What is important for husbands to remember about wives on maternity leave?

Why is the idea of ​​men about wives in the decree not always true? For a man, his wife on maternity leave is like on vacation. A spouse who has nothing to do, who has a lot of time, suddenly becomes irritable, groomed, often refuses affection, referring to fatigue - what is the reason for such changes? What do husbands need to know about the delights of maternity leave and how to help a spouse avoid depression?

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Men, mistakenly believing that the decree resembles a vacation, often expect too much from their other half. In their opinion, a wife should always be blooming, joyful, smiling and trouble-free, because she does nothing all day. Expectations of the stronger sex can be understood - they are busy making money that they completely spend on their families, sometimes denying themselves a lot.

Not receiving the desired response, the husbands are disappointed, thinking that they are no longer loved and appreciated. The sequel is known - disorder of relations, search for a mistress, divorce. To avoid such problems, it is important for men to understand how difficult it is to take care of a child on maternity leave.

Lack of visible results

While on maternity leave, a woman performs many tasks a day, but she does not see the results of her own activities. For comparison - at the workplace, each action has a logical conclusion, for example, a deal is made, a report is made, the car is repaired. Ultimately, the person performing this work receives a monetary reward for it.


Everything is different in the decree - the washed dishes immediately appear in the sink again, the cooked food disappears almost instantly. And from time to time, mother can’t finish the job at the end, because a small child constantly makes adjustments to her plans. A typical situation is that a woman began to iron clothes, but the baby woke up, which means that ironing is postponed, because the child needs to be fed. If the baby is capricious, mom should reassure him, play with him, change the diaper. Then it was time to get ready for a walk, now again no time for ironing.

The constant lack of results brings women on maternity leave to depression. This condition is associated with a lack of dopamine hormone, which is produced when a person receives satisfaction from the work done.

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Lack of gratitude

The daily routine, accompanied by a lack of gratitude, deprives women on maternity leave of joy and motivation. If family members - husband and children, do not say a simple “thank you,” the hearth keepers have nowhere to find strength to do numerous household chores. The awareness that you are doing the right job, that your relatives value your efforts, inspires women.So that the wife and mother do not suffer from depression, she needs to be thanked for the care shown - for the cleanliness of the house and for a delicious lunch.

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Work from dawn to dusk

img20140218212827_9134A woman’s working day on maternity leave begins long before the household wakes up, because she needs to feed her husband before leaving, cook a fresh porridge for the baby. In the evening, when the children fell asleep, she cannot allow herself to rest until she tidies the rooms and washed the dishes. During the day, mothers also have almost no time to calmly drink tea or lie down. Do not forget that often a small child wakes up at night to eat or drink. Around-the-clock work regime is an overwhelming burden that has been shouldered on women's shoulders. It is important to understand how difficult it is for a wife and appreciate her efforts.

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Monotonous atmosphere and lack of communication

When a child appears in the family, the woman’s communication with her friends almost comes to naught. The newly minted mother loses touch with the work team, and her whole environment is a baby and a husband. Perhaps the spouse believes that the second half is enough to talk with other mummies in the playground or in the clinic. However, this communication cannot be called full-fledged and inspiring, because in conversations of unfamiliar women only topics of life and upbringing of children are affected. The same atmosphere and lack of time for meetings with friends affect women depressingly.

Understanding the problems that a wife faces on maternity leave will help maintain a good relationship with each other and avoid family breakup.


special vacation wife

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  1. Olya

    C'mon, my husband understood everything. Yes, and I, of course, tried to behave normally, not to arrange for no reason tantrums, not to refuse sex and so on. She also tried to devote time to herself, to remain as beautiful as she was before childbirth. Much generally depends on the woman, some just throw themselves and her husband, and devote time only to the child. And it’s impossible, you need to find time for everything.

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