Why hair falls after childbirth and how to stop it

Childbirth is left behind, the baby is growing and gaining weight, your body is gradually returning to its previous state. It would seem, what surprises can still await the young mother, because the most difficult thing has already been completed? It turns out that the period of recovery of the body after childbirth lasts much longer than it seems to us, and is accompanied by phenomena that alarm the woman. One of these phenomena is postpartum hair loss. 3-4 months after the birth of the crumbs, the mother begins to notice that after a shower, sleep or when combing, she loses a large amount of hair. Some even notice the formation of islets of bald spots on the head. However, no matter how frightening the picture, this process is completely physiological and lasts several months. It is important for young mothers to know why hair loss occurs and what to do about it.

Hair loss after childbirth

Why do young mothers lose their hair?

The causes of hair loss after childbirth are partly due to the natural processes occurring in the body, and partly due to the lifestyle of the young mother.

  1. The main reason is a change in hormonal levels. During pregnancy, the production of female sex hormones (estrogens) increases many times. Under the influence of these hormones, the body is literally rejuvenated, the cell renewal rate is very high. The natural process of hair loss during this period is minimized: those hairs that have already stopped active growth do not fall out, but remain in place, while new ones grow actively. The increased volume of circulating blood also plays a positive role in the cultivation of luxurious hair during pregnancy. After delivery, the hormonal background changes in the opposite direction. The amount of estrogen decreases, and the whole miraculous effect of them disappears. Hair falling out during this period is the one that should have already fallen out, but was delayed for physiological reasons. They simply start to fall out quite abruptly and in large numbers, so the situation can frighten a young mother.
  2. Stress factor. The birth of a child, no matter how strange it may sound, is a lot of stress for a woman, although he has a plus sign. Adaptation to a new social role, new worries, lack of sleep, even against the background of the joy of motherhood, undermines the strength of the body. Against the background of stress, the skin condition may deteriorate, weaken the immune system, and hair loss may intensify.
  3. The lack of vitamins and minerals. It is believed that during the gestation of the baby all the useful substances are “sent” to the child, and the mother gets something according to the residual principle. During breastfeeding, the same thing happens, only the needs of the born baby are much higher, so the mother gets even less.

How to stop hair loss

It’s worth saying right away that completely stop hair loss is impossible. That part of the head of hair that was supposed to leave her head will leave her anyway. However, this does not mean that no action should be taken.The best treatment in this situation is increased hair care and restorative agents for the whole body.

  • On a physical level, it is worth treating your hair very carefully: do not comb wet hair, do not pull it into a tight “tail”, refuse frequent combing (especially with metal teeth), do not use hair dryers, irons and curling irons, do not dye your hair and do not permed;
  • Cosmetic masks, both industrial and home-made, are good for hair loss. Recipes for home masks can be easily found on the Internet, but keep in mind that a young mother usually has very little time for procedures and personal care, and such masks take time: mix the ingredients, apply, rinse off in time. In this sense, store funds are more convenient. From storefront, oil masks are very effective, which are specially prepared mixtures of essential oils. The main components of such masks are burdock oil and oil solutions of vitamins A and E. By the way, vitamins A and E in the form of a solution can be added to shampoos, balms and other hair products, making them healthier;
  • During the period of hair loss, it is generally worth reviewing all the means to care for them. Shampoos and balms of the mass market should be postponed for a while and replaced with special therapeutic agents sold in pharmacies. These shampoos not only give a light cosmetic effect, but also, thanks to the active ingredients, have an effect on the scalp, causing a rush of blood to the hair follicles, which means enhancing their nutrition;
  • A prerequisite in the fight against hair loss - healthy nutrition, because food is the main source of vitamins and nutrients. The menu must have protein, calcium, vegetable oils, fruits and vegetables.
  • It will not be superfluous to support the body with vitamin preparations, especially since nursing mothers are usually wary of many products, refuse fruits and vegetables or eat them in a minimal amount. During breastfeeding, you can take the same vitamins as during pregnancy (Multi-tabs Perinatal, Vitrum Prenatal, Elevit Pronatal) Additionally, you can take calcium preparations (Calcium D3) and iodine (Idomarin, Potassium Iodide) However, it is not worth overloading the body with pills. Drugs should be drunk in courses, giving the liver a break from increased stress.


If the process of hair loss lasts too long or is very intense - it makes sense to consult a specialist. Usually, to combat hair loss, massage, mesotherapy is prescribed.

On average, hair loss begins 3-4 months after birth and lasts 2-3 months. It is necessary to take measures against active loss subject to a very important condition - a calm emotional background of the mother. Rest and a positive attitude are the guarantee of victory over any problem.

We read further useful publications on the postpartum period:

[sc: rsa]

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  1. Julia

    My hair also fell terribly after childbirth, the masks did not help. After 1.5 months, the loss stopped and I began to drink vitamins for pregnant and lactating women. During pregnancy, hair falls out more slowly, and after childbirth all the extra ones begin to fall out, and hormonal changes in the body of course.

  2. Martha

    By myself, I know that all sorts of masks and similar tools will not help here. You need to eat right and lean on vitamins. I even cut them off, hoping that the loss would stop.

  3. Nataliya

    Only when the mental and physical condition of the mother stabilizes, then does the hair loss stop. You can use shampoos and masks, so that the composition contains burdock oil. But this is a supporting option.

  4. Annie

    The cause of hair loss, of course, is a change in hormonal levels. I came across this almost immediately after giving birth, for about three months millet hair fell in horribly. I could not take any pills or vitamins, because I fed the baby. My doctor advised me to buy some kind of medical shampoo, only so that it does not harm the child. The pharmacy advised onion shampoo 911 with burdock oil, I was embarrassed that it was onion, but the pharmacist told me that everyone who took it did not complain about the smell. I bought it, I was surprised, it didn’t smell of onions at all, its smell is very pleasant herbal. The child did not react to him at all. In general, I can only say positively about shampoo, a month later my hair stopped streaming.

  5. Barbara

    During and after childbirth I used ampoules CH5plus, an excellent tool! She kept her hair in perfect order, there was no loss. Ampoules only from natural ingredients and have no contraindications. I advise all young mothers.

  6. Marina

    And after the birth I had two problems. One - overweight, the second - the hair fell out and was dull. Slender mom helped me to cope with both Modelform capsules with both of them. I lost kilograms, and my hair stopped rolling, became stronger and thicker every day. The result met my expectations.

  7. Ekaterina

    After pregnancy, hair began to fall out severely. At the forum, the girls wrote about the hair growth product - Aleran's serum. It is sold in a pharmacy, which already inspires confidence. I decided to give it a try. After a couple of weeks of use, the hair began to fall out much less and a hedgehog appeared from new hair) Excellent tool! In addition to it, a few days ago I acquired shampoo and balm, their hair is soft and shiny)

  8. Maria

    I also have 2 problems after childbirth: my hair and excess weight began to drop out a lot. I solved the problem with my hair (a friend from Germany praised their local product Plantur, which I found here, helped). But the weight can’t be removed, it’s already diet and exercise, but so far, can anyone have the right way?

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