if they helped, because many mothers are torn between their natural shyness and the demands of a hungry child. What to do if you are not at home, and the baby is hungry?

This question arose in other countries in due time. In Europe, they promote the value of breast milk and are sympathetic to unexpected children's appetite. In England, for example, special feeding rooms were equipped even in the House of Commons. Italy went further - there specially for mothers and babies the stops were arranged.

Convincingly their maternal law was defended by the Philippines. Imagine about 4 thousand nursing mothers in one place - in the central square of Manila. In Russia, however, there is no law regulating the rights of nursing mothers. You constantly have to think about how to keep up appearances and not deprive a child of food while walking.

Psychologists explain the negative attitude to breastfeeding in public by the spoiled customs of passers-by themselves. For most of them, the female breast is an erotic object, and then a symbol of motherhood. But mothers should remember that breastfeeding in society is a natural and not a shameful process, it is only important to know how to organize it correctly.


How to comfortably feed your baby in a public place?

If you are shy ...First of all, you need to forget that you are on the street. Most importantly, your baby wants to kiss his chest. If you are just starting to feed, embarrassment is natural for you. Over time, more self-confidence and the correctness of their actions will appear.

You are a nursing mother who wants to feel while feeding on the street, in a cafe or at a party as comfortable as at home. But you do not want to catch the reproachful looks of passers-by.Do not ignore the child. If he cries, then there is a reason for this. Mom’s breasts will not only feed him, but also soothe him. Another reason is the formed regime of the baby. Try to abide by it. You can shift the time by a maximum of half an hour.

In order for you to not be bothered or distracted during feeding, follow these recommendations:

1. Try to find a more or less secluded place. But do not rush in a panic to a nook. So you will even more attract attention. You can isolate yourself from others by turning your back to them.

2. Wear suitable clothing for walks. Young mother will be helped to feel confident during feeding:

  • a spacious shirt and blouse with buttons or a zipper in front: they can be easily unfastened;
  • jacket with a deep neckline, which is only a little lower;
  • a special bra that does not require unfastening (only the cups are unfastened and fastened), and pads for breastfeeding;
  • spacious jacket, if it's cool outside, plus a scarf - you can cover your chest with it.

In addition, now in stores and departments of clothes for pregnant women a sufficient amount of special beautiful clothes and underwear for feeding with a variety of hidden cuts, smells, recesses, fasteners is sold.

3. Wear a sling, a special bandage for children. This is a real find for a nursing woman. In a large piece of tissue, the baby is near the mother’s chest in a comfortable position. Here he sleeps sweetly, pleased that his mother is nearby. When a baby drinks milk in a sling, it can cover both the baby and the breast with its edge. If there is no sling, then an alternative can be a towel or diaper. We read about what types of slings exist and how to choose the right sling in this article.

If the sling has a long flap, you can cover the baby and your chest with it. In general, when feeding in a sling, no one will guess what exactly you are doing.
If the sling has a long flap, you can cover the baby and your chest with it. In general, when feeding in a sling, no one will guess what exactly you are doing.

4. Apron for feeding. Another invention to help nursing mothers. Such an apron allows you to cover the baby during feeding, so that the passers-by will not distract the child from the important occupation, they will not confuse you, and you will not embarrass passers-by. All is well. Again, if such an apron is not available to you, take a wide scarf or stole with you for a walk.

Apron for breastfeeding in a public place
Apron for breastfeeding in a public place

5. Wear wet wipes, disposable towels, and other hygiene products, because a full child may inadvertently burp excess milk.

6. Take along a blanket, a diaper, a small blanket or a wide scarf to cover the baby during feeding.

7. Tune psychologically and relax. Stress and stress cause the production of the hormone oxytocin, which passes into the baby's milk. He will feel your condition and will be even more nervous and cry.

8. Go out for a walk with friends or the same young mothers. Then you can support and cover each other. Yes, and you will feel more confident than alone.

9. Do not make sudden movements if your conditional peace is broken. Do not engage in verbal skirmishes with violators of your peace of mind. Moreover, do not tear your chest out of the baby’s mouth. There is nothing wrong with breastfeeding. On the contrary, enjoy motherhood every moment.

Where to find mom and baby’s room?

You will still be mistaken if you claim that our state does not care about the problems of mother and child. Proof of this will be specially equipped rooms, which even have changing tables. You can find them:

  • at airports and train stations;
  • in large shopping centers;
  • in cafes and restaurants, and not only for children;
  • in children's clinics.

In the clinic you can feed the baby even in the lobby among the same mothers who will understand you. But be careful during epidemics. Is it worth the risk. The same goes for pharmacies. You can retire in a less crowded cafe. Sit in the corner and turn away. Under strict ban for all mothers there will be a toilet.No matter how great the temptation to feed your beloved child here, when there is nowhere else.

Breastfeeding on the street


If the street is warm - you can find a secluded courtyard or a bench in the park and sit on it with the baby. If there is not a single bench within sight, you can even sit on the lawn, if you have something to spread for yourself, or look for a gazebo or even a swing in the park, sit there and feed the baby calmly, enjoying relaxation and fresh air.

  • When feeding outside, sit on a bench. To keep the child taller and not have to bend much, put your foot on your foot. The chest can be covered with a diaper, a scarf or even a palm;
  • Some mothers believe that feeding in the fresh air negatively affects the health and condition of the breast. However, it is not. It is impossible to “catch a cold” of the mammary glands, and infectious diseases get in other ways. Mostly through cracks and abrasions on the nipples;
  • Do not walk too long without applying the baby. During long street walks without feeding, the breast pours heavily, as a result, milk stagnation is formed. To avoid such a problem, it is important to apply the baby every two to three hours or on demand, even outside the home;
  • In the cold season, go to a store, cafe or other place for feeding. A great place for feeding will be a large shopping center, where there is always a room for mother and child, a pharmacy or a children's clinic;
  • Carefully choose clothes for feeding. This blouse with a suitable neckline or a spacious shirt, special lingerie for nursing. Choose light and comfortable things;
  • When breastfeeding, mom should feel comfortable. Stress and anxiety will worsen lactation and reduce breast milk production. Remember that there is nothing immoral in breastfeeding !;
  • On your first walks, bring along a loved one who will support you and help remove the psychological barrier. In addition, he will be able to close you and the baby during feeding so that no one sees the process;
  • Do not tear the baby from the chest by force and keep calm if someone is approaching you. Fear, stress and a sharp weaning will negatively affect the well-being of the baby and the course of lactation.

How to feed a baby in a public place

lump in the park

Feed on demand. Do not bring to the moment when the crumbs from hunger start to scream heart-rendingly, then the chance of a quiet feeding without attracting extra attention will be missed. At the first signs of the baby’s readiness to apply (smacking, pulling out the tongue, sucking movements), quickly organize a feeding place. Mentally imagine your entire route and choose the most convenient and closest place in it. It is better to plan your travels and stops for food in advance.

Be relaxed and calm. The child feels your condition and will worry with you, and milk under stress will stand out worse. Take cover and turn your back on the flow of people - many will either not notice your actions, or think that you are just shaking the crumbs.

Do not take the baby from the chest. When you are breastfeeding in a public place, try to stay calm. Even if someone approaches you, sudden movements can scare the baby and injure your chest. Do not respond to comments or statements from the side, do not be nervous and do not worry - you are doing everything right! There is nothing more beautiful in the world than a woman with a baby in her arms.


Young mothers actively discuss the problem on the forums.

Marina, 25 years old: “Am I right that I cannot feed my son in plain sight? I do not know. But I know his regimen, I feed him before the walk. It’s easier. ”

Ilya, 30 years old: “Breastfeeding is sacred. If the baby wants to eat, he needs to be fed. But ordinary food does not suit him yet! Here you can’t do without mom. And it does not matter under what circumstances she will feed the baby, whether or not someone will be present. Maybe we’ll remove from the art galleries all the paintings depicting the Madonna and child at the chest? ”

Larisa, 31 years old: "Girls! I'm still outraged.My husband and I went to a friend’s birthday. Well, they could not refuse the invitation. They decided that for a short while, and Timoshka was put in a kangaroo. The restaurant is so-so, not particularly chic. But when I began to breastfeed, they made a remark to me. Little of! When the husband tried to protect, they threatened to expel. What DR is there, the mood was spoiled! ”

Violetta, 28 years old: “I can’t sit at home all day. Motherhood should not become my prison. I go with my little daughter everywhere. And it helps me in this baby sling. Buy is a great thing. ”

Olga, 34 years old: “And we were united with mommies in the yard. Only the sun shines - we carry strollers to the park. We already have our own place. Almost nobody is here. ”

Vika, 30 years old: “The last time I had to feed right in the supermarket. Stepka whimpered before that, but he could not stand it and how he roared. I was even surprised how the sellers helped me. They allowed me to go into the back room and calmly feed my little glutton. ”

Elena: “I believe that if you decide to feed your child, for example, in a shopping center, on the street, in a clinic or even in public transport (but there are some), then you need to hide behind a diaper or sit somewhere in a corner so that no one sees! After all, someone may simply not be pleased to look at it, someone is embarrassed! No need to dump their breasts on everyone to show !!!!! I had a case when in a clinic a 100 kilogram mother fed her baby right in line, pulling up a T-shirt, where there are a lot of folds, a huge chest and a halo the diameter of a mug! The sight is not for the faint of heart !!!!! ”

Oksana, 27 years old: “If I feed my daughter in public, I try to make it so that it is invisible to others. When I went for a walk, holding the baby in a sling, I fed her without taking it out of the sling. If I went to the clinic, then I put on a special jacket for nursing women with slots (now a lot of clothes for nursing women are sold - for every taste). They left the doctor’s office, and if the baby started to cry, I put it on my chest. In general, I always took a wide scarf with me to walk, if necessary, to sit somewhere and feed the child, covered with this scarf so that no one would notice anything. ”

We also read: My experience of breastfeeding in public

Each mother chooses the best for her child. Breastfeeding - this is the best that every mother can give. And not public opinion should become a guide in this matter, but the state of the baby.

Understand - you are not doing anything immoral! Now the most important thing is your baby, he wants his mother’s chest and that's it, and there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Remember the masterpieces of painting in which women breastfeed babies (and not babies). Breastfeeding is a natural process. Take it easier, and your confidence will give you strength and desire to feed longer your baby.

Video plot: Feeding in public

What is a woman thinking about who is breastfeeding with strangers? Why does a woman breastfeed a child in public? Why doesn’t a woman feed her baby in her mother’s and baby’s room? - about this and other aspects of domestic hot water outside the house we will discuss in this video:

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Public breastfeeding:

And what about other countries?

  • Pope Francis favors the idea of ​​breastfeeding children in public. During the baptism of infants in the Sistine Chapel, he allowed mothers to breastfeed right in the church.
  • In Australia, the United Kingdom, and some US states, the right to breastfeed women in public places is legislated.
  • In Italy, the initiative "baby pit stop", which means "technical stop for nursing mothers." On the doors of some cafes, restaurants, shops, the owners of which are trying to support the idea of ​​breastfeeding, a sign is posted - a mother with a baby near her breast, which means that any nursing mother can enter this institution and freely breastfeed her baby.
  • Defending their rights to breastfeed children in public places, mothers around the world periodically organize mass breastfeeding events.So, in May of this year, a rally of nursing mothers was held in one of the fast food restaurants in Budapest.
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  1. Inna

    When I had to breastfeed my son when I’m not at home, I always either looked for a place to retire or not to be everyone to show, or I took a towel, a diaper with me to cover the baby. And I didn’t do it out of shame or the opinions of others, I’m just a little superstitious and I’m not happy when strangers look at my baby. This is uncomfortable.

  2. Tatyana

    She fed the older 1 year and 7 months, and the youngest 2 years and 2 months. Breastfeeding is very convenient, food is always there. I had to feed in the park and on the beach, I just turned away from everyone, covered my chest and it was completely invisible, the main calm of the child.

  3. Darya

    You know, there is no question against feeding in a public place. However, such things as a diaper or a scarf should not be alien to nursing mothers, including including, to cover the baby and chest in order to hide, protect from prying eyes. For example, I feel disgusted by women who simply tumble out their breasts and apply the baby, it seems to me that there is not enough male attention, since men do not consider this process as feeding, they have this erotic idea. Therefore, everything is permissible in its normal form. Yes, it’s even unpleasant for me if anyone horribly looks at my nipples and bare breasts.

  4. Olga

    For that matter, the defecation process is no less natural, but for some reason only a few allow themselves to do this publicly. There are certain rules of etiquette. I don’t see a problem going to the restroom if there is no room for the mother and child in a public place, or in extreme cases hide behind a scarf.

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