How to make your day perfect - 6 ways

Do you want to change your life for the better and live as many ideal days as possible? But you have doubts: is this possible? Believe me, nothing is impossible! Check out 6 ways and everything will be perfect!

Which of us does not indulge in dreams and does not want every day to bring only joyful moments and be perfect ?! It’s wonderful when the sea of ​​positive people and exceptionally nice people around you succeed and succeed! Is such a miracle possible? Of course, every day of the year cannot go smoothly and without problems, but each of us can change our life so that there are much more such days. There are 6 rules that will help create positive. So, let's begin!

perfect day

Method number 1. Decide what the words “perfect day” mean to you personally?

When we begin to answer ourselves to this seemingly simple question, it turns out that we do not quite understand what we mean by the word “perfect day”. So start with a simple understanding of yourself and your desires. Think: what brings you joy and what makes you sad? What affects the increase in your self-esteem, and what is the opposite? When inspiration comes, what affects it? If you clearly know what you want to achieve in life, then planning your ideal day will be much easier.

Method number 2. Without planning - nowhere!

Planning will help you understand what needs to be done in the first place, as well as highlight the main areas in your ideal day. The main ones are 3: the first is time for oneself. those. personal time (rest, doing things you love, taking care of yourself); the second is time for family people (attention to children, doing lessons with them, joint games, trips to visit relatives and friends); the third is time for peace (work, social and household responsibilities). Naturally, each area can and should be expanded, painted in more detail individually for yourself. If you add another area, it will be great.

Method number 3. Self-love is good, narcissism is bad!

If we do not love ourselves (not to be confused with narcissism!), Then who will love us? That is why every woman, writing her day, should add the item: "Do something nice for yourself." And it doesn’t matter what it will be, the main thing is that there should be at least three such amenities per day: a cup of your favorite coffee in the morning, drunk in silence by the open window, and maybe a cake that you haven’t been indulging in for a long time (figure!), A walk around your beloved places (a walk in a quiet park), or an evening run through the stadium.There are many options, the main thing is that such small surprises help to improve the mood and restore the energy spent.


Method number 4. Tell the expectations: “No!”

There is such a bad habit - to wait from other people to raise our spirits and create comfortable conditions. You should not do this, because we ourselves must take care of our own happiness, good mood and perfect day. We ourselves are the smiths of our own happiness. And good mood too! Why put all this on the shoulders of other people? When you plan your day, you don’t need to “rely” on any person, i.e. Your schedule should not depend on anyone. After all, if a person has unforeseen circumstances, then he will not be able to fulfill what you expect from him. What then? Reproaches, disappointment, painful expectation ... This can frustrate your plans and all this will definitely not create a good mood for you.

Method number 5. Remember: a hundred cases in a day can not be redone!

When you are planning your ideal day, approach this realistically and remember that it is impossible to redo a lot of things that have been accumulated long ago - the ideal day is not rubber, but you are not iron .. Plan as much as you can do without a “race”. Otherwise, overfatigue and disappointment awaits you in the evening, because a certain number of cases will certainly not be completed. An adequate number of planned tasks will save you from excessive fatigue and a sense of incompleteness. And even if everything can be redone, by what efforts? Is it a perfect day? Going quietly - you will continue: the famous proverb is relevant here as never before.

perfect women day

Tip number 6. Remember about relatives!

Of course, we all want perfect days, weeks, years. However, one should not forget that close people live near us who also have their own plans. Striving to create an ideal life for yourself, you can be so carried away that you forget about your family. But it is they who share with you at the moment your imperfect life. Therefore, they simply need to be dedicated to their plans, because without the support of loved ones it is unlikely that something will work out, their support will help you achieve your goal. And do not get annoyed at them if your plans for the day do not coincide with their desires. After all, we are all living people with our problems, dreams, and life often makes its cool adjustments. The love of loved ones cannot be planned. Think: what are we without people close to us? And is a perfect day possible without them?

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