10 ways to make your life easier with your baby without helpers

Standing on the threshold of a future independent life with a small child, a young mother is not always confident in herself. She is concerned about her own inexperience. 10 practical tips will help to overcome doubts and help out in a situation where you have to cope with the baby alone.

Left for the first time alone with a small child, it is easy to get confused by the many responsibilities that will need to be performed with the baby in her arms. Especially when you do not have to rely on the support of a caring grandmother or an experienced nanny.

mom with a newborn baby

Do not worry. Reality will turn out to be simple and mundane in everyday life. And compliance with a dozen simple rules eliminates many problems.

1. Rest when the baby falls asleep

In most cases, the mother of the baby is chronically lacking sleep. Take every opportunity to restore lost strength. Rest every time the baby falls asleep. No matter what time it happens: morning, afternoon or evening. Sleep or just lie down with your eyes closed. This will help recover.

Now you live in the same rhythm with your baby. So follow his example and gain strength when he sleeps.

2. Do not deny yourself the pleasures

Do not take your duties as a dull routine, watching in social networks the perfect beauties with angel-like children. They have nothing to do with reality.

Sitting at home with a child, you can always make time for an interesting book or a new series. Pamper yourself with activities that bring you joy and inspiration. The kid will fully appreciate the positive of your mood.

3. Do not overload yourself with work

The desire to be a super model mom and mistress is understandable, but not always real. For a day, it is not possible to perfectly clean the house, cook pickles, wash, clean and wash. Most of the time you will be busy with the baby. Therefore, include in your plans for the day what you can do. Refuse difficult or completely senseless tasks. Not necessary at all iron diapers on both sides or color perfectly even stacks of things in a chest of drawers.

4. Feel free to ask for help

Do not take all the household chores without exception. Share some part with your husband. For example, taking out the garbage, walking the dog or buying food will not be a burden to him, but you will save valuable time.

Feel free to ask your friends to do something useful. On the way to visit you, they can buy the missing products or go to the pharmacy.An easy assignment will turn into practical help for you.

5. Use modern technology

Household appliances incredibly simplify life. Exploit them as much as possible. A slow cooker will save you from standing at the stove for a long time, and a juicer and a toaster will provide a light breakfast in a couple of minutes.

A dishwasher and multi-function vacuum cleaner, air purifier and steam ironing system - this is your comfort and time saving. Plan them a place in the family budget and on the list of welcome gifts. Do not lose.

6. Order services online

Service centers are gaining momentum in popularity. Take an interest in this segment. Now here you can find useful services at a reasonable price. An online order will save the situation in case of a sudden problem: whether you need a nanny for a couple of hours, food delivery or urgent repair of plumbing.

You may find a suitable service for regular use: cleaning, delivery of goods, pet walking.

7. Do household chores with your child

The kid in the house does not interfere with homework. Dozens of cases you can redo with it. Use the portable playpen. The baby will be there to see and hear you. You can communicate without breaking away from work.

Dissatisfied whim requires close contact? Master the sling. So you free your hands for work, and the baby will fully feel your closeness.

8. Be open for new acquaintances.

Your current status unwittingly limits the circle of friends. Try to expand it with new friends. The same young mothers can become your good friends. Exchange of information, news and tips will make joint walks enjoyable and useful. A casual conversation in a children's clinic can develop into long-term cordial communication, and children will gain the lessons of their first friendship.

9. Do not deprive the husband of attention

Naturally, the baby is now the center of your care and tenderness. It was at this time that young husbands often felt abandoned and forgotten. Avoid alienation in the family. Let dad get involved in your crumbling world. Be condescending to his clumsiness and blunders.

Take time to be alone. Do not let the abyss of mutual interest. Get inspiration from each other.

10. Remember that things will change soon.

Do not have time to look around, as piles of diapers, night feeding and their own insecurity will be a thing of the past. The kid will grow up. You will be able to agree with him and give simple orders. It will become much easier for you.

And it may happen that it is then that you suddenly realize that you really need another child.

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