7 skills that a child must learn before kindergarten

What are the 7 skills or abilities a child needs to master before he goes to kindergarten? Find out how they will help the child in the process of learning and adapting to the new team.

When it comes time to send the child to kindergarten, parents are concerned about questions, rather, related to his physical and psychological needs - will the baby be able to eat on their own, what they feed the children, what clothes to wear, what to do if the baby cries? They do not think about the need to instill in him skills and abilities that will help the child quickly adapt in the team and simplify the learning process. Just imagine how much attention your child will receive if there are 20 children in the group who need to be dressed and shod, and only two adults are a teacher and a nanny. It will be better if each child learns at least simple things before starting to attend kindergarten. What 7 skills should a child be taught before entering a preschool?


We also read: Adaptation of the child to kindergarten: what parents need to know

1. Develop the skill of perseverance

All children enjoy outdoor games, they love to run, jump and have fun, but in kindergarten they will need the ability to sit for 20 minutes, since they teach classes with the kids. It will not be easy for an untrained child to spend such a period of time in a calm state. Therefore, parents need to teach children perseverance. Children's performances where the performance usually lasts about half an hour can help with this.

At first, it will be difficult for the baby to concentrate on the performance for so long. After 10 minutes, small children lose interest in what is happening, but do not give up - with time, the baby will learn to hold attention longer. To develop the skill of perseverance, make it a rule to train your child at home, arranging short scenes with his favorite toys. Watching cartoons for children under three years of age is not recommended.

2. The ability to perceive information by ear

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For learning in kindergarten to bear fruit, the child must learn to listen. To some extent, visits to puppet theaters and home staged performances can contribute to the development of this skill. However, do not forget that in such scenes, children mostly perceive what is happening visually. In order for a child to learn to listen, it is useful to read children's books daily. Try to do this at least twice a day - before daytime and nighttime sleep.

3. Learn to follow the instructions in sequence

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Various games and activities in kindergarten often require the child to be able to memorize and reproduce simple actions in a given sequence. So that the kid can take part in such educational games and cope with the task on an equal basis with other children, you need to teach him to follow the instructions of adults before starting to visit the garden.

Sometimes ask your child to follow a few simple steps, for example, wipe his mouth, remove the cup from the table, and collect the crumbs. The difficulty for the baby usually is to remember the information. If he could not do everything in the indicated sequence, remind the procedure and ask him to do it all over again.

4. Learning to deal with buttons and buttons


Before you take the children to the garden, you should make sure of its ability to at least slightly care for itself. The duties of educators include helping children when they need to get dressed or put on shoes, but if possible it is better to facilitate their work by teaching the child to put on his pants after the toilet, fasten buttons and buttons. If the baby is still unable to cope with the button on the pants, buy pants with an elastic band. While at home, do not miss the opportunity to teach your child how to fasten buttons and buttons.

We also read: how to teach a child to dress and undress on his own

5. Learning to shoe

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Tying shoelaces is one of the most difficult tasks. Usually, children learn this skill only by the age of five, and before this age it is better to provide them with Velcro shoes, which even crumbs can easily cope with. Another difficult task for the baby is to recognize which shoe is put on the right foot and which one on the left.

In order for the children to remember how to wear shoes correctly, tell them that the toes of the shoes should look at each other (as if they were friends) - this is correct. If they turned away, as if quarreling, this is wrong.

6. The ability to share and share toys

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Most of the parents try to instill in children the ability to share from a year old. At this time, as if everything was going smoothly, the children willingly let another child play their doll or tank. From the age of two, when the awareness of personal belonging comes to babies, they are increasingly greedy. It’s just that the children still don’t understand that the thing given for a while will be returned to them, the fear of not getting it back prevents them from showing generosity.

Sometimes it seems to parents that their attempts to teach the child to share or change with others do not lead to anything, but do not give up. Over time, the kids will gain this skill, and help them in this fairy tale about greedy kids, as well as about toys that return to their master. Encourage your son or daughter to change things with other children, paying attention to the fact that, having given his toy, the baby gets another one in return. Learn that then you need to return the toy to the owner, and take yours back. You cannot do without the ability to share and exchange things in kindergarten.

7. We instill good manners

the child has good manners

When it comes to the ability of babies to show good manners, they mean that they should have an idea of ​​the elementary rules of good tone and behavior. It’s good when the child knows how to patiently wait for his turn, knows in what cases they say “thank you” and “please”, and also shows friendliness to others (we also read about the rules of behavior of children at the tablein this article).

When planning to enroll a child in a kindergarten, it is worth making sure that he has already developed the skills mentioned above. If so, it will be easier for the baby to learn new knowledge, he will adapt more quickly in the team.

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  1. Valeria Lyubomirova

    I work in kindergarten. My son is 1.7 years old and it is too early for him to go to kindergarten. But sometimes children who don’t even know how to dress and share toys and go in diapers are brought to a nursery. Usually, our teachers teach children the manners and all that they don’t know and leave notes for parents to pay attention to the development of their children.

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