Children in public transport: who should give in to whom

Should adults give way to school children in public transport? Russian journalist discusses the problem of detocentrism in our country.

One of the rules of conduct in public transport is: “Give way to passengers with children, the disabled and the elderly.” It would seem that there may be questions here - everything is logical. But should a young woman who returns home from work, tired, jump up when she sees a 10-year-old child? Where is the age limit at which the child is not able to stand on his feet a few minutes before his stop? The Russian journalist shares her opinion on this issue.

Children in public transport: who should give in to whom

After one incident, the bus could not stand it and posted this story on Facebook.

Returned home in the evening. The bus was full, all the seats were occupied, another 15 people were standing at the handrail. At the bus stop, a woman over 50 (probably a grandmother) with a grandson of about 9-10 years old came in. The lady cast a decisive look at the bus and asked her grandson: "Where are we going to sit?" The kid shrugged and, not showing much desire to sit down, listlessly held out: "I don’t know, ay ...". “Sit down, sit down,” the granny insisted, “there is no truth at the feet!”

While I was watching this conversation with interest, the woman deliberately moved to a girl of about 25, sitting in the most convenient place, and without a shadow of a doubt ordered: “Give the child a place!”. The girl stood up, the man sitting next to him, too, stood out of harm's way. The lady and the boy took the vacant seats and drove all the way sitting.

This is a typical Russian mentality, sacred respecting the principles detocentrism: all the best is for children ... and adults will somehow manage.

If that Madame approached me, I would not have thought to give way. An adult child who does not even show signs of fatigue, and a middle-aged woman who is called a “grandmother” doesn’t turn her tongue: for what reason should people tired after a day's work give in to them? Apparently, a young woman who honestly plowed full time did not deserve the right to go home sitting. Like a man who may be engaged in heavy physical labor.

After the publication of this text on Facebook, a storm began. A hundred conflicting opinions fell on my head. Firstly, for some reason, some thought that the grandmother and grandson could get tired and feel bad. Could, of course. Like those they raised from their seats.

Secondly, the question of the child’s gender turned out to be fundamental: if a girl, then okay, but the boy still needs to be raised in a manly manner.

Thirdly, many decided that it was a decrepit 80-year-old woman and a one-year-old toddler. Not! Using the word "grandmother", I only pointed to the degree of kinship. The lady was not much more than 50 years old, and the "baby" was quite drawn for 10 years of age. Here's what, for example, they wrote to me in the comments.


Agree! Recently, I have been confronted with such situations in transport, in shops, in cafes ... Everywhere the same thing: give way, skip the queue, serve us first ... Why on earth? We, probably, also deserve elementary respect! Interestingly, is it only in Russia that the world revolves around a child, or are there such trends in Europe too?


10 years is quite a conscious age when a boy already needs to instill male behavior, and not drive a woman away so that he sits down. How will he relate to the weaker sex when he grows up? And he will adhere to the principles instilled by mother and grandmother: there is nothing more important than personal comfort.


I wouldn’t give in either. After all, the boy did not even want to sit down. This grandmother thought for him and decided. Apparently, she wanted to sit by herself, but here by the way - the child is at hand. This is a universal shield with which you can cover all your desires.


Of course, if we were talking about a kid who is still hesitantly standing on his feet and can not withstand a long load - then it is clear that we must give way. But the over-age child over whom the "young grandmother" cackles is a bust. So until the age of 40, he will consider himself a child.


Notice, the grandmother raised the girl to give way to her grandson. The future man! Thus, the attitude of a man to a woman is formed. It is formed by such mothers and grandmothers who are ready to sacrifice themselves and all other female persons to their tired child.

And then begins - “all men are goats”, “there are no normal men” ... And where do they come from, if such an upbringing. Men are brought up from birth !!!!!


It still annoys me when little children are not put on their knees. The child sits next to his mother, occupying a separate place, despite the fact that they do not even pay for the fare. Is it really so difficult to take him in his arms and make room for any of the standing people?

And how do you look at this situation? Would you give up a place?

We also read: Why should a child sit in public transport? 7 arguments for a sane mom

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  1. Dmitry

    Yes, such a stereotype has developed in Russia and is reflected in public transport, where places for disabled people and passengers with children are indicated, although it would be right to take into account the role of the able-bodied population in improving the welfare of society and at least provide for it by decision of local authorities from 16.30 and later remove the privilege in the allocation of special places in public transport, at least for passengers with children, leaving for disabled people, that’s the whole solution to the problem.

  2. Anna

    I think that in such situations it’s necessary to put such arrogant “grandmothers” in their place. I understand that if she held a child in her arms for 2–3 years, it would just be bent on her and bad manners in a clean form. Of course, not everyone is ready to conflict, it is easier to get up and give way.But you need to fight against rudeness and set the right example for children!

  3. Irina

    I would like to know how other countries relate to such situations? After all, when such a boy grows up, he will never get up and give way to older people! I think that we need to teach our children and grandchildren to give way to those who are really tired, older and especially women, because men are stronger, but this is in my opinion !!!

  4. Ekaterina

    You know, the problem is to give way to a scourge .... when the pregnant woman was traveling, the women several times gave way to the subway, and then the women, apparently those who themselves were in the position .... of the men, no one ... it’s evident that they were driving from the mine or from the same grandmother ...
    More than once she traveled with her son for 2-3 years in a minibus ... no one will give in ... I won’t ask ... my son is strong and hardy, it’s 10 minutes ... it’s like my mother went (63 years) with my son .... nobody ... and it’s okay, some grannies were on the bus, no, young men, girls 18-25 ... probably they were coming from the fields ... my mother didn’t ask either ...
    Well, as they say, who studied what and how brought up ....
    My son is 4 years old, I always take it in my hands if there are a lot of people ... and my child calmly rides while standing, if all the places are occupied ....
    Be polite to each other)

  5. Elena

    Also got into this situation. I am convinced that from 10 years old, children, boys or girls should give way to adults. This is an elementary education.

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