Nursing mother's nutrition: myths and truth

There are prejudices regarding breastfeeding issues. Is it worth believing every common opinion. Description of the main myths about HS and brief comments on each of them.

food myths during gwThe topic of nutrition of a nursing mother is certainly important. After all, now you need to think not only about your diet, but also about the baby’s reaction to various products and the quality of breast milk. Discussions have flared up around breastfeeding and nutrition of a nursing mother at all times, not without reason there is a saying "how many people, so many opinions." In almost every area of ​​our time, there are many myths and prejudices, and the nutrition of a nursing woman was no exception. In our conversation today, we will talk about all the existing myths and voice small comments on each of them.

  • The first myth. Be sure to drink cow's milk and dilute the tea with it. It increases the amount of breast milk

Whole cow's milk is an excellent allergen, so we do not recommend using it in its pure form. Are you sure that this will not affect the child? In addition, with a well-established lactation process, an increase in the amount of milk is simply not required. It is produced as much as your baby needs. Moreover, increased production of breast milk can cause common diseases such as lactostasis and mastitis.

Mixed drinks are poorly absorbed, so it is better to exclude tea with milk from your diet. In addition, he does not have the lactogonous properties that are assigned to him. It is much more useful to eat yoghurts, kefir and other dairy products. To quench your thirst, you can drink compotes, weak tea and mineral water (just choose one that does not contain gas).

We also read: lactogon teas

  • The second myth. You need to eat citrus fruits, kiwi and mango, they have a lot of vitamins

Citrus fruits occupy the top lines in the list of allergenic products, so it is advisable not to abuse them. And indeed, our body is not accustomed to various exotic fruits. Why do you need this unjustified risk? Eat better apples and those fruits that are cultivated in your climate zone.

We also read:

fruit while breastfeeding

fruit in the diet of a nursing mother

  • The third myth. Vegetables of red, orange and yellow color cause an allergy in a child

If you have never had an allergy to vegetables of these flowers, that is, you can safely. But the health of the child, of course, must be monitored. Any new product needs to be started to be eaten in small portions, while carefully observing the body's reaction of the crumbs. And color does not play any role here.

We also read: breastfeeding vegetables

  • The fourth myth. Meat must be eaten in limited quantities.

Meat contains many “usefulnesses” that the body of a nursing mother needs, and the baby, too. You just need to choose it carefully. Pork, for example, is too fat, it is really better to limit it.Duck meat is also undesirable, because it is poorly digested. But chicken with beef - to health.

We also read: what can you eat a nursing mother

  • The fifth myth. A nursing mother should drink a lot. It increases the amount of milk

In the body of any person there is a hormone responsible for the water-salt balance. Excess fluid is excreted, and in the presence of thirst, the hormone does not allow the body to secrete water. Milk can actually become less if a nursing mother is thirsty on an ongoing basis. But if there is a lot of water in the body, then the production of oxytocin is reduced and milk begins to stand out worse from the ducts. Stand out, but not work out!

Remember one simple truth - milk is formed from blood and lymph under the sensitive "supervision" of prolactin. Mom's plentiful drink has absolutely nothing to do with it!

Hence the conclusion: you need to drink in the volumes in which your body requires it. He needs to know what he needs and in what quantities.

  • The sixth myth. You cannot eat sweets while breastfeeding.

There is no point in completely denying yourself this pleasure. When breastfeeding, it is important to exclude excessive consumption of cocoa and sugar, therefore, we remove chocolate and all kinds of cakes from the diet. There is nothing reprehensible in the fact that mom will eat marshmallows, fruit marmalade, pastille or drying.

We also read: that you can’t eat to a nursing mother

  • The seventh myth. The quantity and quality of breast milk depends on the diet of the nursing mother. Need to eat as many high-calorie foods as possible.

We have already mentioned here that breast milk is not produced from those products that a woman consumes, and therefore its quantity can in no way be associated with malnutrition. Even with the very poor nutrition of a young mother, the quantity and quality of milk can satisfy all the needs of the child. The question is different - how all this will affect the well-being of the mother herself, because the body will use all possible and impossible reserves for milk production. With insufficient saturation, the body simply can not withstand such a load. Therefore, you need to eat well, but you will not be of any benefit if you start to overeat or force yourself to eat.

  • Myth eighth. Nursing mother must follow a diet

To those foods that are usually eaten in your family, the child is accustomed even during intrauterine life. Therefore, radically changing your diet is more harmful than useful.

  • Myth Nine. Exercising negatively affects lactation

A negative effect on the process of breastfeeding can only have a strong daily load of long duration. If you want to attend a gym a couple of times a week to keep fit, there will be no harm. Try not to overload your chest. Daily charges do not count at all, there will definitely be no harm from them.

We also read: rehabilitation exercises after childbirth - 14 simple exercises

The nutrition of any nursing mother should be balanced in the first place. You know your body better and are capable of making your own diet. Eat varied, delicious, and most importantly - with pleasure.

We also read: feeding a nursing mom

Weaning the baby from the chestImportant on the topic of breastfeeding:

Essential Tips for HB to Nursing Mothers –

How to feed and apply the baby to the chest –

Why it hurts to breastfeed –

Top 10 nutritional guidelines for a nursing mom –

More opinions, more myths, more true

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  1. Darya

    I think so too!! I tried to stick to diets, a little over a month! Then she spat! I decided that the child should try, through gv everything !!! We are almost 3 months old! ! do not suffer from rashes

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