5 reasons why you can not lose weight after childbirth

Most young mothers are concerned about the problem of extra pounds. After all, it would seem that both the pregnancy and the birth itself were left behind, and the excess weight for some reason does not go away. Numerous diets and sports exercises do not help to achieve former physical forms. What is the reason for this injustice and how can one restore the former harmony?

lose weight after childbirth

The period of pregnancy and the first few months of a child’s life is a time when a woman practically does not belong to herself. Endless cares about the child make the beauty of the hairstyle, manicure, and also the state of the figure move to the second (or tenth) plan. But worth to establish a way of life, wait for the restoration of the hormonal background and the menstrual cycle, as thoughts about losing weight reappear. And here young moms face a variety of difficulties.

1. Sleep disturbance

After giving birth, young mothers very often experience a lack of sleep, because only a few of them can note with satisfaction that their baby does not wake up at night. This can lead to a slowdown in metabolism, a constant feeling of hunger during the day and night raids on the refrigerator. Doctors notice that it is in a dream that our body gets rid of excess calories.

What to do?

To counter this problem, experts recommend falling asleep in any successful case. Very often women are torn between a child, household chores and forget about themselves. Having laid the baby in the afternoon, do not rush to arrange a general cleaning or a grandiose washing. Make sleep a top priority.

2. Low physical activity

Many women who take daily walks during pregnancy, after giving birth, begin to “walk” the babies on the balcony or in the playground, sitting on the bench. They are firmly convinced that they are already quite busy with the household, and walks in the fresh air are intended only for kids.

What to do?

Of course, regular gym exercises or yoga classes are often an unattainable dream for mothers with newborn children. And doctors are categorically against such loads. However, it’s quite possible to purchase DVDs with various training systems for young mothers, buy a hula-hoop or purposefully charge (By the way look Methods of losing weight - online course "Mom + baby") No time for exercise? Put your baby in a stroller and take a walk, just don’t sit on a bench with friends, but try to walk several kilometers during the day. Active mother brings up an active child!

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3. Excess calories while breastfeeding

Young mothers, following a variety of tips, while breastfeeding begin to eat intensely, increasing the calorie content of dishes or serving sizes.Of course, you should not rush to the other extreme and look for “productive” diets on the Internet, but a disregard for the number of calories consumed often leads to extra pounds.

What to do?

Of course, experts categorically do not accept strict diets during breastfeeding, but no one forbids a young mother to balance her own diet. Refuse fatty, sweet and fried foods, as they do not contain substances that are beneficial for the baby.

Also, according to doctors, nursing women require 450 kilocalories more than before pregnancy. And this, for example, twenty grapes in the morning, a quarter glass of nuts in the afternoon and a glass of milk in the evening. A similar addition to the past diet will satisfy the additional calorie needs of a nursing mother.

4. Violation of diet

With the birth of a baby, women often break their diet. As soon as you sit down at the table, the child begins to cry. And you have to have a bite and run to it. More snacks are dangerous during dinner. For example, you fed your child by hastily eating a couple of sandwiches. And after you put him to bed, you sit down for a full dinner. In such a simple way, every day you consume 100 or more extra kilocalories.

What to do?

Try to adjust your diet to your child’s sleep schedule. It is necessary to arrange full dinners when he falls asleep. Chew your food very carefully while eating. The best option is switching to food in small portions. Such crushing involves three main meals and 2-3 additional. And, of course, the choice of products useful for mom and her offspring.

5. Postpartum depression

Sleep disorder, increased irritability, chronic fatigue, persistent headaches, excessive emotionality and tearfulness are all symptoms of postpartum depression. Young mothers also show mood changes, which doctors explain as an increase in pregnant women 's levels of estrogen and progesterone, which are responsible for the optimal development of the fetus. In the woman who gave birth, the amount of these hormones decreases, and another, prolactin, is produced. It is because of this restructuring that mood swings appear and, as a result, the depression that women try to fight with food. Chocolate not only brings a sense of joy, but also reflects on the scales.

What to do?

In the fight against postpartum depression, sports, regular walks in the fresh air, listening to your favorite music and just a change of scenery help. To prevent a depressed mood from becoming a habit, you will need the support of loved ones and the ability to appreciate the pleasant aspects of motherhood.

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By the way, doctors do not advise women to think about losing weight until the menstrual cycle has completely recovered, the hormonal background and breastfeeding have not ended. If the child has grown up, hormones and health have returned to normal, and the kilograms do not go away, use our tips.

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