7 reasons to wean a baby from a dummy

A pacifier is always considered a necessary thing for a baby. In fact, it does not bring benefits and can adversely affect the speech development of the baby. Here are 7 reasons why you do not need to give your baby a pacifier.

how to wean a baby from a dummy

Every item must be looked after.

Including a dummy. The purchased pacifier should be washed regularly and do not forget when leaving the house. You must remember where the dummy lies, and look for where it went. From time to time you have to buy a new pacifier, as they wear out quickly. It takes a lot of time to buy, search, wash the nipples. Is a tiny piece of silicone attached to plastic worth spending so much time and effort on it every day? Yah! All this time it is better to spend on a game with a baby or your own vacation.

The child develops addiction

Weaning from a dummy is not the easiest task. If the child is accustomed to the nipple, it will be extremely difficult to wean him. The kid will get used to it as a means of sedation. Attempts to hide or take away the nipple will provoke a real tantrum (or if the child himself lost it). There is no need to acquire difficulties that you have to get rid of with such labor and nerves.

Dummies Delay Speech

Parents complain that at 2-3 years the child does not speak, or vocabulary is not age appropriate. If he does not release the pacifier from his mouth, there is nothing to be surprised. Talking when she is constantly in her mouth is probably not entirely uncomfortable.

Expert opinion. Pediatric speech therapist Tatyana Vyskvarko: Continuous sucking of a dummy during the day can cause a violation of the structure of the speech apparatus, as well as distract the child from cognitive activity. In the early stages of speech development, the dummy prevents walking, if the child is further constantly engaged in sucking, speech development is delayed. Therefore, no matter how parents would like to make their life easier, you need to remember: everything is good in moderation, if possible, reduce the time to use the dummy, especially after the baby is one year old.

Dummy disrupt lactation

A baby does not suck a dummy like a mother’s breast. The baby sucks the breast with movements of the lower jaw. A baby's dummy sucks lips. As a result, children can begin to get confused in the processes and wrong to grab the chest. This leads to undernourishment of the baby and a decrease in the amount of milk in the mother.

A nipple can ruin a baby’s bite.

Continuous use of the dummy is a guarantee of visits to the orthodontist and speech therapist. The nipple leads to the formation of an “open” bite. In the future, the pronunciation of some sounds is violated.

A dummy does not eliminate the causes of crying and does not replace mom

There are situations when the nipple helps the baby to calm down. But in most cases, a child can do without it. If the baby is hungry, or if something hurts him, the dummy will not help. He will not stop crying and demand the attention of his parents.

The nipple can become a harmful ritual of falling asleep

If a child gets used to falling asleep exclusively with a dummy in his mouth, it will not be easy for his parents. Baby sleep phases are followed by short awakenings. If at this moment the baby cannot find the nipple, he will demand her cry. In order not to get up 10 times a night, the child will have to wean from a dummy. It is much easier to initially organize a nap-free sleep.

During the period of natural breastfeeding, the baby does not need a dummy. With the temporary separation of the baby from the mother, and with artificial feeding, the nipple can come in handy. But before buying, you should consult a pediatrician. The dummy can be used as a temporary attribute. The main thing is to remember that everything should be in moderation.

READ ALSO: Wean the baby from the nipple (dummy): tips and tricks

VIDEO: Soother: benefit or harm? From the video you will learn all about pacifiers and how to wean a baby from a nipple.
Tips for parents from a psychologist, the creator of the Academy of Professional Parenthood, a business coach and the mother of four (for two with her husband) children, Marina Romanenko.

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