5 rules for a winter walk with a child

Is it useful to walk with a child in winter? Will not get sick, won't catch a cold? Such questions can only be asked by mothers who do not know anything about raising children. Take a walk on health, and more is the general answer. And now let's talk more specifically about the rules of winter walks with a child.


From the first weeks of life, regardless of the time of year, the child needs fresh air. Start a walk at a temperature of -10 degrees with the baby in the arms of mom / dad and walk for 15-20 minutes. Gradually increase the time of festivities to 1.5-2 hours. You can go out with the baby 1-2 times a day. A strong minus of air temperature (-20) is not a reason to cancel the walk, but just the need to reduce the time spent on the street to half an hour. You want your son or daughter to grow hardened, healthy and developed.

In the absence of wind on the first walks, the smallest can be carried on hand. A baby from 1 to 3 months in calm weather can walk at temperatures up to -10, from 3 to 6 months: up to -15, over six months: up to -20

1. What clothes are needed for winter walks?

  • light, not constraining movements;
  • warm but not hot;
  • windproof;
  • consisting of several clothes, so that if necessary it was possible to remove something, for example, when visiting a store;
  • covering the neck and ears, but not making a packed “mummy” out of a child.

An infant who cannot walk should be dressed warmer. It is necessary to cover him with a blanket in a stroller. As soon as the baby is on his feet, let him stomp in the snow, show interest in this white miracle. Let it fall in the snow, let it be surprised or cry. This is the knowledge of the world.

Walking on their own, children generate more energy, their blood circulation faster. They are hot. Moms should carefully monitor the behavior of their child, not to miss the moment when he becomes cold. With the active behavior of the child, it is better not to overdo it with clothes.

Experienced mothers advise: if a child walks while lying in a stroller or sitting on a sled, put on it one layer of clothing more than yourself, if you run and move actively, then one layer less, if you are going to walk around quietly with a child on snow-covered streets, put on him as many layers of clothing as you would for yourself.

Pediatricians warn: until the age of three, a small person does not know how to tremble and bang his teeth from the cold, his body has not yet formed a sufficient fat layer for thermoregulation. It is the mother who must monitor the heat exchange in her child’s body and respond in time to temperature changes.

READ ALSO: how to dress a child for a walk

2. More or less movements

The child is not an old woman, he should not sit on a bench.Active games, running around, cleaning the tracks with a spatula, sculpting a snowman are unforgettable moments for the whole future life, especially with the active participation of mother in joint action. We went for a walk with a son or daughter, put away your mobile phone and deal only with the child. Everything that you “play” with your child can be photographed.

3. Attention and only attention

Make sure that the child does not overdo it in games. As soon as you see that the child is flushed, he began to breathe quickly and hard, swallow cold air with his mouth, dampen his ardor a little. You can distract the attention of a flying bird, passing by a beautiful car, a story, a fairy tale, a song.

The baby in the stroller simply cannot say that he was cold. This should see mom. Lethargy, sudden sleep, pallor of the skin - signals about the possible freezing of the baby.

4. Going out or hungry to the street

Food is fuel for our body. Only a well-fed child will be joyful, cheerful, active. You don’t want your son or daughter at the sight of every oncoming shop asking to buy a bun or chips. We ate, got dressed and went for a walk. That should be the rhythm of your life. But a snack in the form of apples or cookies, you can take with you. In case the walk drags on.

5. Things you can't do without

Just a walk with the child does not work. Each time he wants to discover the unknown, get acquainted with the world around him. Mom must think ahead in advance of the lesson plan for that day.

  • Snowfall? You can clean the tracks. The shovel, taken out by the mother from the bag in time, will bring joy to the child and will allow him to take it for a while.
  • Thaw? Sculpt a snowman or a fortress. You can play snowballs. Dry mittens, and preferably two pairs, will help keep the child's dry and warm hands.
  • Frost? But do not you ride with a child from a hill? Together, only together. It is still very small for independent trips. Sleds, taken for a walk, will be to the place and on the way home. A tired child can be sledded.
  • In any weather, take a handkerchief, a thermos with tea, a packet of cookies for a snack and a couple of your favorite toys in your bag.

A simple runny nose or malaise should not be an obstacle to walking. In the fresh air and nasal congestion is faster, and the malaise is forgotten. Go for a walk at least for a while, of course, if the child does not have otitis media or high fever. Here the parent's common sense should work.

Sometimes children do not want to go for a walk. There are many reasons. This is a simple laziness, and reluctance to put on winter street clothes, and a bunch of other reasons. Mom should affectionately and convincingly convince the offspring to go for a walk. For example, to say that the sun sent vitamins and you need to pick them up.

Mommies, dear ones, the most important thing that should be present at common walks is love, a good mood, attention and a desire to be together. Children will grow up, and memories will remain with you and the child. Do not forget that everything in a person originates in childhood. How your child grows up, what his character, life will be, depends on these joint winter walks.

Doctor's advice: winter walks with a child

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  1. Svetlana

    This winter, we went for a walk in any weather, even when it was laziness, I forced myself. After all, babies sleep so well on the street (we are seven months old). I always wore thermal underwear and a warm jumpsuit for a walk, and covered me with a woolen blanket. If the temperature was below 25 °, then put the baby in a fur envelope. We walk for 2-3 hours on average.

  2. Elena

    We live in the south, so severe frosts are a short-term phenomenon for us. But how to miss the first snow. The kid has so many emotions! Of course, dress warmer and walk! After a walk in the fresh air - a great dream and good mood.

  3. Veronica

    In summer, the walks are of course the longest and most enjoyable, but for such a winter as now, you need not only a warm stroller, but also with such a fabric that would not let in moisture or wind. And having bought Anex Sport, we completely guessed with this.

  4. Aka

    Now in Astana, we have 22, with a sensation of 28. And is the child 1.4 months old, can I walk in a current temperature?

For Mom

For Dad
