How to “survive” a wife’s pregnancy and remain a family

Bearing a child is a very anxious, responsible and at the same time difficult time for a woman. More than half of all pregnant women do not bypass toxicosispain in the back, legs, changing pressure. No one has canceled hormonal bursts either. A woman changes in the blink of an eye, she is now calm and peaceful, stroking her stomach and loves the whole world, then it becomes sharply irritable and tearful, and the people around her annoy and annoy her.

The period of pregnancy is a time of testing the patience of not only the expectant mother, but also her husband.

He is always on the fine line between the desires and needs of his woman. Often the future father has angry bubbling inside and accumulating irritability, but if the child is desired, and the woman is really loved, then the man will surely find ways to calm his own nerves and help his wife easier to survive the difficult period of her life.

It is best to act in accordance with the stages of pregnancy and women's sensations at this time.


Stage One: I'm Pregnant

If you were planning a child, then you probably already listened to a lot of anxieties and questions about “what if I’m sick,” “maybe you need to be checked,” “suddenly we are doing everything wrong”, etc.

Planning period no less anxious for your other half, as is pregnancy itself. The only right decision for you remains: to invariably reassure your wife, not just repeating that everything will be fine, but at least pretending to delve into the problem, study it and are firmly convinced of a positive result. You are not callous and callous, you understand everything.

And so she brings the long-awaited two-strip test. God forbid you calmly react and not rush with hugs and cries of "Hurray." She may not give the appearance that she is offended by your reaction, but this will be remembered for a very long time, and you do not need it.

Stage 1

Never let her ask the question “is this mine?”, Even if she doesn’t pack her things right then you will sleep on a cot for a very long time.

Be sure to immediately show your puzzles and seriousness, ask him what to do, where to get it and how to be.

The first three months: stupid want or need

And so it began, the abdomen is not yet visible, but as his wife was replaced, even the iron lady suddenly becomes moody and vulnerable. Crying over trifles and requires incomprehensible inexplicable things. Soon you will learn what it is to run after dumplings in the middle of the night or not to have time to bring the compote, as she will already want it.

2nd stage

In the first trimester, the woman’s body undergoes tremendous changes, they can be expressed in dizziness, nausea, chills and many more symptoms. You only need patience and constant care.

According to scientists, the needs and even the strangest desires of a pregnant woman are not just bziki and ways to attract attention, but the possible needs of the body and signals about diseases and lack of certain substances. Even the desire to breathe car exhaust can talk about the development of anemia.

Therefore, if the requests of your woman do not go beyond the reasonable, try to please her.

Remember that with severe toxicosis, the expectant mother can spend midnight on the toilet, so give her the opportunity to sleep.

Already in the first trimester, the wife can change libido, she can sharply refuse sex, respect her choice. Sexual desire will arise and disappear, this is normal. Do not think that sex has disappeared from your life forever. If you have concerns that you may harm the baby, talk with the doctor, he will dispel your fears and tell you how to act. Naturally, if there is a threat of miscarriage, do not try to seduce your spouse if you do not want to lose a child.

Second trimester: your interest and delight

From the 4th to the 6th month, the woman’s condition, as a rule, improves, the toxicosis goes away, the belly is rounded, the expectant mother is already used to the new status, and you too have adapted to new living conditions.

At this stage, the wife will constantly take tests and regularly visit a doctor. If you have the opportunity, take her to the consultation. Be sure to be interested in the results of the tests, ask how you feel. Read how the baby develops, talk with your woman, tell what you learned. She will be incredibly pleased to know that you are interested in everything related to the baby.

Soon the moment will come when you will see him. As a rule, the second ultrasound is done at twenty weeks of pregnancy, right now the baby is clearly visible. Be sure to go to the study with your wife, believe me, you will be imbued with an unusual feeling.

You can talk with the child, stroke your beloved belly, the baby already feels everything.

dad strokes mom's belly

By the end of the second trimester, in most cases, the woman’s old things become small. Expectant mother with “sadness” buys special clothes. Expand your wife’s doubts that she, becoming fat, become ugly. Give compliments.

Final three months

You are at the finish stage. It’s already hard for your wife to carry the baby, pain in the back and legs may appear. Help her make life easier with massage.

The baby is already tossing and turning in the mother’s womb, do not deny yourself the pleasure of putting your hand to the belly of your beloved.

The wife is becoming more and more rounded, if you catch yourself thinking that you are afraid that she will remain full, know that most kilograms will leave immediately after the birth.

By the end of pregnancy, your woman will become a kind of crystal vase, it needs to be protected and supported in every way. It’s really difficult for her not only to hang clothes or sweep, but even to put on shoes. If the last months of bearing the baby fall in the winter, try to accompany the woman on the street to avoid falls.

There comes the stage of endless searches for the best stroller, crib and amazing diapers. Take part in the choice, demonstrate interest, even if it makes no difference to you, in a green or blue bonnet, your child will be taken out of the hospital.

In fact, you may even like to choose your baby clothes, furniture and accessories.


When the contractions begin, do not panic. If you are at work, call your boss immediately and go home. Even if you are afraid not less than your wife, do not show it, demonstrate full confidence in a good outcome, and set your spouse in a positive way.

Help her once again check if you have collected everything for the hospital and go there.

joint birth

If together they decided that you should definitely attend the birth, calm down in advance. This is a difficult decision for a man, you most likely have already talked with a doctor and prepared mentally.

Now you can only wait. Ask the doctor to tell you as soon as the wife gives birth.You shouldn’t call your beloved, she’s definitely not up to the conversation now, unless, of course, she asked you about it herself.

Your few days

As soon as a miracle happened, call your newly minted mother and give out the most touching speech. If the conditions of the hospital allow, come and see your child, believe me, this is an unforgettable moment in life.

You already felt like a father, but there are no diapers, diapers, or sleepless nights in your life.

No need to indulge in unbridled celebration with all your friends, you can collect them and accept congratulations, but do not get too carried away.

Get ready for the return of your wife and baby from the hospital, you can come up with a catchy surprise. Assemble the crib if it is not ready yet. Talk with your wife and deliver everything you need for discharge.

baby born

Take care of the woman, if she is not satisfied with the nutrition in the hospital, bring the food in consultation with the doctor. Let the refrigerator not be empty at the time of the return of the newly made mother home. It is unlikely that she would want to immediately run to the stove.

Your life has already changed, soon you will find out how smiles at, what a blessing it is to be with him. All negative moments are quickly forgotten and can not be compared with the billion incredible emotions that your child will give you.

We also read:For husbands: instructions for handling a pregnant wife

Army for 9 months or Pregnant wife through the eyes of her husband 🙂

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