The most unforgettable childhood memories

childhood memoriesFor every person there are probably some of the most unforgettable memories from childhood. Undoubtedly, there are not very pleasant memories, but there are those that will always warm the soul and cause a smile. So that your children in the future have as many pleasant childhood memories as possible, you need to proceed as follows:

  • Open your child to the world of books. Joint reading contributes to the development of imagination and thinking, makes a pleasant impression and leaves indelible memories of joint fabulous travels.
  • Learn to listen and hear your baby. Even once asking a child to wait with a question or request, you can greatly offend him. No need to ask the child to wait a bit, answer now, because then it will be too late, not relevant. And it is unlikely that in fifteen minutes you will become more free. It is very typical for modern parents to occupy a child with anything, only so that he does not take away their precious time and does not take them away from work. But they all forget that the child is more important than any business, that work can wait, and the child grows deprived of attention and care.
  • Hug your children as often as possible. In the tight embrace of the mother, the baby feels all the parental warmth and care. Constant hugs allow him to grow a careless self-confident person, and give him a certain sense of security.
  • Create your little family ritual, tradition, which will not only be a pleasant entertainment and pastime, but also leave an indelible mark on the memory of your child. Then he will be able to tell about it to his children and grandchildren.
  • Have dinner with the whole family. Due to the crazy rhythm of modern life, it is quite difficult to get together with the whole family and have dinner together. But it is very important that at least one meal is held in the family circle. This will positively affect the relationship between family members and will bring a lot of pleasant emotions.
  • Feel free to tell your child about your feelings for him. Many parents consider this an excess and that such a manifestation of emotions can spoil the baby, but this is not so. Each person is pleased and important to hear and know that they love him. This instills a sense of confidence and enhances self-esteem.
  • Arrange holidays. Joint preparations and celebrations will make your life richer and brighter. Celebrate the small successes and great achievements of your child, give him a holiday. This will stimulate him to new achievements. Do not forget to support him in all his endeavors.
  • Play with your kids. It is rare to meet a mother who chases the ball or makes a grit of sand with her child. And children need adults to share their interests. If you are bored of playing dolls or rolling cars, come up with an activity that will be interesting for all family members. It's so cute to have fun together! This will unite family members, bring a lot of pleasure and make you feel like a child again. So naive, carefree and sincere.
  • Follow the promise. Many parents often promise, but do not fulfill the promise. This seriously injures the child, and he ceases to trust them, which leads to the fact that he himself begins to lie. It is also unforgivable to forget memorable and important dates from the life of a child. For example, a birthday or New Year's party. Believe me, if due to your busyness you missed an important day or event, it can seriously hurt a child.
  • Love your children. Not only in words, but in deeds. Show them how dear they are to you, how important they are to you, and your child will be incredibly happy.

Only parents can influence the future of their children and make it happy, give children love, care, affection, talk with them. While they are small, they need you. And only on you how bright will be the childhood memories of your children!

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[sc: rsa]

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  1. Vera

    Family dinner is really important because it creates unity in the family and from my own experience I can say that when the family does not eat in the place, it is depressing. So in my family we always eat together.

  2. Lucy

    We have a crumb should appear from day to day and I want to thank you for giving advice on how to behave so that my child will be the happiest.

  3. Anna

    I will definitely follow your advice, because for me it is important how my child will feel, happy or not. I hope I do everything right.

  4. Arina

    All this is really important, because it is these actions that show how much parents value their child and the child feels it, understands it.

  5. Alice

    So do I. in fact, like any mother, I want my child to be happy. So I will do everything that you described and I hope that from childhood my child will have only good memories.

For Mom

For Dad
