10 signs of children's addiction to computer games and the Internet: harm from a computer

Modern children from the cradle know what a computer is, and by the year they already use a mouse and click on the keyboard buttons. The close "communication" of the child with the computer causes an ambiguous attitude: on the one hand, it’s really nowhere without a computer. On the other hand, constant sitting at the computer is fraught with serious consequences. The most dangerous of them is the formation in a child of a computer dependence, which is a real disease requiring treatment.

computer addiction

Reasons and types of dependence

Computer addiction in children is, first of all, a departure from reality, therefore the main reason for the desire to leave the virtual world head on is the lack of something in reality. Children may lack attention and participation from parents, self-confidence, recognition in the company of peers. As a result, the child is trying to satisfy his real needs not in the real, but in the virtual world.

Dependence can be of two types:

  1. Gambling addiction (cyberdication) - addiction to computer games. Some games are personalized, that is, a person plays on behalf of a specific hero, building up power, conquering cities, acquiring superpowers. In this case, we can talk about role dependence. In other games, there is no character as such, but the essence of the game is in the set of points, getting a win. In this case, the dependence is non-role.
  2. Network Addiction (Setegolism). This is a child’s dependence on the Internet, which can manifest itself in different forms, but in the global sense there is one thing - a person does not think his life without going online. Sitting time in social networks, chat rooms, listening to music - these are options for network addiction. Even harmless internet surfing is a type of network addiction, because a person spends a lot of time viewing and reading completely unnecessary information, going from link to link.

When to sound an alarm: 10 signs of computer addiction

Both children and adults are subject to computer addiction, however, in children, addiction is formed much faster. The sooner the child becomes familiar with the computer, the more likely it is that the computer will crowd out real life. You can recognize the dependence of the child by the following signs.

  1. The child cannot use the computer within the established boundaries. Even if there is a preliminary agreement, he cannot tear himself away from the computer in time, and attempts to restore order and remove him from the computer end in hysteria.
  2. The child does not perform the tasks assigned to him. Usually, children always have household chores: to wash the dishes, clean their things, take a walk with the dog. A dependent child cannot plan his time and skips homework, sitting up at a computer.
  3. Being at the computer is becoming more preferable than chatting with relatives or friends. Even family holidays and trips to visit are no exception.
  4. Even natural needs can not make the child distract from the network, so he doesn’t leave his phone / tablet either for food or in the bath.
  5. The child is constantly in search of devices from which you can go online or play. If you pick up a tablet or computer from him, he will immediately pick up the phone. READ DETAILS: The effect of the tablet on the child: 10 reasons to say “NO”! -https://kid.htgetrid.com/en/eto-polezno-znat/vliyanie-plansheta-na-rebenka-10-prichin-skazat-planshetu-net.html
  6. The child communicates mainly on the network, constantly makes new friends there, which remain in the virtual world. Even with real friends (classmates, friends), the child prefers to communicate on the Internet.
  7. The child neglects his studies: does not do homework, becomes absent-minded, messy, academic performance decreases.
  8. Depriving a computer causes a "break": the child becomes aggressive, irritable.
  9. In the absence of a computer, the child does not know what to do, it’s impossible to interest him.
  10. The child does not dedicate you to what he does online. Any inquiries cause a negative reaction.

Recommended for watching a video: computer addiction - how we kill children:


Video 2 - Internet addiction in adolescents:

Computer damage

Presentation: “Computer: benefit or harm”. Completed: student of 6 "B" class, Mulasheva Elina (clickable):

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The constant presence of both adults and children at the computer has already become a familiar picture, which is why parents risk underestimating the danger of dependence on games or the Internet. In reality, dependence on a computer has negative consequences for both the body and the psyche. Moreover, when it comes to children, these consequences are deeper and difficult to eliminate, because the body and psyche of the growing man are still being formed.

  • Electromagnetic radiation. Like any electrical appliance, a computer, tablet or laptop emits electromagnetic waves. Constantly affecting the children's body, this radiation triggers pathological processes in it that can lead to hormonal disruptions, autoimmune diseases, disorders of the nervous system and even cancer;
  • Mental overstrain. With a constant presence at the computer, such a stream of various information collapses on the child that his brain is not able to perceive and process all this. This creates an excessive load on the nervous system and leads to mental overstrain, children become impulsive, irritable, and display aggression;
  • Hypodynamia and its consequences. The sedentary lifestyle that all computer-dependent children lead is reflected in the entire body. The child's immunity decreases, fatigue increases, sleep is disturbed. Very often there are headaches, dizziness. There are problems with the spine - stoop, osteochondrosis. From the constant presence of the hand on the mouse, a tunnel syndrome develops, which manifests itself in pain when moving with your fingers and wrist;
  • Visual impairment. Even a modern and well-tuned monitor negatively affects vision. Vision begins to decline after six months of constant sitting at the computer. In addition to reducing visual acuity, there is a syndrome of "dry eye", manifested by pain in the eyes, the sensation of sand falling into the eyes, constant itching in the eyes;

  • Overstrain of the cervical spine and its consequences. From a long sitting position, especially if the height of the table and chair is not adjusted correctly, the vessels of the brain suffer. They are squeezed, and this leads to poor blood supply, and it in turn leads to migraines, oxygen starvation, distraction.Sometimes there is a cerebral form of vegetative-vascular dystonia, manifested in constant headaches, semi-fainting conditions;
  • Polza-i-vred-interneta-dlya-detejjMoral injury. Even despite the existence of programs for parental control over the behavior of the child at the computer, it is impossible to completely filter out the information. Scenes of cruelty, violence, aggressive behavior, obscene expressions, pornography fall on children from a computer screen. This stream of unwanted information undermines normal moral principles and values, children simply stop distinguishing what is good and what is bad in this world;
  • Narrowing horizons and low erudition. Computer-dependent children have a very narrow range of interests: games, chats, social networks, forums. Reading books and hobbies fall out of the life of the child, which greatly affects his development. In addition, literacy decreases and the ability to formulate and express one’s thoughts worsens, because communication on the network takes place in the form of short messages, often in slang and without spelling and punctuation;
  • Reduced need for communication and communication skills. The virtual world displaces the natural need for communication with people, the child becomes more withdrawn, he does not find topics for conversation in real life, he cannot maintain a dialogue, he cannot negotiate and solve the most ordinary issues of everyday life with words.

We also read:

About the dangers of the computer:

It is very difficult to get rid of computer addiction, and most likely you will need the help of a psychologist. This “disease” changes the child’s lifestyle so much that the usual options for spending time in reality simply cease to exist for him, and it’s very difficult to captivate him. However, do not take the computer as an absolute evil. If its use by the child will be under the control of adults, the computer will become assistants in learning and development.

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  1. Paul

    The main thing is not to start the process. If the child is used to it, it is unlikely that you will change anything, especially if the parents are weak-minded. I'm trying to attach my own to real games that develop not only intelligence, but also the musculoskeletal system.

  2. Albina

    My son is 4 years old and I try not to let him to the computer at all. It's just that it is harmful and especially bad for the psyche of the child. I would not want my child to have mental abnormalities.

  3. Svetlana

    I am categorically opposed to letting children to the computer. Look, let us play and run outside like we do. They will be healthier, both morally and physically.

  4. Anastasia

    Personally, I think that a computer should be used only for study or some educational purposes. Everything else is categorically not.this is especially true for toys.

  5. Novel


  6. Vera

    Some kind of strange commentators.
    What did the children take from the streets? Nothing.
    Is a computer necessary for training, or are you not aware that paper diaries have not been in schools for a long time?
    Children will still be online. But we must constantly remind them that the computer is not the only area of ​​life. It would be nice if the children were engaged in additional training: sports, music. or artist. schools, circles and sections. Then there will be less time for stupid sitting at the computer.

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