TOP 10 instructions that a father should pass to his son

It is a pity that a deep understanding of really important things usually comes to us with experience, when there is not much time left for their conscious application. When you understand the life principles that you need to follow in order to find happiness, there is an opportunity to share them with your children. What 10 instructions should a loving father give to his son? So listen and remember, son.


1. What is the duty of a real man?

It is believed that a real man is one who, during his life, was able to plant a tree, build a house and raise a son. In fact, the mission of a worthy man is not limited only to these factors, because the responsibility of the head of the family is assigned to him. He is a reliable support for his loved ones. Creating a friendly strong family and preserving it is much more difficult than building a house - but if you put a lot of effort, it is possible.


A real man is the patron, protector of his wife, in addition, he becomes her companion for life. Like the captain of a ship, he indicates the right course of life. A man understands that he is obliged to develop his own talents bestowed on him from birth and use them for the benefit of others.

A real man is the captain of a ship, pointing the way in the ocean of life.

3. Take care of your health

Possessing good health, we do not value it; this is what you do not notice while it is there. But when it worsens with age, we make every effort to get it back, we begin to regret that we did not care about him, we begin to heal, we try to regain our former physical condition - we begin to exercise regularly, to temper. But we understand with bitterness: all this does not give the positive effect that would have been if we had done these things earlier, from a young age. That is why you need to take care of your health while still young, take care and value it, while there is a chance to control the situation.

To maintain good health, it’s not enough just not to abuse alcohol and not to smoke. You need to eat properly, subject your body to physical activity every day, because movement is life. Our ancestors led an active lifestyle, they went hunting, cultivated the land, equipped their homes, so they did not know about diseases such as varicose veins, stroke, prostatitis and others.


A real man, in addition to caring for physical health, must also maintain spiritual well-being, while maintaining a positive attitude. He understands - if something bad has already happened, you should not hang your nose and grieve, you need to think about how to fix the situation.If nothing bad has happened so far, then there is no need to worry, because there is no reason to worry. It is important to remember - the physical health of a person directly depends on the state of the nervous system.

3. Appreciate the time

Time is a valuable resource that cannot be made up. Only one life has been given to us and no one knows when it will end, so it’s stupid to spend it on empty things. Having wasted the time allotted to you in vain, you can be left with nothing. What is it worth spending your life on? - the achievement of happiness, and it directly depends on whether you live in harmony with true values, and this - family, health and love. It should be understood - love is multifaceted, it is not only attachment to another person, it is also the ability to value yourself, your neighbors, your activity, the world around you.


Many people mistakenly believe that happiness can be achieved with money, for most people today they have become almost an idol. In fact, money brings satisfaction only when a person has already achieved harmony and happiness in his life. If there is no harmony and happiness in life, then money only fills it deeper and deeper with despair and apathy. Time is priceless, so you should manage it wisely - spend only on achieving true values, so that in the end you will not be left with nothing.

You must have heard the phrase “Time is money” repeatedly. So: no, time is not money, and its value cannot be determined by any amounts. It is priceless.

Remember: money creates happiness only when you are already happy!

4. Constantly study life

It is very important for a man to get a good education, but the training that life itself provides is even more important. We need to learn to learn from both our own and those of others. The modern world is in constant motion, offering us new knowledge and opportunities, and in order to keep up with it, a man must keep his mind open for new experiences, for new knowledge - a man must constantly develop and achieve perfection. Every day, try to learn something new for your development - do not neglect reading, assimilate information, reflecting on it. It is the analysis that allows us to check how far we are from the true path, and thinking helps to separate the main from the secondary and make plans for the future.

dad and son

Education in the SCHOOL of LIFE is fraught with difficulties - more than once you have to fall and make mistakes. The main thing is not to give up, but to continue moving in the chosen direction. Do not complain about your fate, showing weakness. A real man will gather all his strength into a fist and will act decisively, going towards his goal. It is important to learn to evaluate failures not as an occasion to stop moving towards a goal, but as a chance to correct the situation in order to achieve success without fail.

You will be mistaken, fall ... Know: this is normal, because it is no secret that only one who does nothing is not mistaken. The main thing is not to step on the same rake, and if you fall, get up and move on, no matter how you like to continue to lie and complain about your fate or other people. Remember: you did not lose until you reconciled to your defeat. The so-called failures are just feedback, showing what we did wrong, and thus giving us a chance to correct the error and achieve success.

5. Real men work hard

According to Darwin’s teachings, humans are descended from monkeys. Today, many resemble these animals - in their life they are guided only by instincts. Hard work, as well as a persistent desire to go to their goals, makes such a person real. If you want to achieve success, and not be content only with temporary well-being, set a specific goal, persistently move towards it, do not stop acting! One famous person said that perseverance and perseverance will not replace anything - neither talent, nor genius, nor a prestigious education. Strength and power only in perseverance. He urgently urged to push forward - towards his goal.


“Make your way forward: nothing in the world can replace perseverance. She is not replaced by talent - there is nothing more ordinary than talented losers. Genius does not replace it - an unrealized genius has already become a parable in languages. She is not replaced by a good education - the world is full of educated outcasts. Almighty is only perseverance and perseverance. ”

6. Clear your thoughts of negativity

Negative thoughts can ruin our lives, and a positive attitude promotes creativity. According to the laws of the universe, we attract into our lives what our thoughts are filled with. Therefore, you need to try to think in a positive way, purifying your mind from the negative - fear, worries, resentment. Learning to notice the good, enjoy the pleasant moments, we create a favorable soil for amazing changes for the better in the future. Be sure to forgive yourself and other people for their mistakes, so as not to burden your soul with an overwhelming burden that prevents you from moving forward. Use the power of thought not to destroy, but to build your life.


Thoughts are material. You attract to yourself what you think. Do not let negative thoughts, ideas, and images fill your essence and unbalance you. Drive away pessimism and tune yourself only for good - then it will rush to you from all sides.

7. Listen to the voice of the heart

In life, a man will have to make many decisions, even when he does not have information or arguments in favor of one or another option. What to do then? It is worth listening to your heart, it is very rarely mistaken, especially if you are in harmony with yourself and the world around you.

8. Do not compromise with your conscience

A person is endowed with a special gift - a conscience, which, like a compass, tells the right direction to our actions. Never ignore her voice, act in harmony with her. A man can make a compromise in some matter, the outcome of which does not quite suit him, but you should never act contrary to his conscience. The consequences can be sad - having committed a dishonorable act, for example, meanness or betrayal, a person gives negative energy to the outside world. After some time, she will definitely return to him as a boomerang, and in excess. Try to do only good deeds, thereby radiating creative energy, so that the Universe rewards you with its warmth and cordiality. Remember the golden rule that Christ himself once said: “Do this to others in such a way that you would like to be treated with you.”

father and son

Having acted dirty, dishonest, mean, you can fall a victim to your own inner emotional crisis: everything that we send to the outside world sooner or later will certainly come back to us like a boomerang. Moreover, as a rule, in an increased size. Make sure that the energy radiated by you around you is bright, kind, warming - and the Universe will certainly answer you with warmth and cordiality.

9. Harness Fear

The fear inherent in us by nature has an important function - it protects us from dangers that could harm life and health. But there is another fear that interferes with moving forward. It paralyzes determination and will, forcing us to retreat from our intended goal. This is a fear of change, uncertainty about one's own success, fear of defeat. It is important to learn to distinguish between true and imaginary fear in order to constantly learn something new and cope with difficulties. Here is just one example - if a child succumbed to fear of the first steps, was afraid of falls, he could never learn to walk. Never let the fear of failure take control of you, do not stop fighting and go forward.


You have to learn to distinguish between real and imaginary dangers. The fact is that we are developing, overcoming fear. Do not be afraid to move forward: while standing still, you actually move backward - there is no standing position.

10 Learn to be humble

What is humility? This is an acceptance of circumstances that we cannot influence.In the life of every person there is something that he cannot change - his past, weather conditions, death and the passage of time are not subject to us. However, the strength of man is to learn how to change their own attitude to the circumstances. Having learned humility, you will be able to maintain peace of mind whenever you encounter hopelessness, and this is the key to your health and harmony with the world around you.

It is impossible to master all the acquired knowledge at once, but it is worth taking note of them and starting to apply them in your life. If you are courageous and reasonable, then soon any situation will be resolved in the best way for you. When you have a son, be sure to give him these instructions, because the chain should not break.

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  1. Olya

    I will add one more thing that the father should teach the child - to take everything good from the father, but ignore everything bad that is in him. Yes. This is hard. Here the child should try, and the father.

  2. Alexandra

    The father presented here must pass many instructions not only to his son, but also to his daughter. I believe that another important instruction of the father should be: respect and value the parents.

For Mom

For Dad
