The joys of motherhood, about which no one warns in advance

The young mother honestly, openly and with humor talks about her first maternal experience. Take it easy and enjoy a new role for yourself!

it's hard to be a mom

Pregnancy is a special condition of not only the body, but also the soul. In the last months, you seem to be somewhere in another dimension. As an elf flutters along the street and with benevolent condescension, you glance at those around you who have not yet had time to have children: what do they even know about life? A big belly and swollen legs, bedside tables, somewhat interfere with fluttering, but can such trifles distract from pleasant thoughts? From the anticipation of the upcoming meeting with a small miracle?

And one fine day, the expectation comes to an end: you hold a small screaming bundle in your hands and you understand that a calm, serene life has come to an end: diapers, poop, regurgitation and sleepless nights are ahead. In general, the life of an elf is somehow very abruptly changing. And then you suddenly realize that the terrible truth was hidden from you: a small child is not “mimimi, uti-way, my sweetie!”. This is a series of some endless problems, for which for some reason everyone was silent. Some things came as a complete surprise to me.

Lactation. All talk about what an unforgettable feeling it is and how useful it is for the baby and mother fades on the second day when it appears nipple cracks. This is precisely “unforgettable sensation”: when the blood dries on the nipples, and you collect all your will into a fist so as not to yell from pain during feeding. And all the "charms" lactostasiswhen you are lying in a bed with a temperature under 40 and a feeling that your chest will come off and fly away into the blue distance ... And next to it lies a child who at that very moment wants to eat, drink, poop and play with his mother.

Diaper change. It was a big surprise for me that it was at this moment that the baby begins to yell like a victim. With screams we remove the dirty diaper, with screams we wash, with screams we put on clean and with hysterical sobs we try to get dressed. If I had not yet seen in the maternity hospital that others were no better, I would have definitely decided that I was doing everything wrong.

Lack of desire to pee. Apparently, during pregnancy and childbirth, the pelvic muscles and the bladder were in such a squeezed state that then they fall into a stupor and simply do not believe their happiness. Or as if the bladder also accidentally gave birth. So write does not pull. At all. In the hospital, all the medical staff periodically reminded us that it was time to go to the toilet.

Sleep on my stomach. While I was walking with my stomach, I only dreamed how, after giving birth, on the very first night, I would turn on my stomach and fall asleep sweetly. There it was. It is very difficult to sleep on a breast overflowing with milk, from which it is constantly trying to leak.

Stomach. If during your pregnancy your belly has become covered with a nice fluff, and even tan ... Then be prepared for the fact that after giving birth you will get a few kilograms of brown hairy jelly. In this situation, there is only one positive: you will not have time to worry about your stomach.

Lack of time. Yes, they warned me that young mothers do not get enough sleep and they have almost no time for themselves. Not true. You don’t need any time for yourself, because such a thing as “you” simply ceases to exist in your own tormented consciousness. Vague memories that people sometimes comb and brush their teeth overtake you somewhere in the middle of the day, and you languidly try to recall how this is done. There is no question of eating at all until the husband returns from work and puts some edible piece in your mouth. I wonder how unmarried young mothers eat? ..

We also read: How to stay crazy after childbirth - tips for young mothers

it's hard to be a mom

Children's dream. Why doesn’t anyone tell what to do if, after an hour and a half of continuous dancing with tambourines around the crib, the baby finally falls asleep ... and then you hear a characteristic sound that says it's time to change diapers? Husband has to solder valerian. But I am not - I'm flint. I turn around 180 degrees and move away from the crib. Cuckooed child is not a tragedy. But two crazy psychopaths instead of parents - this is a disaster.

Nowhere is it written what to do, if both parents rocked the child for three hours in turn, he finally fell asleep and in a dream ... crap one's pants. A diaper change means "The 2nd series begins, sit in the first row!". Her husband's eyes twitched when he heard a lingering bunch. The prospect of jumping on the ball for another hour frightened him more than a tax visit to the office. The ball was his duty. Now he has a beautiful elastic ass. I rocked while standing. To and fro. In the first month, by inertia, I swayed like that everywhere ... in a store, on the street. Just stop and come on ... back and forth, back and forth. My eye did not twitch. I put Alice in the crib. Right in the poop.

Hygiene. All in chorus say that the baby should be protected from germs. And for the time being you try: boil the bottles, rinse the nipples with boiled water, wash the floor 2 times a day. But the child is growing. And when you lift it for the hundredth time from the asphalt, and at that time he licks his hands and what he found on this asphalt ... For the thousandth time you are trying to explain that car tires are tasteless, and chewing them is a bad tone ... In general , the joke that “if a child ate from a cat's bowl, then these are cat's problems” ceases to be perceived as a joke.

Still, on the Internet, everything is so frivolous, why the real picture is greatly distorted ...

“Oh, the masquera have such kaki!” This means the masseur crap to the ears.

"We burped!" It means that the mask was vomited so that everyone changes clothes ... both the mask and mom, and the cat passing by is washed.

"We eat porridge!" Everything is in the gruel! Masik, mom, stool, floor, walls, if the masik made Pffff with his lips, well, the cat, of course, where would it be without him.

Love. For some reason, everyone around tells how much you will love your child immediately after he is born. They lie. In no language in the world have they come up with a word that can explain your attitude to this small source of “problems”. Love is something else, not revealing even the hundredth part of your emotions. It's just that not a single person on earth has yet found words that would accurately describe this feeling. The unearthly is perfect. Surprise. You look and do not see enough. Shock! She has it all! Cilia, eyebrows, ears, fingernails and even a hole in the pope! Can you imagine ?? She has a hole in the pope! How is this possible? How did my body create all this? She is breathing. She stirs. Frowns. Watching. A deep bow to the one who created all this! And is that love? Do not believe it! This is a completely crazy, unearthly, enthusiastic state. This is my daughter and she is real!

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  1. Svetlana

    Our babies are just as beautiful and perfect as the Lord Himself who creates them in our mother’s wombs.
    I recall how much pleasure I experienced in the hospital when I was first brought to feed my son. This magical smell that came from his face, I will never forget.

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