When can pregnant women take baking soda? (thrush, heartburn, toothache, cure throat, pregnancy test soda)

Soda is a truly universal thing. It will help to wash dishes from fat and bake a lush cake. Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is used not only in the food and chemical industries, but also in medicine. Soda is able to neutralize acids, while forming substances that are harmless to a living organism - salt and carbonic acid, which, in turn, decomposes into carbon dioxide and water.

baking soda during pregnancy

A pack of soda is present in the house of almost every housewife. The wonderful properties of soda help in different situations. But can it be used during pregnancy? After all, a woman in a position is often limited in taking medications and various drugs, and soda has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect.

Thrush and soda

Thrush (candidiasis) is a companion of many pregnant women. Hormonal changes occurring during the period of gestation provoke the rapid multiplication of Candida fungi. In addition, thrush often occurs with a decrease in immunity, which is typical for any expectant mother.

At the same time, taking most medicines is contraindicated, and authorized medications are not always at hand. Therefore, baking soda can serve as an ambulance. Of course, it will not cure thrush, but it will reduce the manifestation of such unpleasant symptoms as itching, inflammation and secretions. Soda will not harm either the expectant mother or her baby.

To combat the symptoms of thrush, prepare a soda solution. In a glass (250 ml) of warm boiled water, dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda. Wash with soda composition every day for a week. You can also douch. In any case, consult your doctor before proceeding.

Heartburn Soda

Even if before pregnancy the woman did not know what heartburn is, now she is likely to get acquainted with this unpleasant sensation. A growing baby puts pressure on the mother’s internal organs, and a burning sensation arises from pressure on her stomach. Not wanting to endure this discomfort, a woman out of habit can use baking soda. But is this folk remedy so harmless during the period of bearing the baby?

When heartburn occurs, baking soda is really able to provide emergency assistance. Reacting with gastric juice, sodium bicarbonate neutralizes the acid, which is the cause of "adversity." However, the carbon dioxide released during the process increases the secretion of gastric juice, and the symptoms of heartburn come back after a while.

It turns out that soda brings only temporary relief. But at the same time, it causes edema, which is especially critical during the second half of pregnancy. And it does not affect the intestinal mucosa in the best way. Therefore, it is not advisable to save soda during heartburn, especially for expectant mothers, which means that taking soda and a solution with its contents inside during pregnancy is not recommended.

Today you can find much more gentle means for the body than soda. For example, medications such as Maalox and Alfogel can be taken. These are nonabsorbable antacids that can be safely consumed during pregnancy.

heartburn in pregnant womenREAD DETAILS: Pregnancy Heartburn Soda - Pros and Cons and we recommend that you read the articleHow to deal with heartburn during pregnancy?

Is it possible for a future mother to treat sore throat

It is difficult for a woman in a position to protect herself from colds and infections. And one of the typical symptoms of these diseases is a sore throat. Everyone knows that if, at the slightest manifestation of ARVI or ARI, gargle with water and soda, the pain will gradually subside.

To do this, it is enough to dilute 1 tsp. soda and salt taken in the same amount in one glass of warm water (250 ml). This soda-salt solution will relieve you from pain when swallowing. Baking soda can be harmful during pregnancy if you swallow it, but if you rinse it, it will perfectly cope with the unpleasant manifestations of diseases such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis and stomatitis.

Pregnant women can gargle with soda solution. But do not forget that this method must be combined with the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Toothache and baking soda

Toothache can occur at any time. This is especially true for those who do not carefully monitor the health of the oral cavity. And although toothache does not pose a threat to the condition of the mother and fetus, she can cause a lot of suffering to the expectant mother.

And if before that you could undoubtedly resort to a soda solution, now you can doubt the correctness of its use. Of course, if a toothache occurs, you should immediately consult a dentist, but since this possibility does not always exist, you can use your usual improvised means.

Prepare a solution from a glass (250 ml) of warm boiled water and two teaspoons of soda. Rinse the mouth thoroughly with the resulting composition throughout the day. This prescription is quite effective and will help you get rid of pain before you find yourself in the dentist's office.

Pregnancy Test with Soda

It is interesting that our grandmothers used soda even to determine pregnancy, because they did not have modern tests and ultrasound at their disposal. As you know, you should not fully hope for this method, but you can try this home method for determining pregnancy.

So, you will need freshly collected morning urine and baking soda. It will be nice if you prepare a transparent container. Add soda to the urine and observe the ongoing reaction:

  • if the liquid is covered with foam and hisses, it means that you are not pregnant;
  • if there is no visible reaction, but a precipitate has formed at the bottom, this indicates pregnancy.

Pay attention

When using baking soda, do not forget that it does not apply to medicines, therefore it cannot cure you of various diseases. With inflammation of the mucous membranes, soda only temporarily relieves you of pain and itching. The use of home prescriptions with this tool does not cancel the visit to the doctor and the use of medicines.

Soda is not a toxic substance, but it can still harm, especially if you are expecting a baby. A solution with a slightly alkaline medium can be prepared from soda, but in no case should you drink it! This is especially true for pregnant women, located to the frequent occurrence of edema. And if the un expectant mother nevertheless drank this solution, you need to inform your doctor about it.

Baking soda is an excellent assistant in the treatment of sore throats, toothaches and symptoms of thrush. Its use is also not forbidden for cosmetic purposes, for example, when taking a bath to get rid of sweating. Use soda correctly and be healthy!

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  1. Guzel

    I would never have thought that ordinary baking soda has such a wide range of uses! I knew that you could rinse your teeth with soda for toothaches and that’s all ... Although I would not risk taking the treatment of thrush with soda in any position (pregnant or not).

  2. Veronica

    During pregnancy, like everyone, I suffered from heartburn. I did not want to use soda. I tried to drink milk. It helped, but not always. And then they told me to bite the seeds. Indeed, the burning sensation passed. And she was saved from heartburn.

  3. Eugene

    I used soda during pregnancy only for gargling (soda with iodine) for colds, I had heartburn, but did not take it inside, but it turned out to be possible. I will know, in any case, it is not toxic, but sometimes it does not help.

  4. Vika

    The last magpies of pregnancy occurred during the period of exacerbation of viral diseases. When visiting public places, Orvis Lysocin was saved. These are tablets for resorption. They help maintain local immunity of the oral cavity and throat. Allowed to pregnant and lactating mothers and children from 3 years. They also have antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects.

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