Can a newborn sleep on his stomach? Baby Sleep on Stomach - Pros and Cons

Your baby eats well, wrinkles his eyebrows and nose, sniffs comfortably, his nose buried in the pillow. And you, like many other troubled parents, google the Internet, look for answers to your many How and Why? Caring grandmothers and aunts throw their portions of horror stories to you: “You can’t sleep on such a crumb on his stomach, he can suffocate” ... and other horror stories. If you are also haunted by such fears, we’ll try to figure out together whether it is possible for a newborn baby to sleep on his stomach.

baby sleeps on his stomach

Sleep on my stomach - minuses

  • American doctors in the 90s of the last century described Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SHMS). The reason was called spontaneous respiratory arrest, which can occur if the newborn is sleeping, his face buried in a pillow, and his breathing is difficult. Breathing skills at this age are poorly developed, the nasal passages are narrow, the child does not understand and cannot face the pillow, cannot turn the head to the side. Crust or mucus in the sinuses of the nose can also make breathing difficult. The fact that this syndrome is directly related to sleeping on the stomach is not proven, but experienced pediatricians advise to be very careful.
  • Another argument against this - the baby can suffocate with vomit. Often after feeding the baby spits upIt is important for parents to prevent swallowing of vomit in a timely manner. Some parents are sure that the child can choke if it lies on its stomach. But this is not true. From this point of view, it is most dangerous to sleep on your back. When vomiting occurs, vomit will enter the respiratory tract, and the baby may have aspiration pneumonia, which is difficult to treat.
  • The next argument is against - during sleep on the abdomen there is compression of the chest, it is difficult for the child to breathe. This opinion can be attributed to prejudice, and even calm breathing will be a marker here. And if something scares you, consult a pediatrician.

Sleep on my stomach - pros

  • It is in this position that the child’s gas escapes more easily, self-massage of the tummy occurs, decrease intestinal colic.
  • The baby's hands rest on a mattress, he does not make involuntary movements by them, he shudders less in his sleep.
  • Sleeping up the booty minimizes pressure on the hip joints, and even the thin bones of the skull. The risk of their deformation is reduced.
  • In the fetal position (the child’s head is lowered, the pelvis is raised, the arms and legs are pressed under themselves (see photo above)) blood quickly enters the brain.
  • It is in this position that the baby has the least chance of drowning from regurgitation.

Your baby likes to sleep on his tummy, he is calm, breathes evenly, does not jerk his legs. The child is sleeping sweetly, which means he is well and comfortable. Put aside prejudices and fears aside - grow up healthy and happy!

Baby's sleep - safety rules

In the first months of life, parents will have to decide for themselves how to put the baby to sleep. Alert armed. Remember that during sleep on the side there is compression of the hip joint, dysplasia may occur. If you sleep on your back, then deformation of the bones of the skull, swallowing vomit is possible. Sleeping on your stomach can cause respiratory arrest. Such cases are very rare, the probability is negligible, just be vigilant and follow the recommendations:

  • Arrange a place to sleep properly. Hard mattress (how to choose a mattress) and the lack of a pillow (yes, children under one year old do not need a pillow. We read how old a child can sleep on a pillow - allow your child to breathe freely through the nose. Approach the baby during sleep and turn his head from one side to the other.
  • If, nevertheless, fears and anxieties follow you, put the baby to sleep on its side, and under the tummy and back, put a soft roller. The position of the crumbs will be fixed, breathing will be free. Be sure to lay the baby on her tummy during the day. Very soon, you will notice how quickly the muscles of the shoulders, neck, back, and abs strengthened (see how to lay the baby on the tummy) Before peers, the baby will begin to hold its head, roll over, crawl.
  • After feeding, carry the baby in your arms “column”, let the air that has entered the esophagus with food go outside and during sleep the child will not spew.
  • Carefully, especially if the baby is sick, inspect the nasal passages, cleanse them of mucus and crusts. Try to maintain an optimal microclimate in the room (temperature is about 23 ° C, the air is clean, humidified).
  • During sleep on the back or stomach, the child involuntarily turns his head towards the room, people. Periodically lay it in the crib with the head in the opposite direction. So you will avoid deformation of the bones of the skull.
  • Very soon, your baby will grow up, and he will choose your favorite poses. Then no matter how much you turn it over, it will fit as it suits him. So leave him the right to choose!

Afterword: Up to a month (!) It is better if the baby sleeps on its side, and then start laying it on its tummy. Over time, the baby will choose his favorite poses. Adults will only have to make sure that the sleeping conditions are safe. Colorful dreams to you!

We also read on the topic of sleep:

Video: The position of the newborn during sleep

One of the questions that young mothers often ask is: what position of the newborn during sleep is considered correct? It is difficult to give an unequivocal answer to this question, since there are many opinions and recommendations. However, after studying them, the conclusion suggests itself: do not dwell on one option, the baby must be periodically shifted and its position changed during sleep.

Answers Larisa Sviridova (Mom Lara):

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Here's what moms write on the forums:


If the child is comfortable sleeping on his stomach, let him sleep, it is completely safe for him! This is not scary. Let him sleep on health.


Stop, stop, stop - in no case - newborns, you can’t sleep on your stomach or on your back, just the same is visible in the photo - they are all slightly turned slightly on their side!

that's how newborns sleep

See? And why?

Yes, simply because it is typical for newborn babies to spit up sometimes, and if he sleeps on his back, he may choke, and on his stomach a child can simply suffocate.


All three of them slept on my stomach in turn, they are alive and well. Control, of course, is needed, but sleeping on the back is much more dangerous than on the stomach.


Of course, I am not a doctor, but based on my own experience, sleeping on my stomach (with constant monitoring by my parents, EXTRA: winks :) is not contraindicated in infants. Among the obvious advantages are a decrease in the intensity of colic, a better sleep (doctors also consider adults to be adult). The only thing was that I constantly watched so that I wouldn’t bury my face in the sheet so that there was free air access.

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  1. Lily

    My daughter was sleeping on her stomach and I read that this is normal. The main thing is that the child is comfortable and he gets enough sleep. Everything else is no longer important .. And by the way, with health we are all fine.

  2. Elina

    I do not see anything wrong with the fact that the child is sleeping on his stomach. Let him sleep as he wants. This is all better than waking a child and disturbing his sleep. It definitely won’t get better from this.

  3. Alena

    Wow, I would never have thought that a child could sleep like that. Меня I have two daughters and both slept either on their side or on their back. Neither of them slept on their tummy.

  4. Taisiya

    My son is sleeping on his stomach, but I do not turn him over. I don’t notice any changes in his health or behavior. Everything is fine with us, so let him sleep on his health.

  5. Varvara

    I don’t see anything terrible and if my daughter sleeps like that, I won’t take any measures. It seems to me that if there was harm from this, the child would not sleep like that.

  6. Lucy

    From 1.5 months my daughter sleeps only on her stomach and she doesn’t want to do anything else - she immediately wakes up and begins to cry. Well, she doesn’t like it and let her sleep as she wants.

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