How to make a newborn baby stronger: 4 basic exercises for developing strength and endurance in a baby

From birth, your child begins the struggle for existence. The strongest wins on the path of evolution. Nature helps in the development of your baby from a tiny creature into a full and strong in all respects member of human society. It may seem to you that your baby spends a lot of time in vain - it just lies and does nothing. But in fact, this is not so - at this time, the body is growing and developing rapidly. And when the baby moves his arms, jerks his legs, he trains and develops his body. His muscles and bones get used to getting a load and the child develops and becomes stronger. The strength of the muscles will help him hold his head, sit and hold his back, crawl, hold heavier objects with his handles. And the vertebral muscles and legs that have grown up and trained with such movements and movements will help him to take the first steps in the future. Caring parents are interested in harmoniously and gradually making the child stronger, helping him with this with the help of a set of exercises that are useful and recommended by pediatricians as described below. Become a personal trainer for your baby - help him become strong from the first months of his life. These 4 simple exercises will help your baby toddler become big and strong.

occupations with a newborn

1. Time on the tummy

Usually the child spends most of the day on the back. And his muscles in this position are loaded and trained mediocre. But when the baby is turned over on his tummy, then muscle groups that had not received a load before immediately begin to work, and the tone and load for the muscles of the body - back, abdomen, neck and shoulders increases many times. Already in the first days after birth, you can apply such exercises as approved by the Association of Pediatricians of America. Start a few times for 3-5 minutes. Exercises are best done in a playful way, put the baby on his tummy on a blanket or rug. Lie down next to him, and in an atmosphere of fun communication engage in training. Make faces, show the baby a toy, draw attention in another way, so that the child moves and works with different muscles. And so the training he needs to develop strength will become a joyful game and entertainment for him.

Distracting the crumbs here and there, you force him to make more movements, therefore, strain different muscle groups.

newborn on the tummy

At first, with such exercises, the child can perceive the exercises without enthusiasm. But after several classes, the training environment with dad or mom will become joyful and familiar for him, and the strengthened muscles will allow him to enjoy both exercises and movement.After some time, the baby will be able to spend more and more time on the tummy (up to 20 minutes per day). Over time, he will begin roll overgrab items and become strong enough to to sit down or crawl. Experts recommend not to stop such exercises, even after the baby starts turning over from the back to the tummy on his own.

We also read:How to lay the baby on the tummy

2. Pullups

Another important and useful exercise for muscle development in babies is pulling up in a sitting position. This exercise helps strengthen the muscles of the shoulders, abdomen, arms, and back. Even if you do all the work for the baby, pulling it up, the baby’s abdominal muscles contract. And attempts to align the head help the baby gain a sense of balance.


To correctly perform this exercise, you need to put the child on the back and firmly grab him by the handles, gently and smoothly lift him up. This exercise should be carried out no earlier than a month and a half after the birth of the baby. If the baby still does not hold the head well, instead of pulling it by the handles, support it with one hand resting on the back and the other under the back of the head.

You need to start the exercise by lifting the baby a few centimeters from the surface. Exercise will be more fun if your face is close enough to the baby's face, or more fun for the baby if you kiss the baby every time he rises.

3. Exercise “Bicycle”

You have probably already heard about one of the methods of alleviating the suffering of newborns during colic - pulling the legs to the tummy. This exercise also has other bonuses - strengthening the muscles of the legs, knees, hip joints and abs, increases flexibility.

exercise bike for newborns

Place the baby on the back and make his legs circular movements that simulate riding a bicycle. Joke, smile, voice everything in a fun and joyful way of communication - the child should enjoy the lessons. Repeat the movement 3-5 times - pause. Continue training until it is interesting and joyful for the child.

4. Weight lifting exercises

At the kid by nature, grasping movements should be developed. Grasping objects is a great way to develop grasping skills, coordination of movements, and also helps to develop muscles in the shoulder, arms, hands. After the baby independently begins to grab the objects with his hands, pick up for him and use during such exercises safe for him and moderately heavy objects like weighting agents. Motivate the baby to pick up objects, raise and lower them.

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Gymnastics for newborns

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  1. Lerych

    I do dynamic gymnastics with my son, highly recommend)
    Of course, only with the approval of the pediatrician)

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