6 ways to get your child out of the playground without hysteria

Taking a child off the playground without hysteria is easier than it sounds. The most effective methods to take the child home without whims and screams.

Taking the child off the court is a problem. When the requests and persuasion do not work, the mother’s nerves lose their temper, and she has only one thing left: to put him in a stroller by force and take her home. But the child does not like this situation, he begins to scream, resist, and in the end, the case ends in hysteria. And if you try to do without screaming and hysteria?

child on the playground

Main reasons child hysteria - the disappointment of the child and his desire to insist on his own. This desire is especially pronounced in babies from one and a half to four years. At this age, children begin to become aware of themselves as individuals, with their own desires and interests. This period is well known to many parents and is called “crisis of three years“. The main task of the mother is to outline the clear boundaries of what is permitted, without breaking the character of the child. This also applies to the rules of the walk.

After several tantrums on the site, parents usually think: how to avoid them? There is a solution, the main thing is to find a suitable way to complete your walk and think through all the details well. There may be several options, but they have one essence: the end of the walk should be calm and natural.


take the child from the playground-1

It is best to go out at the same time as other children of your age. You can make friends with mommies at the playground and go out for a walk together, so that the time you arrive at the playground and the time you leave home coincide. Leaving the company is always easier!


Set up a child to go home will help the usual sequence of actions. For example, you can use the phrases “Let's collect our molds, shovels and cars, and then take them to the stroller so that nothing is lost on the way home” or “Look, is this our bucket?” Where should it be when we are going home? Right, in the toy basket. ”


The easiest way is to convince the child that it is time to go home when his little friends were also about to leave. “Look, Artem has already climbed into the stroller and is going home to eat. Wave it with a pen and climb into the stroller too. And it's time for us to dine. ”


If the child is stubborn and doesn’t want to go home, you can call for help to his favorite toy, for example Peppa pig worn on his hand (or any other toy, the main one that the child loves). Favorite toy will invite the baby with him to ride on a magic carriage. Mom, of course, will have to connect all her acting skills to make the performance look authentic. And the child will happily support the game.


If you couldn’t avoid the tantrum, try to distract the child. For example, you can switch his attention to something nearby: “Look, who is it in front? What a beautiful dog! Let's catch her. ”The child will be interested in a beautiful dog and, most likely, will want to “play catch-up in a wheelchair”. And in a minute he would not even remember his tantrum.

We also read: Hysteria in a child - how to calm in 2 minutes


Leaving a walk home can be turned into a game. You just need to find something noticeable in a distance from the site, for example, a tree, and cheerfully say: “Let's race! Who will quickly reach that poplar, you or me? ” Surely the child will want to compete, especially if the mother will give in and let him win. And how many more trees you come across on the way home ..!

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Photo Source: Shutterstock

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