A mom who loves her baby but misses freedom

Hello dear tired mother. Mom with so much to do. Mom, who needs her shoulder to be framed. This is normal. You'll be all right.

That's what I've been thinking about lately ... Motherhood is a constant swing. It happens that children wake up at 5.45 in the morning, and you do not understand how to survive in the time remaining until the evening. And you know very well all these expressions, they say, "you do not have time to blink an eye, how the children will grow up" and all that jazz, but damn it! “You're so tired.” (Coffee please).

And it happens that the children sleep until half past eight in the morning, and you drink tea in silence, and answer the mail, and calmly take a shower, and it seems that you are the best mother in the world, and the sea is knee-deep. Walking around the house in joyful excitement, looking forward to a great day.

These are eternal swings: ups and downs, joy and despair.

You experience either happiness or guilt. You get tired, but you take strength somewhere to smile and start a new day.

I just want to say that it's normal to dream about the day when you can calmly take a shower again without constantly bumping into children's toys in the bathroom, or shaving your legs for eight minutes without worrying about accidentally leaving scissors on the kitchen table and your three-year-old, of course, will immediately do something to them.

This is normal (although, I confess, it annoys you with order) - when you take a shower and you see a child crying, although you know for sure that the child is sleeping (or someone is watching him, or he is taking a walk).

It’s normal to want to sleep all night, but to jump and run at two in the morning to the crying baby.

OK - swear to yourself "no more night feedings!" and give up on the very first night, because it’s easier and you’re not sure yet that you’re ready to turn off night feeds right now.

It’s normal to want to paint your lips and dress decently (not in the first pants you get), not from time to time, but every day. But putting on the first pants that fall asleep, and then walking in them all day is also normal.

It’s normal to want to eat right, but order not the most wholesome prepared food when you don’t have the strength to go shopping and cook.

It’s normal to want the child to stop whining, but at the same time know that one day you will miss this magical feeling of your own need.

It’s normal not to rush to clean immediately when there is a mess in the house, but instead go for a walk. If you start now, you won’t leave home ...

Likewise, it is normal to wash dishes, do the cleaning and cook while the child plays with himself. Periodically, we all do what is NECESSARY, and children need to learn how to occupy themselves. In addition, cleanliness in the house clarifies the mind (well, at least a distant semblance of cleanliness).

It’s normal to want to simultaneously spend time with children and dream of a trip to the sea without children, imagining how you sip a cocktail on the beach, dig yourself into the sand with your fingers and shout “Hurray, I'm free!”

It’s normal not to want to put the child to bed (an hour of dancing with a tambourine!), But to be sad when you still miss nightly tales and kisses because you were not at home.

It’s normal to miss yourself, as you were before your motherhood, for your independence, which you previously took for granted, but at the same time you cannot imagine life without your child.

It’s normal to be not only a mother, but also just a person. Have dreams and goals related to family and children - and your own.

It’s normal to be tired and emotionally exhausted from time to time. And at one of these moments, hear your baby say: “Mommy, you are the best!” And feel his palm in her own. And feel with all my heart: everything will be fine.

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  1. Vasilisa

    The one who wrote this is a “terry” egoist, in whom motherhood occurred by chance. For mothers who have entered into motherhood consciously, this article is nonsense of an immature teenager ...

  2. Irina

    When planning a child, I assumed that life would change, but I did not think so. The first few months she lived in a cage. Establishment of guards and walks in any weather. If the child sleeps, washing, cooking, cleaning, ironing. The husband is constantly at work, there are no grandmothers. I remember the child was 4 months old and the first time I was able to get out on a manicure. It was at that moment that she realized how important it is to enjoy the little things. And I realized that everything has its time. Children grow up quickly and stop needing us

  3. Kristina

    After the birth of the firstborn, she really felt what endless fatigue and lack of time was. Sometimes, sorry, there’s not always a minute to go to the toilet. The child is tame, if not in the arms of mom, then immediately loses me and cries. You are constantly exhausting yourself with a child in your arms, you simply don’t have time for yourself, you give all your time to a small miracle. But you know, even in spite of constant fatigue and lack of sleep, the child is the best that I have!

  4. Olga

    I dreamed about a child from school years. Therefore, motherhood was welcome for me, pre-planned. No one is safe from fatigue, even if your family helps you. Probably, psychological fatigue from responsibility for the little man still plays a role here. Even harder when the child is not the first, there are still small children. Recently I watched the film “Tally”, in it the whole truth about such a family.

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