Your child is 2 years old: 10 golden rules for parenting

So you celebrated your child’s second birthday. Now he walks well, sleeps once during the day, knows how to use a spoon on his own. He really wants to communicate with you. Although the vocabulary is still small, he can express a lot of them and is very happy when adults understand him. Every day, your baby will surprise you more and more, mastering new skills. In this article, we will allow ourselves some tips on raising a two-year-old child, tested on life experience.

child 2 years

Try to spend more time with your child

Some mothers believe that in two years the baby is already able to occupy himself and do not need to be constantly around. This is a fallacy: he is still too small and really needs your participation. Another mistake is to think that it is necessary to speak with such a small one in a special children's language, poking and distorting words. The child understands your intonation very well, and many words are familiar to him. Your speech should be a model for him. When laying the baby to sleep, make it a rule to read children's books for him. Suppose he still cannot catch the plot, but the music of words captivates him, bringing aesthetic pleasure.

Do not forget about outdoor games with a child

A two-year-old child is not able to sit in one place for a long time, he likes to run, jump, sweeping everything in his path. If he built a tower from cubes, then he definitely wants to destroy it so that the cubes scatter in different directions. No need to scold him for this, but you need to direct physical activity in a positive direction. Play a ball with him on the street, run along for soap bubbles, try to dance to funny music.

child 2 years old outdoor games

Teach your kid to communicate with children

Two-year-old children still have poor contact with the same kids. They do not understand why it is impossible to take other people's toys, why you need to share yours. Communication with older children is much more productive in these kids, they tend to imitate them in everything: make cakes out of sand, lay a doll to sleep, or ride a slide. Help your child join the children's company - these are his first steps in the team, which will have to be contacted in kindergarten and school.

Help baby talk

Some parents are very worried when their two-year-old child stubbornly does not want to speak or manage with five to ten words. Introduce your son or daughter with new objects, phenomena, calling them several times.Use every opportunity to expand the vocabulary of the baby. Do not forget about the development of fine motor skills, which, according to psychologists, is closely related to speech. Therefore, give the child plasticine, a designer with large parts, a toy sorter.

We also read: The development of children's speech with the help of Mercibo games

Don't forget about music

The child imagines what music is. He heard the first tunes from his mother’s lips when she sang lullabies to him. Give your child a device that plays simple children's songs, sing with him. 2 years is not at all too early to start practicing music.

child 2 years of employment

Introduce your child to the basics of counting

Already at such an early age it is necessary to lay the foundation for the development of the mathematical abilities of the child. Teach him to count. To do this, consider for yourself and offer the baby to count toys, fingers, trees, cups and any other items. Develop analytical skills: with the help of pictures, teach to distinguish between what is more and what is less. Rejoice together if the answers are correct.

It's time to learn to distinguish colors

A two-year-old baby is attracted to bright objects. It's time to teach him to distinguish colors. Introduce it to the main colors: red, yellow, green, orange, blue, white, black. Arrange the game, ask to find an object of a certain color (you can use colored pencils). A little later buy him watercolors: the child will be happy to mix colors.

Ask a question often: what ...?

The development of thinking is facilitated by the ability to determine the basic properties of objects surrounding a child. Ask more often: what is this subject? Soon, the baby will learn to determine its property: cold, warm, large, small, hard, soft. The more definitions you give, the broader the horizons of the baby.

2-year-old child

Do not allow aggression towards children and adults, towards animals

At the slightest manifestation of aggression, explain to the child that this cannot be done. What seems harmless now (think of it, tugging a cat by the tail, throwing sand at children or stepping on grandfather’s foot) may turn into further cruelty.

More manifestations of love

Remember that a two year old child is still very young. He so needs your love and affection. Hug and kiss him more often, pick him up. It is very important for a child to experience positive emotions, without them normal development is impossible.

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