Why do children like to ride on a swing

Winged swing - give a sense of flight, from which the spirit freezes: it is scary, funny and fun. This is not for nothing that this is a favorite entertainment on the playground, they are lined up, and it seems they never get bored. According to experts, the love of children for this entertainment is formed even before they are born. What is the reason for such a love of swings? Let's get it right.

All boys and girls love to swing, to be honest, adults too. Swing can be found both on the city playground, and on the grandmother's dacha, and on the lawn of a rich mansion. And of course, your child will be delighted if in the warm season you hang personal garden swings for him. Even a simple swing without a back, which you can do yourself. Although, it is more reliable to buy ready-made ones that will be stronger, and more beautiful than home-made ones. Researchers claim that this, at first glance, simple children's fun, has been known to mankind since ancient times, although the inventor has remained unknown.

child on a swing

The fundamental sensations are the movement up and down, from side to side, laid back in infancy and form a love of swaying. Long before the baby is born, during gestation, the fetus sways in time with the movements of the mother, and at the end of pregnancy in combination with her heartbeat. Further, after the baby is born, he is often shaken either on his hands, or in a cradle, or in a stroller. As a result of this, the child becomes calm, stops being naughty and falls asleep well. During this lesson, the baby feels fine, he feels good and calm. If the child snuggles up to his mother, then he begins to feel completely protected, this feeling will accompany him as he grows up. The main reason that children love to ride on a swing is the similarity of a pleasant feeling from motion sickness to riding on a swing. This feeling is laid in infancy and becomes the main reason for such a strong love for this occupation.

Therefore, babies need rocking horses, rockers and carousels for a happy childhood. It is believed that swaying, the child compensates for the lack of attention from the mother. Although this is not an indicator that the child needs a more sensitive attitude. He just grew up, and they stopped rocking him on the handles.

boy on a swing

Back in the middle of the last century, the famous Soviet physiologist and morphologist, academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Boris Nikolaevich Klosovsky, studying the brain, made an amazing discovery. It turns out that the mental development of children is interconnected with the development of their vestibular apparatus. The academician made an experiment and proved that the brains of kittens and puppies, which were subjected to stimulation of the vestibular apparatus, were a quarter larger than their peers in their usual calm state. Based on this, conclusions were drawn about the development of the children's brain.Now experimentally proven: rocking and torsion, stimulate the development of not only the vestibular apparatus and coordination, but also the parts of the brain that are responsible for speech, reading and writing. Who knows, maybe that is why children subconsciously choose these activities that are useful to them with more pleasure than others? Just remember how the baby rejoices when his dad throws up, to the very ceiling, or spins, playing on the plane.

Therefore, neither children nor themselves should be denied this pleasure - all kinds of swings are very useful for the whole organism. Roughly speaking, this is a very good simulator on which you can train the vestibular apparatus, form the correct posture, strengthen various muscles of the back, arms, legs, and also teach the child to keep balance. During riding, the child simultaneously relieves fatigue and stress, relaxes, calms down - ideal for an evening walk. A dynamic adrenaline rush causes a little fear, brings great joy. The feeling of euphoria is due to the production of endorphin, known as the hormone of happiness. By the way, rocking is an excellent prevention of motion sickness.

Oscillatory movements are generally natural in nature and have beneficial effects on humans. During movement, micromassage of the vessels is obtained, due to this, stagnant processes are eliminated in the body. Smooth and uniform movements set the same rhythm of the heartbeat. If you swing regularly, then the heart rate will gradually begin to recover. By the way, a swing also helps older people to cheer up, relieve accumulated stress and cope with depression. Therefore, do not pass by the swing, swing children and swing to health until one hundred years old and even more!

Posted by Julia Podrugina, mom and director of the network of children's educational clubs Angelochka

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  1. Olga

    As a child, I loved to swing on a swing without any sense - just soar in the air, later I began to do air gymnastics. But my eldest son does not like to swing. The only thing he likes about them is the ability to jump from her when she is at a high altitude. But I didn’t even know about the benefits of swinging on a swing.

  2. Inna

    Not only children, but also adults love to ride on a swing. But not everything, my nephew, such swaying causes nausea and vomiting, he also feels very bad in transport, constantly cradles.

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