Whether to observe the regimen of children's day in the New Year

New Year is a family holiday, kind and long-awaited. Holiday fuss, gifts, smart Christmas tree - all this is so exciting for any child. Only celebrations can greatly change the usual mode of your child. How to celebrate the New Year without the vagaries and tantrums and not overwork the child, we will understand below.


All parents know how difficult it is to teach a child to a certain regimen, which will be useful to the baby and convenient for mom and dad. Violations are bad. Any festive mood can spoil the whims, crying, the bad mood of the child, because everyone has a desire to pleasantly celebrate the long-awaited holiday.

Totally tiny

If your baby is still quite a baby, then the only thing for him can be a holiday from Budy, is the presence of a bright blinking Christmas tree and decorations. Kids really like everything bright, so you can easily give him a ball or Christmas tree toy, the main thing is to make sure it is safe.

If the child is already crawling, then let him take apart the box with the jewelry, making sure that they do not appear in the mouth.

The baby will go to bed, as usual, and you will calmly celebrate the holiday. Remember that after the chiming clock, long fireworks begin that can scare the baby. Take care of his peace of mind in advance, pick it up, if possible, go to the most quiet place in the house.

Grown up baby

At this age, the child is already aware that something joyful and unusual is happening. Talk with the baby, tell him about the holiday, Santa Claus, gifts and magic. Even the tone of your voice will let your child understand that a holiday is a pleasant and joyful business.

Remember that solemn events, congratulations, guests can excite the child, he will not be able to fall asleep for a long time. Therefore, start preparing for bed a little earlier than usual. Let the crumbs eat, bathe at least an hour before the usual time, in order to sleep peacefully, according to the regimen.

Make it clear to your guests that you are following the child’s regime so that they can adapt to it.

If you yourself are going to visit, it is best to go back to sleep the baby home, as in a new place where everything is so interesting, it will be difficult for the child to calm down. Or also start preparing your baby for bed in advance, moving away from other people. It will be harder if, after celebrating, you are going to go home, the child will inevitably wake up when you dress and undress him at home. Therefore, if possible, this situation is best avoided.

3-4 years

At this age, the child already fully understands that the holiday is approaching, he already knows stories about Santa Claus, is waiting for a matinee, an elegant Christmas tree and home decoration. Let the child take part in creating a festive atmosphere, he will feel his involvement in the holiday and apply family traditions to himself.


Psychologists unanimously claim that at the age of 4 years, it is too early for a child to celebrate New Year at a common table. These are very strong emotions and a lot of stress to the body due to a lost regime.

It is more difficult to get a baby to fall asleep at the usual time than with younger children. Therefore, devote more time to your child, play, celebrate with toys, dance, fantasize, play actively on the street, sledding, sculpt snowmen. This will allow the child to feel the festive atmosphere and get tired in the evening. Put your baby to bed a little in advance to let him calm down.

Coming Santa Claus can still be stressful for a child. Even if your child was not afraid of Morning at the matinee, the home atmosphere is more familiar, the child feels safe at home, so the child may perceive the invasion of this atmosphere as a New Year wizard in a slightly different way. He may worry, be afraid, experience a storm of emotions, after which it will be difficult for him to fall asleep. If you decide on the arrival of Frost, do it in advance, but rather the day before the holiday.

If the kid demands to celebrate the holiday with you, tell me that at night there will be gifts under his tree, the child will want to fall asleep more quickly, so that morning comes faster.

5-10 years

The child is already looking forward to the holiday, understands everything and takes an active part in preparing for the New Year: decorates the Christmas tree, helps to sew costumes, teaches poems and songs. At this age, you can let the child become a full participant in the celebration.


It is important to talk with the child in advance and explain that the holiday comes at midnight, after the salute, the children should go to bed. In addition, you need to explain to the baby that in order not to sleep until late, you need to get a good night's sleep.

Most likely, the child will not be awake until the cherished 12.00, so try to take it and distract it so that the baby does not get upset by missing the most interesting.

If the child is completely tired and falls asleep, promise that he will be sure to wake him up to the chime. The main thing is to fulfill your promise.

New Year is a special holiday, magical and very family, if your child has reached the age of conscious perception of the celebration, do not deprive him of the opportunity to feel closeness and unity with family and traditions. By introducing the baby to the holiday, you yourself become a little children and again believe in a miracle.

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  1. Alina

    We learn what mothers and fathers need to remember, who want to celebrate the holiday without problems with a newborn, baby or a child of three years. So is a happy and memorable New Year with a small child a myth?

  2. Elena

    When going to visit, you should carefully examine the child. The slightest hint of feeling unwell - moodiness, lethargy, loss of appetite, sparkling eyes and even a slight increase in temperature and a slight runny nose - a good reason to stay home. The meeting of the New Year with your beloved baby is always associated with the most touching moments in life. A properly organized celebration will allow both adults and children to enjoy the magic of the evening. Parents should show a little patience and care - in this case, their vacation will be pleasant and full, and the child’s introduction to the New Year miracles will go smoothly.

For Mom

For Dad
