What to do if a small child 2 - 3 years old is terribly afraid of flies

Children's fears are a topic that worries parents very much. We do not understand why the baby is afraid of seemingly familiar things, but we really want to help him. Your 2-3 year old child has become panicky afraid of flies? If for us adults, the fear of insects seems strange, then among children it is common. Below we will explain why this happens and give advice on what to do.

drawing of a fly

  • Tip one: understand the reasons and be patient

Each parent must understand that a child who forces him to close the windows in the apartment so that no insect flies into the room, or arranges enchanting tantrums on the street, as soon as he sees a fly, does not want to bother you with nerves - he is simply afraid. For us adults, many phenomena are insignificant - flies, loud sounds, screams, shadows, dust and so on, but a baby in 2-3 years only knows the world, and all this can frighten him. Be patient, don’t make fun of the phobias of your son or daughter, show understanding of the problem, demonstrate the safety of this or that phenomenon - and in time everything will pass.

  • Tip two: consider the nature of the child

There are children who are decisive and not very active and passive - it’s understandable that a kid who treats everything with caution (by the way, often with the example of his parents) reacts differently to something new than an active kid who is afraid of something, then usually not for long. In the first case, you will need more patience and a sense of tact, but over time the mountain will fall, because the flies are not really scary. You can come up with a tale of a good fly, and the child will understand that the insect does not need to be afraid.

  • Tip Three: keep track of incoming information

The kid saw on TV an excerpt from a horror film, where a huge fly-mutant destroyed the planet Earth - why not be afraid? Or a grandmother scares a child with flies, but you didn’t even notice how you asked the child to leave the grass, because there are flies and ants that can bite painfully ... Keep an eye on the information that comes to the child - and in the future, extra fears simply will not arise.

  • Tip Four: read books

On sale there are special children's books about fear, in which the protagonist is at first afraid of something, but mom-dad explain to him that the phenomenon is completely safe, or he is convinced of this from his own experience - and that's all, there is no more problem. The immediate effect is not worth the wait, but other people's examples with similar problems have a positive effect on the problem of the child.

  • Tip Five: play

You can play a good fly, show your baby pictures in an encyclopedia, cartoons where the fly plays the role of a positive character (for example, a fly-clatter, a Maya bee (although this is not a fly, but you can draw an analogy)), go to the zoo - in general , do everything possible to show that the phenomenon that scares the son or daughter today is actually safe. Flies just live and just fly, like people play or walk.

  • Tip six: do not cheat and protect

You should not tell the baby that there are no flies nearby, and there is nothing to fear - sooner or later a buzzing insect will catch his eye and you will simply undermine the child’s confidence in yourself. Better say that protect him, and when you are near, there is absolutely nothing to fear. The kid continues to worry, refuses to go to the nursery, because there are flies? Take it by the handle and go see if there really is a danger or nothing to fear.

  • Tip seven: talk about love

Each time your child throws a tantrum or simply shrinks into a lump, because he is "threatened" by insects, hug him, hold him in his arms, say that you love and protect from everyone. Think for yourself - the fear of a little man is huge, and the man himself, in fact, is so tiny.

  • Tip Eight: don't push

In no case should you crush a child - if he is afraid of flies and therefore does not want to go into the room, do not drag him there by force, because he "invented stupid things for himself." Respect the feelings of your son or daughter, sooner or later it will help.

  • Tip nine: flies - they are not scary

Buy toys in the form of insects, play good games with them, teach your baby not to be afraid of insects gradually and with positive examples.

General tip: keep empathy

It is natural that for you fear of flies is something stupid, but you are not 2-3 years old. Do not leave the child alone with his phobias, moreover, do not make fun of him and do not hang labels like “cowards” - the child has a whole life ahead of him, and living with fears driven deep inside is completely useless.

Here are some popular tips on the forums:

the son was also afraid in two years, now (in three) he is afraid. what they were doing:

- Allowed to be afraid (come here, I’ll hide, dad will drive away (kill) the fly
- told tales and poems about insects. watched detailed pictures
- the elder in front of his eyes played with spider flies
- learned to compare - who is less / more, he or a fly, a spider
- told (and are telling) about insects biological information adapted for a child - who eats what, who lives where.

but, IMHO, the fear of insects is really justified. it is important that he does not interfere with life. and panic is really a problem


... they said that the fly itself is afraid that it is small, it flies to its mother, and so on ...
... drove the fly away ...

... we say that the fly is small. I tell you that the fly eats, where it sleeps, how it lives in general ...


Take some biting bug, for example, in your hands and show your daughter, explain that it’s not scary, at the same time smile, etc. If mine is afraid of something, I do just that and after such acquaintances my daughter is not afraid of it .


... They included the cartoon "Maya Bee" ...

... oooh, you can also try the tale of the fly tsokotuha) thanks for the ideas!) ...

We also read: What to do if your child is afraid of loud sounds | the child is afraid of the pot

Childhood fears. How to teach children to cope with fears?

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  1. Lidiya

    I also had a similar problem with my son and as a result, we went to a psychologist .. I myself could not cope with the problem .. The fear reached hysteria ..

  2. Tamara

    This is only at first glance the problem may seem ridiculous. But in reality, everything turns out to be much more serious. To reassure the child, I even had to come up with a fairy tale that the flies are our friends.

  3. Tatyana

    I can say I’m lucky, because I had only one conversation with the child, so to speak heart to heart. She asked why she was scared, explained that she wasn’t afraid.

  4. Katia

    We are just at that age now. So far, there is no fear, and I hope that it does not appear. But if that, I at least know what to do to calm the child.

  5. Taisiya

    My daughter and I had long conversations about why our husband and other insects should not be afraid .. But in the end, she stopped being afraid of them, which is great. Even I myself became somehow calmer.

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